Supreme Emperor

C248 Qin Feng's condition

C248 Qin Feng's condition

Nangong Yu took the initiative to stop the fighting, it could be considered as giving Qin Feng a lot of face.    


He never thought that the other party would completely not take advantage of him, and this made Nangong Yu feel extremely embarrassed.    


Previously, he wanted to stop the fight because he did not want to reveal too much of his strength. After all, the days of the Clan were about to come.    


"This person's Aurous Core is much stronger than Xiao Hong's, I'm afraid he had fused with more than ten martial arts source s."    


Qin Feng was sure that Nangong Yu's Jindan had at least completed its first life kill attempt, but it had not gone through its second life kill attempt.    


In other words, Nangong Yu's strength was between Yi Qianfan and Xiao Hong.    


If they were to fight face to face, Qin Feng would only be able to explode another golden core in order to defeat Nangong Yu.    


However, in order to deal with Nangong Yu, wasting an Aurous Core was not worth it.    


"Xiao Yu, stop ?"    


Right at the moment when the two sides were at loggerheads, a loud voice suddenly sounded from the depths of the Nine Palaces' palace hall.    


Hearing this voice, the expressions of all the Nangong Family Clan disciples present changed greatly. They immediately kneeled on the ground with extreme reverence.    


A tall figure slowly appeared within the Audience Hall.    


Qin Feng could not help but look over as well. It was a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe and Dragon Crown.    


This person had an extraordinary appearance, and a domineering and domineering aura that was not angered or angered was emitted from between his brows.    


This was the Nangong Family's "Nangong Miao", an existence that was at the ninth level of the true qi, able to crush all those in the centuries-old giant.    


"Uncle, why are you here?"    


Nangong Yu fell to one knee on the ground and looked at Nangong Miao with a face full of shock.    


"If I don't come soon, won't you guys tear this place down?"    


Nangong Miao said calmly.    


"This ?"    


Nangong Yu scratched his head, looking embarrassed.    


The mission that Nangong Miao had given him was to select disciples that were qualified to enter the list of candidates for Clan.    


And obviously, Qin Feng had the qualifications to do so.    


However, Nangong Yu did not give him the chance. Instead, he took a fancy to the Buried Dragon Spear and wanted to fight Qin Feng to the death.    


Although Nangong Miao did not show himself, the things that happened outside could not escape his eyes and ears.    


"Uncle, you can't blame me for this, this brat is provoking all of us, I am only teaching him a lesson, so as to not make him look down on our Nangong Family."    


Nangong Yu said again.    


Hearing that, Tian Weihua was immediately angered, and immediately defended Qin Feng: "Master Young Lord, this matter cannot be blamed on Qin Feng, it was the Young Master Yu who humiliated us first."    


"Tian Scholar, what are you talking about?" As a Branch Family disciple, what qualifications do you have to interrupt? "    


Nangong Yu panicked.    


The other disciples also began to criticize him.    


"Alright!" How is it proper to make such a ruckus? "    


Nangong Miao bellowed.    


No one could afford the anger of the Young Lord. The crowd immediately fell into a deathly silence.    


"Xiao Yu, you don't need to explain yourself. There won't be a next time."    


Nangong Miao glanced at him.    


"I will follow your teachings."    


Nangong Yu lowered his head, his heart filled with unwillingness.    


He glanced at Qin Feng, his eyes filled with resentment.    


"What's your name?"    


Nangong Miao's gaze once again fell on Qin Feng.    


"I am Qin Feng."    


Qin Feng cupped his fists and bowed.    


"Follow me."    


Nangong Miao looked at Qin Feng and then turned and entered the hall.    


"Brother Qin, we are rich this time, you might be selected by the Young Lord, quickly go in, don't just stand there."    


Tian Weihua was ecstatic, he was even more excited than Qin Feng.    


If Qin Feng was chosen, Tian Weihua would also gain some face, and could be considered to be venting his anger for the branch family.    


"Then I'll go first."    


Qin Feng greeted Qiu Baifeng and Tian Weihua and then entered the palace.    


The main hall was incomparably quiet.    


Only Nangong Miao and Qin Feng looked at each other, the atmosphere was weird.    


"Not bad, you have quite the courage."    


Nangong Miao nodded slightly.    


As a Young Lord, that kind of imposing aura, that did not anger the Nangong Family, would make many people lower their heads on their own.    


But when Qin Feng and Nangong Miao looked at each other, the latter did not feel any fear.    


Furthermore, Qin Feng, an outsider, had the courage to come to the Water Nation and challenge all the disciples of the Nangong Family s.    


"Your strength is not bad, are you interested in representing the Nangong Family in this match?"    


Nangong Miao went straight to the point.    


"I'm participating in the Clan? Then what about Nangong Yu? "    


Qin Feng remained calm and collected.    


"There are a total of three slots. Not counting Little Yu, there are two slots left."    


Nangong Miao said again.    


Clan was a battle between Nangong Family and Wan Family, with the young generation representing their family. There were two victories in three rounds, so both sides had to send three disciples.    


"There's no problem with participating in the Clan s, but I have two requests."    


Qin Feng said calmly.    


This made Nangong Miao a little surprised, the Clan had not even started, and Qin Feng had already started making requests.    


"Tell me about it."    


Nangong Miao was not angry.    


"First, I want to refine the Buried Dragon Spear, which is also known as the Sea God's Spear."    


Qin Feng said straightforwardly.    


"The Sea God's Spear was originally a treasure of the Sea race. However, since it has been obtained by you, it is your opportunity. If you can win this match, I don't mind helping you with this small favor."    


Nangong Miao nodded lightly.    


Perhaps he'd already guessed this, so he wasn't surprised.    


To him, refining the spear of the sea deity wasn't a difficult task.    


"The first request is simple, but the second request?"    


Nangong Miao asked again.    


"Secondly, after this is over, I want to leave the Sea race's territory safely. Also, your people will be escorting me to the Ghost Sea."    


Qin Feng continued to lecture.    


"Ghost Sea?"    


Nangong Miao frowned slightly.    


Ghost Sea was a forbidden place for life, and people of the Sea race in particular didn't dare to casually step into this place.    


"Why are you going to the Ghost Sea? This is a perilous place with a slim chance of survival. "    


Nangong Miao was a little curious.    


"I'm sorry, but I have no comment on this point. It's a personal matter."    


Qin Feng cupped his fists and apologized.    


Seeing that, Nangong Miao waved his hand, "Forget it, this matter is not difficult. As long as you can win the next round, I can fulfil these two conditions of yours. If you lose, you will get nothing."    


"Of course."    


Qin Feng nodded and smiled.    


He had lost and yet he still wanted to give a condition. How could there be such a good thing in the world?    


Moreover, Qin Feng didn't have such thick skin.    


"The representatives of the Wan Family s are all Jindan s and their strengths are only stronger than Little Yu. Your confrontation with them is extremely dangerous, have you thought it through clearly? "    


Nangong Miao said this because he was afraid that Qin Feng would go back on his words and flee.    


"Don't worry Young Lord, I won't cower."    


Qin Feng's face turned serious.    


Hand over the spear of the Sea God to me. It just so happens that I can use this time to refine it a little.    


Nangong Miao said again.    


He was also an old cunning fox and wanted to use the Buried Dragon Spear as collateral. If Qin Feng dared to run, or even intentionally lose, then the Buried Dragon Spear would be confiscated.    


"I'll promise you."    


Without hesitation, Qin Feng handed the Buried Dragon Spear over to the other party.    


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