Super Little Farmer



Although I don't actually know what this means, I have seen a pig run without raising a pig. Upon hearing such a phone call, I started to get anxious. Because, I watch a lot from that TV, the result of this difficult labor is often not good, in many cases, mother and son will lose one! This immediately made me break out in a cold sweat. Because I really don't want anything to happen to Han Bing'er or my son that I haven't seen yet.    


Thinking of this, I immediately took measures. The first is to get Zhou Bingjie to assist Sachiko in the consolidation of the two Wilhelmsonian companies I have recently acquired. The chairman of the company is Sachiko, while the chairman of the company is Zhou Bingjie. He Ling brought a group of people to stay behind to protect the safety of all of them. I will not be at the meeting I had planned for tomorrow, but will be chaired by Sachiko and Zhou Bingjie, and will be rushing home overnight. The second thing was to have Zhou Bingjie secretly organize the funds to enter the United Kingdom as soon as she was done with her consolidation, so that she could prepare for the next phase of her work.    


After all this was settled, I flew home on my own private plane that very night. The plane flew straight to Jingchu after a short stop in Shanghai. As soon as I stepped off the plane, a few other bodyguards, who had been waiting at home for some time, came up to me. As my bodyguard and chauffeur, Yuke drove the Maserati straight to the hospital.    


As soon as I got to the hospital, I couldn't wait for Yuke to stop the car and head straight for the delivery room. He had only just reached the entrance of the obstetric gate, yet he had just met a beautiful person. If that wasn't Han Jue`er, then who else could it be? As soon as she saw me, she burst into tears. "Yunzi ge, my sister, she …"    


After that, there was no more sound, only heart-wrenching tears.    


When I saw this, I was shocked. I had an ominous feeling, so I supported my beautiful sister-in-law and asked anxiously, Where's your sister? Has he been born?    


Han Jue-er's eyes were filled with tears as he continued to cry. After a long while, he finally said, "Big sister, mother and son …"    


He didn't want to talk about what happened after that!    


I feel like the world is spinning …    


Oh, my love!    


I didn't make it in time...    


Oh, my Han Bing'er, my unborn son!    


You finally left me, and, forever...    


I do not know what it feels like, I only know that my heart is like a dead man, my heart is like a knife cut!    


Suddenly, my heart turned sour and sweet. The smell of blood rushed through my nostrils … There are other things that I don't even know anymore … As I fell to the ground, I could faintly hear the people beside me crying out loudly. It sounded like they had more than enough power, as well as the voice of Han Jue`er …    


When I opened my eyes slightly again, I saw a beautiful face. So familiar, so dear, my love! Yes, if that isn't Han Bing'er, then who else could it be?    


[Am I in heaven?] I finally met my wife, but that's not right, because behind her was a baby doctor, who seemed to be playing with her child. Who else could it be other than Zhu Dantong? With Zhu Dantong were the Spirit Child, Ying Zi, Ye Shuzhen and Zhou Yajie. As for hearing Han Bing'er softly say that she had woken up, a few people immediately ran over. The first one was Han Jue`er, followed by the Ding sisters and Ai Ting!    


This, was definitely not a paradise! But what was going on?    


I was stunned. I wanted to ask, but met with the eyes of Han Ju-er when he spoke. I finally suppressed my curiosity and didn't speak. She quietly looked around before looking back at Han Bing'er. Han Bing'er looked at me sweetly for a moment, then Wen Qi came over and handed the swaddling to me. My body was already in good shape. I didn't know how I fainted this time, but after this period of rest, my condition was much better. I immediately took over the swaddling. It was clear that this adorable child was Han Bing'er's model book.    


"Boy! Six pounds eight taels! " Han Bing'er looked at me lovingly. I didn't say anything. I just held my son and looked at him. He couldn't tell what he was feeling.    


They spent the entire afternoon chatting. Only then did I realize that I had actually vomited blood and fainted on the spot. Apparently, in the eyes of the girls, I was too tired during this period of time, which was why I was in such a state. But I knew in my heart that this was not the reason: because I was indeed the one who was worried about Han Bing'er. I wanted to ask Han Jue`er for a clear reason, but the little girl refused to meet my eyes and continued to do her own thing, as if everything I did had nothing to do with her. Fortunately, I had already woken up. I knew that this wasn't the time to ask, so I didn't ask any more questions. However, in my heart, I am still blaming this little girl for clearly cursing her elder sister and my son. When she thought about it carefully later, she discovered that she could not be blamed, because at that time, besides the fact that she was crying loudly, she did not say anything about her sister or her nephew. As for what she thought about Han Bing'er and her son, it was entirely based on Han Jue`er's performance. To a certain extent, I simply could not blame Han Jue`er.    


I really had nothing to say, and couldn't be bothered with my incomprehensible sister-in-law, so I just chatted with the others. Of course I introduced myself, and everyone was pleased to hear that I had won. It was only at this time that I found out that on my way back, because Han Bing'er had a hard time giving birth, I decided to caesarean section. As a result, when I rushed to the hospital, the operation was successful and my son was born. In my heart, I was still wondering why Han Jue`er had done that. However, at this moment, I finally relaxed and wholeheartedly focused on accompanying Han Bing'er and my son.    


He stayed in the hospital for seven days. I did my duty and duty every day, carefully taking care of Han Bing'er and her son. The other girls also came to see Han Bing'er every day before leaving with very complicated expressions on their faces. I didn't know much at first, but I felt that Han Bing'er was looking at me with a lot of amusement in her eyes. She would often look at me with a smile that wasn't a smile, making me confused. Han Jue-er also frequently came to accompany him. Aside from the previous few days that I seemed a little embarrassed, the next few days were all normal, just did not pay much attention to me and just played around with me all day. I ignored her and continued to ponder the purpose of her actions that day.    


Call Tokyo. I was relieved. Because everything was stable, acting exactly as I had planned and intended. I just told them to take care of their safety and deal with it steadily. The few of them also knew that I already had a son, many blessings, but no matter how I listened to it, Zhou Bingjie's words had a sour tone to them. For a moment, I suddenly understood a lot of things: no wonder these girls had such complicated expressions, no wonder Han Bing'er had a smile that wasn't a smile every day, that's why. However, I really can't solve this matter right now! One must know that there is only one wife allowed in the country. With so many girls, this relationship is not easy for me to handle!    


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