Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C297 Demon Wind Island

C297 Demon Wind Island

As for the reason Shangguan Zhitao came here, he didn't ask anymore.    


"Next, I'm going to explore this Devil Wind Island. I wonder what your plan is?"    


She said, "I'm not familiar with this place either. I'll explore it with you." She paused for a moment. She continued, "When I left just now, I also investigated the surrounding forest. From high up in the sky, I could see that this large area was filled with forests. I found a stream. That stream is clear, it should be able to be used as a water source."    


When he heard her mention water sources, Yu Yue remembered something very important - food.    


On this island, he still did not know what the so-called threat was, and what the situation on this island was. The days they wanted to stay were unknown, so food naturally became an indispensable reserve.    


As his level increased, the adventurer's need for food also greatly decreased, but with his level, he had yet to reach the stage where he could survive without eating for a few months.    


In order to be safe, he had prepared a lot of dried meat in his Space Bracelet as a reserve. However, if he did not have a source of food, he could not afford to consume it. The two of them could finish eating the dried meat in fifteen days at most. And this clear water was naturally more important than dried meat.    


He said: "Water, That's good, of course. Let's go there and take a look first. If we really don't have any clues, we might as well follow this stream and explore upwards. It would be safer. "    


Shangguan Zhitao nodded, agreeing with Yu Yue's idea.    


He said again, "I wonder if you have food? I have dried meat on me. It can be for the two of us to eat for half a month."    


Shangguan Zhitao nodded. "Yes."    


As she spoke, she stretched out her hand. Her jade-like hand was slender and white. On her palm, a piece of dried peach that should be made of peaches appeared. She waved the dried peach at Yu Yue. "I have a lot of dried fruits like this on me. If we calculate it, it should be enough for us to eat for half a month."    


Yu Yue nodded. This way, they would be able to have a month's worth of food. A month's time should be enough for them to find this so-called threat and solve it.    


In his heart, he had already regarded Shangguan Zhitao as his own combat strength.    


After using the Devil Wind Scroll, it disappeared. It could be said that he had no way to leave this place at this moment. As for Shangguan Zhitao, she had followed him in, so naturally she would not have any way of leaving.    


Now, it seemed that if he didn't resolve the so-called threat of Devil Wind Island, they would definitely not be able to leave, so she would also help him fight.    


Yu Yue was looking forward to it. She was afraid of even the mysterious Bai Lang. A guy with a resounding title like White Night Divine Thief. Being able to become Divine Thief, not only was her empty hand technique powerful, her strength should also be very powerful. It was really unexpected that she had a strong fighter.    


Thus, the two of them moved and walked towards the water source that Shangguan Zhitao mentioned.    


Along the way, there were no words. Shangguan Zhitao naturally would not specially find a topic to talk about. For a moment, Yu Yue did not know what topic to find, so the two of them walked in silence.    


Fortunately, Shangguan Zhitao did not walk very far at that time, so the two of them quickly arrived at the stream she talked about.    


This was indeed a very clear stream that was three to four meters wide. The stream was clear to the bottom, and there were no fishes, but the mud and stones at the bottom of the stream could be clearly seen.    


The stream gurgled. It was not stagnant water, but precious live water.    


"Oh, what a good stream!" Yu Yue walked closer and felt that this stream was more and more adorable. He bent down and washed his hands first, then picked up the clear stream and drank it.    


This stream was cool and even had a slight sweetness to it. When he drank it into his stomach, he naturally felt comfortable all over his body. He drank a few big mouthfuls of it in pain, and only when he was satisfied did he let out a long breath.    


When he raised his head, he saw Shangguan Zhitao who was also squatting down and drinking the clear water. Her movements were much lighter than Yu Yue's. Her sparkling red lips sipped the clear water in her jade white hands. The beauty seemed to have merged with this forest and stream, becoming an extremely beautiful painting.    


He admired this scene and momentarily forgot about time. When the beauty in the painting raised her head, her eyes met his.    


She was somewhat flustered by Yu Yue's gaze. "You... Why are you staring at me?"    


Yu Yue could not help blurting out, "You look good."    


This undisguised praise immediately made the beauty's face turn red. She gave Yu Yue a fierce glare, then stood up and left. She did not get angry because of his frivolous behavior.    


Shangguan Zhitao was carefully observing the surrounding trees. Yu Yue discovered that after walking for a while, the surrounding trees had changed. The leaves and leaves of the trees were as big as a cattail leaf fan and could be squeezed out of liquid with one's hands. But now, the leaves of the trees had changed. They had become much smaller and looked like maple leaves.    


"When you were exploring just now, did you see any animals?"    


Yu Yue was a little worried, because until now, he had not seen any living animals in the forest. There were only endless forest trees.    


If there were no animals, there would not be enough food to replenish energy. He could not help but think. What if this place was a deserted island? If he could not find the so-called threat of Devil Wind Island in a month, then there would be problems with the food chain.    


She shook her head and said: "No."    


Yu Yue frowned and thought for a while. In the end, he decided to follow the stream. Maybe he could find some clues.    


The two of them followed the stream straight up. Even if they couldn't find anything, they could still go to the source of the stream and take a look.    


Unfortunately, even when night fell, the two of them still couldn't find any signs of animals, not even a strand of hair.    


All they found was the green scenery that they were tired of.    


It was night time. Stars hung in the sky, and the moon rose high into the sky. It was a tranquil and harmonious night scenery.    


Even the wind in the forest was very small. Usually, the wind would blow in the evening in the forest. The leaves swayed and rustled, but there was no wind in the forest. It was silent.    


The road ahead was unknown, and it might be extremely long. He didn't know when it would end, so he decided not to stay up late to travel. He set up camp near the stream.    


After travelling with Shangguan Zhitao for such a long time, he realized that her icy aura was unquestionable. He would not take the initiative to start a conversation and just walked alone in silence. If it wasn't for Yu Yue taking the initiative to talk about it, there would be no point. Perhaps the two of them would have been silent along the way. But even so, after walking for a long time... The topics that he could talk about were more or less finished. He was deeply worried about the upcoming journey.    


He suddenly remembered that there was a guy beside him who seemed to be a chatterbox - Hilo!    


If he was bored in the future, he could call him out to chat and liven up the atmosphere.    


However, when he fell from the sky above Devil Wind Island, the scene of him being treated as a stepping stone was still vivid in his mind. He was afraid that if he was called out, he would definitely cause a huge ruckus. However, there was no other way. He could not wait until he was in danger and needed him in the future. At that time, who knew what kind of dangerous things he would do when he was still brooding over this matter.    


In short, it was urgent to pacify his soul.    


After the meal, Yu Yue suddenly realized a new problem - about sleeping.    


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