Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C82 Break off

C82 Break off

Lin Qi could feel the fire burning in the mercenaries' eyes. He smiled in his heart and continued.    


"To be honest, you did not enter our Mercenary Group. You are just an outsider, not within the scope of the rules of the mercenary group. So it is our bottom line to give you money to buy this equipment."    


Lin Qi easily said something like slapping his own face. He had just said that he could give the equipment to Yu Yue.    


However, none of the mercenaries present felt anything. No, it was because they were a group of people who directly benefited from it.    


This blue grade skill equipment was very valuable. If they could really keep it and sell it on the market, there would definitely be a big customer.    


As members of the Mercenary Group, they could get a share of the money.    


Everyone present knew what Lin Qi was talking about - the helmet. It was a lie that the Saber Mercenary Group urgently needed it. It was just an excuse to get the helmet.    


The real purpose was to buy the helmet from Yu Yue at a low price and then sell it in the market!    


Immediately, many mercenaries nodded at Lin Qi's words.    


Although it was shameless, this was the rule of the mercenary world.    


If Yu Yue was a powerful summoner, they would not dare to do so. However, Yu Yue was only a level 13 small summoner. Only by relying on the Mercenary Group could he survive.    


Without strong strength, they could only suffer from pressure.    


Yu Yue could feel the malicious intent of the Mercenary Group, and he sneered in his heart. He knew that it was basically impossible for him to obtain this equipment. He also wanted to know what kind of low price the Mercenary Group would give him, so he didn't waste any time and agreed with what Lin Qi said.    


"Alright, I really don't really need this equipment. What kind of price can the Mercenary Group offer?"    


He said this quietly with a calm expression, which made Lin Qi's heart tighten. This kid was obviously bullied, but he could still show such a calm expression.    


This kind of peaceful attitude was very unusual.    


Was he afraid that his side wouldn't dare to show it, or was there another reason?    


Lin Qi suppressed the doubt in his heart and said.    


"Since brother Yu Yue is so considerate, I'm relieved. Our Mercenary Group can give you..." He paused for a moment.    


The mercenaries perked up their ears. They wanted to know what price their leader would offer. 50 silver coins, or 1 gold coin.    


Yu Yue calculated in his heart. Normally, a level 15 blue equipment would cost between 2 and 3 gold coins. Blue skill equipment would be more expensive, at least 5 gold coins.    


The base price was 5 gold, so it was normal to give him 1 gold. 1 gold coin was still very important to Yu Yue. He didn't know how much money it would cost in a big city, so it was always good to save more money.    


In order to successfully complete the mission of the Grand Knight passive system, he would just ignore the despicable actions of the Saber Mercenary Group.    


Lin Qi smiled.    


"We can give you - 1 silver coin."    


"What?" Yu Yue couldn't believe his ears and couldn't help but ask.    


One silver coin?    


This was a price he had never thought of. Even low-level green equipment didn't have such a low price. Lin Qi actually gave him a price of 1 silver coin!?    


Lin Qi smiled brightly. "Yes, 1 silver coin."    


He narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at Yu Yue, his eyes full of ridicule.    


Yu Yue's blood turned cold from head to toe.    


He was still too naive. He thought that Lin Qi wanted to talk business, but he did not think that Lin Qi actually wanted to use him to be weak and bully him.    


One silver coin? It was no different from robbing.    


At this time, the originally calm scene suddenly burst into laughter.    


The laughter originated from the mercenaries.    


They laughed loudly. Some pointed at Yu Yue, while others held their stomachs.    


It was as if they were looking at a clown.    


"One silver coin! Hahaha, commander Lin Qi is too interesting!" "Yeah, this fat kid just thought that he would give him the same amount of money." "He still doesn't know how much strength he has, yet he still wants to eat swan meat!!"    


After Lin Qi said one silver coin, the mercenaries were not stupid. They all understood what Lin Qi was thinking.    


He had already represented the Saber Mercenary Group and completely shed all pretenses of cordiality with Yu Yue.    


So the mercenaries became unscrupulous.    


In the beginning, they had a good impression of Yue, who was a strong summoner, but they had experienced big and small things, especially things related to Zhang Tong. In order to protect themselves, they chose to treat Yu Yue coldly.    


Just now, Yu Yue was the one who obtained the best equipment from the boss as an outsider. The mercenaries were naturally dissatisfied with this. They were jealous. They were xenophobic and turned all the disappointment from not obtaining the best equipment into malice towards Leap.    


The leader tore off all pretenses of cordiality, and all the unhappiness exploded out.    


The one who laughed the most was Zhang Tong. She hugged her stomach and laughed loudly. She pointed at Yu Yue and could not straighten her back.    


Yu Yue stood in the midst of the mocking laughter. His mood was unprecedentedly calm.    


He did not need to be angry. It was not worth it to be angry for these people.    


He glanced at Xie Kaicai.    


Xie Kaicai, who had been speaking for him, became silent at this moment. Xie Kaicai saw that the leader of the group was leading the way. They had already shed all pretenses of cordiality with Yu Yue. Helping Yu Yue was tantamount to going against the whole group.    


Although he had a sense of justice, in the face of such a situation and the huge risk of going against the entire group, he still chose to remain silent and shrink back.    


He averted his gaze, not daring to look at Yu Yue.    


Lin Qi said again, "Actually, I feel that your contribution in the Boss battle just now was not very great. Without you, we could have easily killed the boss. One silver coin is enough to give you a lot of face. "    


" How about it? This one silver coin, do you want it or not? "    


Commander Lin Qi looked at Yu Yue with a playful expression.    


Lin Qi did not want to have such a hard time with Yu Yue. After all, as the leader of the group, he had to take responsibility for what he said.    


However, after Zhang Tong's analysis, he realized that not only would he not lose his reputation in the mercenaries' hearts, but he would also gain the trust of the mercenaries.    


It was a good decision to unite the mercenaries against the enemy.    


Sure enough, after Zhang Tong did what she said, the mercenaries became unprecedentedly united. Even the vice commander Xie Kaicai, who had always thought that the mercenaries were at a disadvantage, became silent.    


What shook him even more was the huge benefits!    


So even though he knew what Zhang Tong said to him, it was because of her hatred for Yue.    


But he still did it without hesitation.    


He narrowed his eyes and looked at the expressionless Yu Yue, wanting to know what kind of attitude he would have.    


"I don't want it anymore. Since you guys have done this, I don't want to stay here any longer. Farewell."    


Yu Yue said with an expressionless face, turned around and left without any hesitation.    


He, the Sword God, was happy and had his own dignity. Although he did not show it on the surface, he was actually very angry about being humiliated like this.    


He wouldn't care about this Mercenary Group anymore. No matter what kind of difficulties they would encounter in the future, whether they would be beaten into pieces or wiped out, they would have to fend for themselves!    


He gave up the task of protecting the Mercenary Group!    


Commander Lin Qi laughed loudly, pointed at Yu Yue and shouted, "Remember clearly, this is your choice. Don't blame me for forcing you to leave! If you don't have our protection, you will be attacked by the Devil Beast along the way and die. Don't blame us! "    


The mercenaries looked at Yu Yue, who was walking away. Although they were all smiling, their eyes were cold.    


This was the world. The strong prey on the weak. No one could be blamed.    


"Hahaha, get lost! The farther the better!"    


Zhang Tong waved her hands excitedly and shouted at Yu Yue who was leaving.    


Just as she was feeling extremely excited, suddenly, a huge brown coloured object fell from the sky and smashed the ground with a loud bang!    


The huge object roared loudly, causing the entire world to tremble.    


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