Supreme Emperor



Qin Feng's attitude shocked and confused everyone.    


The cowardly Young Lord of the past had a huge change in personality today. He dared to challenge the Great Elder?    


Moreover, from his posture, it was clear that he did not place the Great Elder in his eyes. Even though he was surrounded by guards, he still looked calm and composed, like he was in no hurry.    


"Is this guy scared silly?"    


Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. They didn't know where Qin Feng got his confidence from.    


The guards looked at each other in dismay, not daring to make a move.    


"What are you all still standing there for? Could it be that you are afraid of this trash? "    


The Great Elder was flustered and exasperated.    


"Qin Feng is a well-known martial arts trash. After entering the academy for three years, he hasn't even cultivated a single bit of internal respiration."    


"This piece of trash is about to die. What are you trying to pull him back for?"    


"Everyone attack together!"    


Thinking of this, the guards gathered their courage and rushed forward.    


"You want to attack me? Aren't you afraid of the nine familial extermination? "    


Qin Feng laughed coldly.    


At the same time, he flipped his palm and slammed something on the table.    


It was a short sword, bronze colored, with unique inscriptions on the sword blade. It was ancient and desolate, as if it had experienced many years of wind and frost.    


"That's …"    


"Could it be a fish gut sword?"    


The hall was in an uproar as everyone stared wide-eyed.    


The fish gut sword, the sacred artifact of the empire, was bestowed by Your Majesty. It was controlled by Family Head from generation to generation in the Qin Family, symbolizing the identity of "King Qin".    


Whoever had the fish gut sword would be the Duke of Qin.    


"How is this possible? Didn't fish gut sword disappear a long time ago? Why is it in your hands? "    


The Great Clan Elder stared at the Bronze short sword, surprised.    


A few years ago, the Duke of Qin died in the border desert. Everyone thought that the fish gut sword was buried in the desert as well.    


But in reality, before he died, the Duke of Qin had sent people to secretly send the fish gut sword back to the Qin Family, and handed it to Qin Feng, telling him to hide it.    


One day, when Qin Feng was strong enough, he would take out the fish gut sword and take over the Qin Family.    


After all, Qin Feng was young and ignorant. If the fish gut sword was exposed too early, Great Elder and the others would definitely persecute him.    


A man's wealth is his own fault.    


Qin Feng was well aware of the principle of hiding one's identity, so no matter what difficulties they faced or how much humiliation they were bullied, they would still stick to that secret.    


Until today, when he had the ability to turn the situation around, and the fish gut sword finally saw the light of day once again.    


"The fish gut sword was personally bestowed by Your Majesty. It is an imperial sacred artifact and cannot be desecrated. Whoever holds the fish gut sword is a marquis of the empire. Aren't you afraid of bringing nine families upon the dukes? "    


Qin Feng's expression was cold as he glanced at the Great Elder.    


"This …"    


Everyone was dumbfounded, and the guards didn't dare to move.    


Qin Feng looked at everyone calmly.    


His gaze was as cold as a knife, stealthily piercing into the hearts of everyone present.    


No one had expected that young master Idiot, who was like a piece of trash, would open his eyes today and display his godly powers.    


The Great Elder started to panic as he broke out in a cold sweat.    


He had originally thought that today's plan would be as easy as sailing a boat with the current. He hadn't thought that he would encounter such a big problem.    


Just as everyone was at a loss of what to do, Qin Feng picked up the fish gut sword and pointed it at the Great Clan Elder and the others.    


"Great Elder, Second Elder, Third Elder, they are all conspiring against us. I will now expel the three of you from the Qin Family as the Duke of Qin. "    




To chase all three Great Elders out of the Qin Family?    


Hearing this, all of the clansmen were shocked.    


Originally, Clan came here today to expel Qin Feng. He never thought that the result would be the complete opposite, turning into Qin Feng expelling the three Great Elders.    


To expel the three backbone members of the family, who in the entire Jiangzhou would dare to do such a thing?    




Only I am the supreme, domineering one hand that can cover the sky, this is the feeling Qin Feng gives others.    


What kind of person was Qin Feng?    


In his previous life, Dragon Clan Ninth Prince, Upper Immortal Manor, Lower Nine Nether, Entering Infernal domain, battling Demon Sea … What kind of scenes have you never seen before?    


In his eyes, the Grand Elder wasn't even considered fart.    


"Qin Feng, have you forgotten? Only Fighter can activate the fish gut sword. As for you, you are just a trash who couldn't even pass Fighter's test. What qualifications do you have to use your fish gut sword to threaten us? "    


The Great Elder quickly calmed down.    


"Only by becoming Fighter can I use the fish gut sword?"    


Qin Feng frowned.    


The Empire was a martial artist, so the person holding the sword must be Fighter, otherwise, he would not be able to wield the authority of the fish gut sword.    


Qin Feng never passed Fighter's test, so he never brought out his fish gut sword.    


After Chi Wen had merged with his possession, there was inevitably a flaw in it, which made him ignore this point.    


"Trash like you, don't even think about becoming Fighter in your entire life, and you still want to use fish gut sword to threaten us? "They're really using chicken feathers as tokens, haha …"    


The Second Elder mocked as well.    


In the past, it was indeed difficult for Qin Feng to become Fighter. However, the current Qin Feng had long been reborn.    


"Just a mere Fighter, do you think you can stop This King?"    


Qin Feng sneered with a nonchalant look.    


Hearing this, everyone burst out into laughter, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.    


"Fighter's test?" If I remember correctly, this fellow is probably the last in the entire academy for three consecutive years, right? "    


"Hahaha, if this trash can pass Fighter's test, I can become the emperor."    


Indeed, according to Qin Feng's past performance, he wouldn't be able to pass Fighter's exam even if he was given another ten years.    


If he couldn't become Fighter, then being in the hands of Qin Feng was equivalent to being a piece of scrap iron.    


"It seems like the few elders believe that This King will fail? How about we make a bet? "    


Qin Feng smiled confidently.    


"Betting on what?"    


The Great Elder and the others were stunned.    


"This Wang Ming will go to the Martial House early in the morning to take Fighter's test. If this king succeeds, all of you can scram out of Qin Family together. If this king fails, the fish gut sword will be given to you with both hands.    


The moment Qin Feng opened his mouth, the hall immediately burst into an uproar.    


Did something happen to this kid's brain?    


With his talent, how could he pass Fighter's test?    


One must know that in the last Fighter assessment, Qin Feng was the last in the entire department.    


"Qin Feng, is that true?"    


The Great Elder and the others were sharpening their weapons as if Qin Feng was already a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.    


"This King's words are naturally true."    


"Alright, in order to avoid you going back on your word, let's establish a contract as evidence."    


The Head Elder immediately wrote down the contract, in duplicate.    


After Qin Feng signed the contract, the Great Elder took it with a look of wild joy.    


"What a fool. You want to pass Fighter's test with trash like you? "You really overestimate yourself."    


"Qin Feng, tomorrow is the day you die. Haha …"    


The Second Elder and the Third Elder also sneered, looking as if they had succeeded in their conspiracy.    


In their opinion, Qin Feng signing the contract was tantamount to sending them to their doom.    


"I'll let you guys be proud for a while now. I'm afraid you won't be able to laugh by tomorrow."    


Qin Feng had an indifferent expression and the corner of his mouth raised into a sneer.    


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