Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C119 The First Battle of the Iron Blade Alliance

C119 The First Battle of the Iron Blade Alliance

Yu Yue walked closer to the huge mountain gate. The mountain gate looked even more dilapidated. Green plants were crawling all over the mountain gate, and there were large holes everywhere. It seemed like the mountain was about to collapse at any moment.    


Beside the mountain gate, there was a wooden wall that was originally used as a defense mechanism. However, when the army attacked, the entire wall was flattened. Now, there were only a few thick pillars erected, symbolically indicating that there was a wall here before.    


He did not enter through the mountain gate, which was too much of a swagger.    


One should know that although this was no longer the mountain gate of the Iron Blade Alliance, it was still under the control of the Iron Blade Alliance. If they were discovered, it would not be good for them to use underhanded means.    


It was better to be careful.    


He walked around the mountain gate for a distance and entered the territory of the Iron Blade Alliance through a broken wall.    


It was also a forest inside. Thick ancient trees criss-crossed and weeds grew everywhere. He cautiously moved between the trees and observed his surroundings.    


After walking for about a mile, he suddenly heard a sound from the grass in front of him.    


He realized that the bandits from the Iron Blade Alliance had appeared. He slightly moved his body and hid behind the big tree.    


While hiding his body, he carefully moved towards the source of the sound.    


Soon, two people appeared in his field of vision.    


These two people wore cloth clothing, and their faces were ferocious. There were scars on their faces, which was the image of ordinary bandits. As they walked, they talked loudly.    


They threw out Investigating Skill at one of the bandits, and the result was that their investigation had failed.    


He was only level 15. According to the information, all the robbers in Iron Blade Alliance were above level 20. The difference in level was huge, so it was very difficult to investigate.    


After several attempts, the news of the investigation success finally popped up.    


Iron Blade Alliance Bandits: Level 23 Normal. Originally, he was an ordinary adventurer who was tempted by benefits and joined the Iron Blade Alliance. From then on, he killed and robbed, and committed crimes that were difficult to write a book about for the evil side. In the end, he degenerated into a robber. HP: 300 / 300    


Level 23!    


It was an entire 8 levels difference. It was really not easy to still be able to explore successfully like this.    


The two bandits were both holding machetes in their hands, they should be two Warriors.    


First investigate their strength.    


He quietly moved towards the two bandits from behind.    


The two bandits were still chatting and farting, and didn't seem to notice him at all.    


He suddenly made a move, jumped up, and chopped down on the back of one of the bandits!    


"Rip!" The sharp side blade of the scepter sliced through the back of the thief and tore his cloth clothing apart. A huge force surged out from Yu Yue's arm. It was as if the thief had been hit by a huge rock. He flew out three or four meters in the air and fell to the ground.    




The damage dealt by the attack was very high.    


The feeling of the attack just now was very familiar. It actually triggered a heavy blow!    


Looks like my luck today is quite good. It's suitable for battle. He thought so casually in his heart, but his hand did not stop at all. The sharp blade of the scepter slashed out one after another towards another robber.    


"Who are you!" The bandit shouted in shock and anger. He raised the scimitar in his hand and welcomed the incoming grey scepter.    


Who was the "Sword God" Yu Yue? If a small fry like him blocked his attack, it would make people laugh their heads off.    


A black shadow suddenly flashed. It broke through the defense line of the bandits at a tricky angle and slashed at the chest of the bandit!    


This attack did not trigger the passive effect, and the bandit only took a slight step back.    




The sharp blade only left a white mark on the robber's chest, it was not a big deal.    


The robber shouted and swung the machete at him.    


His body flashed and easily dodged the attack. He waved the wand in his hand again and hit the robber's back.    


"Wayayayaya!" The robber who was sent flying at the beginning also stood up. He held the scimitar with both hands and howled as he rushed towards Yu Yue.    


Suddenly, two fiery-red fireballs drew a long arc in the air and hit the robber's body. They exploded!    




Two blazing fire elementals drilled out of the grass, and two green elves fluttered in the sky. These were the reinforcements he had prepared since he entered the territory of Iron Blade Alliance.    


He could still see some adventurers in the wild, but after entering the territory of the Iron Blade Alliance, all the adventurers disappeared without a trace. They were all aware of their strength, but they did not dare to fight against the people of Iron Blade Alliance.    


One had to know that although these thieves were no longer adventurers, they were still humans. They had wisdom that the Devil Beast did not have, and they were sinister and cunning. When fighting with such monsters, they would use tricks and call for reinforcements. It was very difficult to deal with them.    


Therefore, without other adventurers, he did not need to hide his strength. Six great Summoned Beast were all mobilized, forming his strongest line-up at this time.    


As for why only four of the six great Summoned Beast appeared now?    


"Ah!" A miserable scream came from the mouths of the bandits. Under their feet, two grey scorpions used their pincers to ruthlessly clamp their feet.    




This scorpion was the supplementary skill of the Rock Scorpion Mystic Helmet, the Summoned Beast of the' Summoning Rock Scorpion 'skill!    


The Rock Scorpion was half the height of a human, about one meter long. The surface of the stone scorpion was gray and very inconspicuous. If the stone scorpion was lying on the ground, it would be like a real stone that could confuse most enemies. Its tail stood up high, and its stinger gave off a sense of oppression.    


Stone scorpion: Level 15 Physical Attack Power: 20-25, armor: 15 Poison Needle: When using the tail Needle to attack, it will cause poison effects. Every second will cause 5 poison damage, lasting for 5 seconds. HP: 300 / 300    


Just as the bandit swung his sword at the Stone Scorpion, the Stone Scorpion was no pushover. It waved its long and slender tail and stabbed the bandit's thigh.    


With another miserable scream, the wound turned green and green. Then, the bandit's head kept popping out. Damage of 5.    


He was poisoned!    


He was very satisfied with this stone scorpion summon. Although its speed was a bit slow, its HP and armor were both very high. Its attack also had a poison effect. It was a very good fighter.    


The two bandits crazily attacked the stone scorpion. Their attack power was very high. The stone scorpion, which had 300 HP and armor, did not have much time to resist. It was hacked to death by the bandit's blade.    


However, the two Fire Elementals at the side and Yu Yue were attacking at the same time. When the two bandits killed the stone scorpions, their health points also reached the end, and they unwillingly fell to the ground.    


Because the Summoned Beast was all activated, this battle ended very quickly, and it ended without much effort.    


Taking this opportunity, he had a clear understanding of the strength of the bandits.    


The strength of the bandits was very strong. They indeed had the demeanor of a level 23. Their Agility was not bad, but there was still some distance between them and the corner of his clothes. Their attack power was extremely high. In just a few moves, they had killed the 300 HP 15 armor Stone Scorpion.    


It seemed like their greatest advantage was their Attack Power. The other areas were not too outstanding.    


The two bandits didn't drop any equipment. He picked up the machete that the bandits dropped and checked if it could be used. He found that this machete wasn't even a piece of equipment. It was just an ordinary item and didn't have any additional attributes.    


It seemed that after the robber was removed from the adventurer list, he could not even use his equipment.    


Yu Yue shook his head and left the corpses of the two bandits behind. He continued forward.    


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