Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C133 Judd

C133 Judd

There were a hundred of them, so many of them, but they couldn't even lift their heads.    


The more they fought, the more panicked they became.    


The strength of these four people was too terrifying! They were simply no match for them.    


Right at this moment, Yu Yue, who was fighting with the bandits, suddenly gave up on his opponent. He pointed his sharp eyes at Bai Lang, then turned and ran towards him.    


He ran to Bai Lang and blocked his path. He raised his war scepter. "Ding!" A strong force came from the scepter, and a thin man appeared out of thin air. The man held a dagger in his hand, and was pressing down hard. At this moment, his face was filled with shock.    


"It's a Thief's Cheap Shot!"    


Bai Lang instantly understood the situation.    


It seemed that Yu Yue had once again discovered the Thief in Stealth and saved him.    


Energy gathered on his staff, and an Ice Spear pierced through the air.    


However, this short man wasn't a pushover either. The shock on his face disappeared in a flash. He nimbly jumped up and escaped the Ice Spear's attack.    


The thin man stood in the distance and looked at Yu Yue with narrowed eyes.    


"Kid, how did you find me?"    


Yu Yue and Bai Lang looked at this man at the same time. The skinny man was dressed in black. He was short and skinny, and looked weak.    


However, he was the one who attacked with such a powerful force. It seemed like he was a hidden enemy.    


Yu Yue didn't answer his question. Instead, he said, "You must be the Deputy Chief of Iron Blade Alliance, Youde!"    


The corner of the short man's mouth twitched, but he didn't answer his question either.    


At this moment, Bai Lang spoke. "That's right, he is Youde. A level 26 thief, a Silver Level BOSS! "    


This was the message brought by Bai Lang's Investigating Skill.    


Yu Yue was only level 16, so it was naturally impossible for him to obtain the information about a level 26 Silver Level boss. However, Bai Lang was different. Although Yu Yue did not know his exact level, he could guess that he was at least level 23 or 4.    


However, mages really attracted aggro.    


Whether it was Mooh Kaichao, Yun, or Youde, they were the first to attack Bai Lang.    


Sure enough, in a team without priests, mages were the first to be killed.    


Actually, summoner should have been treated the same way as mages. They were the first targets to be killed.    


However, it was possible that their sword techniques had been exposed too much, causing them to weigh their weight when choosing their targets. After realizing that it was not easy to kill them, they shifted their attention to Bai Lang.    


"Don't think that you will have such good luck next time!"    


After Youde left these words gloomily, his body disappeared into thin air.    


It was [Stealth]!    


However, Yu Yue felt that Youde's [Stealth] was even more powerful than normal thieves. This was because his aura was completely concealed under [Stealth].    


Just now, he happened to be paying attention to Bai Lang's battle, so he was lucky to find Youde's whereabouts.    


If it wasn't for this coincidence, it would be hard to find him.    


When Youde went into stealth, his perception of him immediately became very weak.    


If it was an ordinary thief who went into stealth, as long as Yu Yue focused his attention, they would basically be like naked people standing in front of Yue, completely exposed.    


But this time, it was very different. Youde's whereabouts were faintly discernible in his senses. It was very difficult to distinguish his whereabouts.    


Yu Yue suddenly turned around and held the scepter in front of his chest.    




Another crisp sound was heard and Youde appeared out of thin air again.    


This time, his face could no longer contain the shock, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.    


"How is this possible!? How is it possible for you to see through my advanced stealth technique!?" Youde shouted in disbelief.    


At this moment, Bai Lang's attack had arrived. The icicle was sharp and fast.    


Youde clicked his tongue and quickly dodged, pulling away from the two of them.    


The three of them confronted each other from afar.    


Yu Yue was actually very happy that Youde appeared.    


This meant that besides the Gold Level BOSS, the Iron Blade's Ren Shaan, all the combat strength of the Iron Blade Alliance was concentrated here. This was exactly what they wanted to break through one by one.    


As long as they could defeat Youde here, there would only be Ren Shaan left in the Iron Blade Alliance.    


Four versus one, it would be a piece of cake for them to win.    


He just didn't know what kind of tricks Youde would play. He was a Silver Level BOSS, he could not only know advanced stealth skills.    


Youde slowly recovered from his shock.    


"I heard from the brothers who escaped earlier that the four people who came to cause trouble had a very powerful summoner. At first, I thought that it was a joke. Now, it seems like that was the truth. Besides, not only are your sword techniques strong, you also have a treasure that can detect Stealth on you! "    


Youde narrowed his eyes and stared at Yu Yue, wanting to find a flaw in his body.    


"An item that can detect high-level Stealth must be very valuable... But with your attire, I really can't tell that you are a rich young master."    


At this time, a voice suddenly came out of nowhere. A clear voice shouted, "Youde, I have been waiting for you for a long time! We are both thieves, how about we fight? "    


A figure mixed with golden fog rushed over from afar. It was Ellie.    


She held the dagger in her hand and attacked Youde. Her eyes were full of fighting spirit.    


Youde blocked a few moves. He frowned and said, "Little girl, get lost! I don't want to fight with you. I want to know this summoner and experience his sword techniques. "    


Ellie attacked while laughing," What right do you have to be picky? Have you forgotten that you are a Silver Level BOSS? Just calm down and let me kill you! "    


" My little girl, if you say that, then don't blame me for being impolite! " Youde growled. The dagger in his hand instantly sped up and fiercely attacked Ellie.    


However, Ellie was also very strong. She was actually not at a disadvantage when fighting with Youde. Both parties clanged and clanged as they exchanged daggers in the air.    


Youde was currently the most important target to kill, but under the siege of 100 bandits, Bai Lang and Yu Yue could not help at all.    


Bai Lang could only quickly release his magic, wanting to eliminate this group of bandits. As Yu Yue fought, he watched Ellie and Youde fight not far away. He noticed that Ellie was gradually falling into a disadvantageous position.    


Sure enough, a Silver Level BOSS was not an opponent that a single person could deal with.    


Yu Yue drew his hand and pointed his staff at the sky. He aimed at Youde, who was fighting Ellie not far away. A transparent laser shot out.    


This laser was invisible and colorless. It was very hard to notice it. When it reached Youde, he realized it was an attack.    


But it was already too late to escape at this time.    


The laser hit his head directly, immediately causing his consciousness to become chaotic. His mind was in a daze as he stood there blankly.    


"Thank you!" Ellie instantly felt the pressure on her entire body lighten. She shouted and the golden dagger cut through the air and stabbed towards Youde.    




This strike actually triggered another critical strike!    


By the time Youde recovered, he had already been slashed several times.    


Although the Boss' HP was high, there would always be a flash of light.    


His HP was greatly reduced, and he was still slashed by a little girl that he looked down on. This made him angry.    


Darkness energy suddenly gathered in his hand, forming a sphere in his hand. The sphere was pitch black. No one knew what it was used for.    


Youde violently smashed the black ball into the ground, and immediately, black smoke and dust that blotted out the sky and covered the earth quickly filled the surroundings, enveloping the entire battlefield.    


His field of vision became pitch black, and he couldn't even see his fingers in front of him.    


"This is... a skill!" Bai Lang, who had lost his field of vision, became like a headless fly.    


He did not have the amazing hearing ability like Yu Yue did. Under the attacks of the bandits, he could only try to form an ice shield and release magic at the noisy surroundings.    


"In my smoke screen, no one can escape..."    


Youde's voice came from the darkness, but no one knew where it came from.    


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