Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C52 It Was a Rainy Night the Mystery of Qing'er

C52 It Was a Rainy Night the Mystery of Qing'er

At the celebration banquet, Yu Yue deserved to be the main character. He was invited to the seat of honor and sat with the village chief.    


After Capitalist Luo was suppressed, Yu Wantu became the number one spokesperson in Kaz Village.    


Although Capitalist Luo had lost his power, he was still the richest man in the village. After losing half of his family, he was still very rich. Bribing the villagers was not a big deal.    


Therefore, he could still talk in the village.    


What surprised him was that Capitalist Luo also attended this celebration banquet.    


However, if he thought about it carefully, he would know that Capitalist Luo would come. His family was still there, and what he feared the most now was losing people's hearts. A celebration banquet was a good place to win people's hearts. If he did not attend, he would inevitably be guided behind the scenes and might even be isolated.    


The thick-skinned Capitalist Luo would of course have such an idea, so even Luo Qiangzhuang was brought here. His face was gloomy, and he sat there without saying a word.    


At the banquet, the dishes were served very quickly.    


Due to the special circumstances, today was the day to slaughter cows and sheep. A few big pots were filled to the brim with stewed meat.    


Eating meat in large mouthfuls and drinking in large bowls, the villagers ate happily.    


People kept coming to the seats of honor to toast Yu Yue.    


No matter how good his alcohol tolerance was, after drinking a few dozen people, he still felt dizzy from drinking.    


It was only when the village chief saw that he was somewhat powerless that he smiled and said that Yu Yue drank too much and let him drink slowly again. Only then did he stop the villagers' enthusiasm.    


Even Capitalist Luo went forward to give him a toast, but his smile was very fake. He basically pulled his face and laughed.    


As he apologized to him again, he flattered him at the same time.    


He also faked a smile and drank the glass of wine with Capitalist Luo.    


After placing something in his stomach, he began the second activity.    


The villagers danced around the burning bonfire and sang loudly.    


There were also a few girls in the village who invited him to dance with blushed faces. He tactfully rejected them all.    


It was not because of other reasons, but because they did not know how to dance.    


In his two lives, he had never been involved in dancing, and he did not want to go up and make a fool of himself.    


Just as he was watching the villagers sing and dance, his shoulder was patted.    


He looked back and saw Uncle Qi's smiling face.    


"What, why didn't your dad come?"    


Uncle Qi was a good friend of his father, Yu Wantu. They were very close, and he was also the most experienced hunter in the village. Uncle Qi's hair was already half white, but his face was ruddy and energetic. His beard was untrimmed, but it gave people a sense of security.    


He replied, "Dad really has too much wine. After chatting with me, he fell asleep."    


Uncle Qi nodded seriously. "Indeed, your dad has been drinking quite a bit these past few days, so he should really take a break." He changed the topic. "What about you? Is it fun to drink here? Why don't you go and dance? I saw many girls in the village looking for you to dance!"    


He shook his head with a bitter smile. "I want to dance too, but I don't know how."    


Uncle Qi smiled mischievously and poked his waist. "Stop pretending. You like Qing that girl, right?"    




This topic made him feel a little at a loss.    


Fortunately, the village chief was happy and went to dance. Otherwise, he would not know what the old man would think of him.    


"Qing is a good girl. She is thrifty, lively, and cheerful. She is also so pretty..." Uncle Qi kept praising Qing.    


In the end, he concluded, "Especially since she's a couple with you. I don't believe you don't have any ideas."    


Uncle Qi's words indeed made his heart move.    


To be honest, he did indeed like Qing a little. Not only did she have Fatty Yu Yue's feelings, even Yu Yue, who had transmigrated, had feelings for her.    


Qing's innocence and innocence moved his heart.    


In that world of materialistic desires, it was already very difficult to find such a simple and pure girl. She was like a snow lotus that attracted people's love.    


He raised his head and said seriously, "Uncle Qi, can I ask you something?"    


"No problem! What is it?"    


"It's about the village chief. ... I want to know about the chief's son, Qing's father."    


In his impression, he did not seem to have the image of the village chief's son. It seemed that the village chief and his daughter had relied on each other since young.    


This sentence caused the smile on Uncle Qi's face to stiffen, and his expression gradually sank. After thinking for a while, he answered.    


"Actually... I've never seen the village chief's son either."    


Yu Yue asked again, "Then why is Qing by the village chief's side? Could it be that Qing's mother entrusted it to the chief?"    


He shook his head silently, continuously tapping the table with his fingers as he reminisced.    


"I remember that it was a terrifying night eighteen years ago. A fierce wind blew, and the sky was filled with dark clouds and heavy rain. The thunder in the sky roared like the gods, and the purple lightning snakes danced and twisted in the dark sky. There was not a trace of light outside. The whole world was black. That night, this place seemed to have changed... It became not Kaz Village, but some purgatory."    


As he recalled, fear flashed in his eyes: "It was that night that the villagers didn't dare to go out. They thought that they had angered a certain god, so they all prayed with their families, praying that the god wouldn't be angry. That terrifying hell lasted for an entire night. Many villagers were so afraid that they didn't even dare to sleep"    


"After that day, the village chief who was always alone suddenly said that his son came yesterday and entrusted Qing, who was still in her swaddling clothes, to him."    


"He also explained the situation that night. Actually, it was caused by a high-level platinum boss. His son was a powerful adventurer. He was ambushed by a platinum boss on the way back to the village and fought it. In the end, he defeated the boss. However, he was also seriously injured, so he entrusted Qing to the village chief. He said that he would bring Qing back after treating her injuries. But there was no news of her. "    


After telling the entire story, uncle Qi took a sip of tea.    


" What? Could it be that the master who guided you was Qing's father? That's really fate."    


He didn't expect that Uncle Qi would still remember the story he had fabricated.    


The expert who had guided him didn't exist at all, so it was naturally impossible for him to be Qing's father.    


He concluded that the village chief's words couldn't be trusted.    


Based on his speculation, even the existence of the Village Chief's son was very uncertain.    


All the truth should have been hidden on that stormy night eighteen years ago. Something must have happened that night, and the village chief must have lied.    


Most people would insert some real information into their lies to create credibility. Therefore, the village chief's words definitely contained traces of the truth.    


His brain immediately had an idea.    


That night, something had fought with a powerful adventurer. The adventurer was injured and won miserably. He entrusted Qing, who was still swaddling in the swaddling clothes, to the village chief.    


This was the truth of his guess.    


Qing did not have any blood relation with the village chief at all. He was only entrusted by someone to take care of Qing!    


Then the question came. Why would the village chief be nervous or even in pain because Qing was taken away? Why would the village chief agree to take care of Qing for so many years?    


The village chief was not a good person. Instead, he was a petty person who only cared about profits. Only a certain amount of benefits could drive him to act.    


Thus, the answer was very clear.    


There were two possibilities. One was a threat. Adventurers threatened the village chief. If Qing was not taken care of well, her life would be in danger. That was why he patiently took care of her. This method was very easy to implement, such as poisoning her.    


The second possibility was a huge benefit. The adventurer promised the village head that as long as he took good care of Qing, he would be able to obtain huge benefits.    


This was very consistent with reality. Qing was unconscious, but the village chief was indifferent. This meant that as long as she did not die, he would not have to worry about his life or obtain huge benefits.    


All of a sudden, it seemed that the veins of Qing's matter became clear. But these were all still in the stage of speculation. Without solid evidence, he could not easily make a conclusion.    


Just as he was deep in thought, the Village Chief's voice sounded and interrupted his train of thought. "What are you guys talking about? Why are you so happy?"    


The village chief walked over with a smile. His face was flushed red and he looked like he was having a great time.    


Uncle Qi replied, "It's nothing. Let's talk about his dad. He drank too much these days, so he can't come."    


The village chief nodded. "Yeah, it's such a pity that he can't come to such a happy banquet."    


"Alright, I'll be leaving first. Yu Yue, you have to have fun too." He left after saying that. When he left, he even patted Yu Yue's shoulder quietly.    


Yu Yue understood what he meant.    


Watching Uncle Qi leave, the village chief turned around and looked at him with a smile. "Yu Yue, do you think it's boring for you to be drinking here? It's good to go down and have fun. This kind of banquet needs to be more relaxed."    


"No need, I might have drunk a little too much. Going down to dance might cause a joke."    


The village chief laughed heartily: "Hahaha, that's true. After all, everyone was crazily toasting you just now."    


A shout came from beside the bonfire in the distance. "Village chief, let's dance again!"    


"Alright, come, come."    


The old man was also in high spirits. After saying this to Yu Yue, he went back into the crowd.    


Yu Yue saw the funny dance of the village chief. He stood up and quietly left the banquet.    


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