Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C341 Giant Wave

C341 Giant Wave

Yu Yue took advantage of the moment when Devil Wind Giant King raised his mace and charged at it.    


The scepter in his hand trembled rapidly, and countless sword flowers appeared in front of him.    


The sword flowers looked very strange, as if they had a pattern that could be followed, and they were divided into upper and lower branches. The sword flowers quickly formed and became more and more concentrated. Very quickly, a huge shadow of a dragon head appeared in front of him!    


Black Dragon Bite!    


The huge black dragon head opened its mouth wide, revealing rows of sinister teeth. It suddenly bit down and swallowed half of Devil Wind Giant King's body!    


The shadow disappeared, and a terrifying wound appeared on Devil Wind Giant King's body. The wound started from his waist, and it started circling around his body. Black blood was flowing out from his body.    


Even when Yu Yue and Shangguan Zhitao joined hands just now, they did not cause such a deep wound on his body!    


Shangguan Zhitao followed closely behind. Her body quickly approached and the cold light in her hand flickered continuously. She had also used a skill. Blood red damage continuously appeared on Devil Wind Giant King's body.    


It howled in pain, but no matter how hard it swung its stick, it was unable to hit the two of them.    


Even so, it was still entangled with the two of them for a long time before it finally fell to the ground.    


As expected of a Gold Level BOSS, its health was really high.    


Even Yu Yue felt that it was very difficult to deal with. He let out a long breath after Devil Wind Giant King fell to the ground.    


"This is really unfortunate. As soon as I fell into it, I encountered a king level monster." He sighed with emotion. He went forward to search for Devil Wind Giant King's corpse, but he didn't find anything.    


"No... I think you guys are lucky..."    


In the sky, Spirit Wind God suddenly circled down from the cave. When he was fighting Devil Wind Giant King just now, he had disappeared without a trace.    


Yu Yue was stunned. ... "Why?"    


Shangguan Zhitao was also very confused. She suddenly realized something and the torch in her hand reached forward.    


The dim light of the torch shone in front of them. Under the light of the torch, countless monsters that looked exactly like Devil Wind Giant King appeared in the darkness.    


Their eyes were filled with a dark halo. They held huge wolf-tooth clubs in their hands. They looked at the two of them with terrifying expressions.    


Yu Yue smiled bitterly. "This... how should I say this..."    


He looked around. There were at least 20 monsters around him, and the number was still increasing!    


One Devil Wind Giant after another appeared.    


A Level 35 Gold Boss, in the outside world, was a powerful existence that could threaten the life and death of a town!    


And now, there were actually so many of them gathered here. If so many Devil Wind Giant were to be used at the same time, it would be easy to flatten a central town!    


"How is it? Do you need my help?" Spirit Wind God hovered in the air above the two of them.    


Yu Yue calmed down quickly after he was shocked. He shook his head and said, "I don't need you to do anything to me. You just need to use your power to deal with Octo Neal."    


It wasn't a big deal to fight a group of people.    


Spirit Wind God said with relief, "That's right. If I have to use my strength at this level, it's better to return to the prefecture as soon as possible. The road ahead was still long, and Octo Neal's strength was beyond your imagination. Enemies of this level could only be your practice tools, and not your problems! "    


These words sounded pleasant to the ears. There were more than 20 Gold Level BOSSes, and all of them were one level higher than him.    


Shangguan Zhitao had already prepared herself for battle and was ready to fight.    


Yu leapt forward and said, "Control their HP before it gets bigger, and then kill them one by one."    


Shangguan Zhitao nodded her head. She had complete trust in Yue's strength. Even though she had followed him for a long time, she still felt that this man was unfathomable and would always reveal shocking strength.    


Yu Yue had already made a plan in his heart.    


Although Gold Level Bosses were scary, they were not random.    


The Devil Wind Giant King in front of him, although he was powerful, he was a creature with two different levels of strength before and after the transformation. The increase in numbers was even more so.    


Imagine, if the twenty Devil Wind Giant King transformed at the same time, the wolf-tooth club would grow at the same time, and the twenty plus wolf-tooth clubs would swing down at the same time, covering the sky and covering the earth. How could they stop it?    


He had to avoid this situation.    


Then, he thought of a way for the barbarians of Spirit Wind Village to deal with the Devil Giant. He controlled their health to a certain range, and activated their mutation one by one.    


Devil Wind Giant King and the others didn't give the two of them any time to think. With the wolf-tooth club in their hands and the fierce hurricane, they rushed forward at the same time.    


Spirit Wind God flew into the sky and hid far away.    


The Devil Wind Giant group was like a black wave. The two of them rolled into it at the same time and started fighting.    


Their numbers finally stopped increasing, and finally, they maintained at around thirty. Yu Yue did not know if all the monsters in the darkness had gathered here, but the surrounding monsters had all been attracted here.    


Thirty Devil Wind Giant King sounded very scary, but in fact, when they fought, they found that the pressure they created wasn't as overlapping as one plus one.    


Because their attacking methods were limited, they only dealt damage by swinging their wolf-tooth clubs. That was why they could exert pressure on one person for a moment. However, there were only four of them. The others could only surround and watch.    


This was only when they were in human form. If they became bigger, their space would be even smaller. For a moment, only two of them could create pressure.    


Yu Yue and Shangguan Zhitao had both worked hard in the pile of giants in eight months. They already had enough experience to deal with giants.    


Although the strength of these giants was stronger than the Devil Wind Giant and the Devil Giant, their speed and strength were also high, their attack methods were not much different.    


Therefore, dealing with them was not as strenuous as he had imagined. Both of them maintained a very good rhythm as they shuttled through the monster horde, causing a large amount of damage at the same time.    


The real danger would be when their health points dropped to the level of alertness, becoming massive, and creating a terrifying storm.    


Time passed quickly. Both of them were paying close attention to the health points of the monsters during their attacks, so no monsters suddenly mutated.    


"It's about time!" Shangguan Zhitao shouted in the crowd of monsters.    


Yu Yue nodded. He also noticed that Devil Wind Giant King's HP had been pulled to a limit.    


Once this limit was broken, they would become enormous.    


Yu Yue looked for one of the Devil Wind Giant King. "Kill this one first."    


After that, he took the lead and rushed forward, slashing at the chosen Devil Wind Giant King's body.    


In an instant, Devil Wind Giant King's entire body suddenly trembled. Light erupted from his eyes, and he began to rapidly absorb the surrounding air.    


It was about to release a wind shock wave!    


Yu Yue was also ready to fight. The scepter in his hand was in position, and he was ready to release the mirror sword at any time to deflect the wind shock wave.    


He had to be careful not to injure the other monsters. It would not be good if he could cause Devil Wind Giant King to mutate at the same time.    


However, right at this moment.    


Like a plague, Devil Wind Giant King, who had been attacked, was in the same state - he was absorbing the air and spreading rapidly to the surrounding Devil Wind Giant King.    


Devil Wind Giant King and the others were crazily absorbing the surrounding air as if they had been injected with stimulants. Black light flickered in their eyes.    


Yu Yue's eyes widened.    


What the heck... What is going on?!    


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