Super Little Farmer



Of course, this is just a guess. I don't have any examples to corroborate this. Furthermore, the rules of our survival are much more important than this right now!    


It was another day, and I couldn't do it anymore. I knew that if I didn't drink any more water, my five days and five nights without water would be over. If I added in the time I didn't drink water on the plane, it would be more than six days. He sighed in his heart, knowing that he was going to die here in this boundless sea. No matter how strong his endurance was, he still wouldn't be able to defeat the Old Master Tian. He thought for a moment and soon came up with a plan. He decided to sacrifice himself to help Han Bing'er. He supported Han Bing'er and introduced her with difficulty:    


Han Bing'er, you must survive. I … I'm afraid that I can't anymore …    


Han Bing'er didn't want to listen, but at my request, she answered while crying.    


If you survive, you must go to my villa and tell those girls that I love them, I miss them, but I can't take care of them in this life …    


You even helped me burn a stick of incense on my parents' graves …    


Han Bing'er cried. She didn't want to hear it, but seeing my condition, she clenched her teeth and listened while nodding …    


As I gathered my last bit of life force, I slowly introduced the rules of survival in the wild …    


In the end, after I die, don't leave me behind. In the days to come, if she was thirsty, she could drink my blood, and if she wanted to, she could bite her finger and drink some blood … He had to hold on!    


This time, it was Han Bing'er's turn to cry, and she refused. I don't want to either, but it's the last resort. I steeled my heart and ignored her. Gradually, a wave of sleepiness hit me and I was about to go to sleep. I knew in my heart that I would probably be unable to get up once I fell asleep. However, I could only smile bitterly and once again instructed Han Bing'er to go back to sleep!    


At this moment, Han Bing'er suddenly gritted her teeth and ruthlessly shook me twice, not letting me fall asleep. She then stared into my eyes and said word by word, "Yunzi, I won't let you die!"    


After saying that, she opened her mouth to bite her finger. Obviously, she wanted me to drink her blood. I know it won't do, or she'll die. Your blood will last until the end! Otherwise, I would have died in vain!    


Han Bing'er cried loudly and hugged me tightly. She didn't care about the two bundles of hair on her chest that were tightly pressed against my back and just shook me.    


Seeing her like this, I suddenly felt a pang in my heart. Feeling that it was too cruel to leave her alone on the sea, I decided to try again. Now I removed the last of my skimpy shorts. Even though Han Bing'er saw that big furry fellow at a glance, she seemed to have made a mistake and thought that I was about to do something.    


I didn't have the heart to be frivolous to her. I just gently put my hand on the east side of my head and peed. Sure enough, I couldn't take it, except that my hands were a little wet. But I insist on putting the wet hand to the mouth to suck!    


The tragedy was slightly resolved. But I know it won't last long! He could only sigh in his heart, [If the heavens want me dead, I have no choice but to die!]    


Han Bing'er, who was beside him, was completely dumbfounded. He would understand the meaning of this in a moment. After a while, as if she had made up her mind, she swam over with a blush on her face and used her hand to help me take my urine, but the shaking of the waves caused her efforts to be wasted. She looked at me without thinking, and it was clear that she understood at once what I was trying to do and why I had finally given up my life.    


Indeed, given the circumstances, only one of us could survive. I'm sacrificing myself to help her!    


Han Bing'er was stunned once again and hugged me, kissing me once more. After a while, I seemed to have thought of something, so I glanced at him and my face turned even redder. But looking at my fading vital signs, she finally decided to be ruthless and didn't shed tears or blush. She calmly tore off her little underpants in front of me, then began to swim backwards. She held her most precious, most private part against my head, then pinched between my legs with her two jade legs and squeezed my head between my legs.    


I finally completely understood what she meant. I sighed in my heart and sighed at Han Bing'er's painstaking efforts. Because she had come to my rescue with complete disregard for her own shame. I shut my eyes quickly, not looking at her privacy, not wanting to inhale, but thinking about how we were both like this, how much more I needed her to make such a sacrifice. He thought for a moment and then took advantage of the situation. He placed his mouth against hers as his heart wept while he allowed himself to be sucked in …    


Han Bing'er's urine saved me. My vital signs gradually recovered.    


For the next few days, Han Bing'er and I swam in this way without a single thread of backstroke, allowing the sea water to flow by itself. Hungry, I ate fish raw, she ate rice raw; thirsty, I drank her urine from her private place, she was forced to drink my blood by me, and once, of course, I could not resist her request to let her drink my urine once. She vomited the first mouthful, but forcefully swallowed the second mouthful …    


I don't know how long we were at sea. Han Bing'er's body became weaker and weaker, but because of my support, her mental state was not bad. But I was not well either. Seeing the boundless sea, my heart became heavier and heavier!    


I know, death is coming for us once again...    


Another day, just when I was about to give up, Han Bing'er who was beside me suddenly shouted: Land!    


I looked, startled, at the direction of her gesture. Really, it was a land in the distance. No need to look, I'm sure it's an island!    


This time, we were all full of energy. However, I calculated in my mind that this distance was probably more than ten kilometers. It would be unrealistic to swim over like this. It would be fine if it was normal, but both of us are at the limit of what we can bear, so directly swimming over is impossible. He was afraid that he would die of exhaustion before he could get to the edge of the battle.    


With a plan in mind, he continued swimming backwards with Han Bing'er.    


However, looking at the clouds in the distant sky, my heart suddenly darkened. Bad weather, I am sure of it. The weather on the sea changed. We have never suffered this kind of weather at sea before. Just a little bit: good luck!    


But apparently, his good luck had run out. Looking at the dark clouds in the sky, he could see that an unprecedented heavy rain was coming. No one knew about the power of the torrential rain on the sea, because those who knew were all dead!    


I don't want to die. I looked at Han Bing'er beside me. Han Bing'er also noticed the terrifying cloud in the sky looking at me. The two of them looked at each other, nodded, and swam forward with all their might.    


At the moment, we can't afford to conserve our strength. We had to swim as hard as we could, and we had to get to the land before the storm came. Only then can we survive!    


Closer! Closer! Closer and closer! The distance between us and the land was shrinking step by step. My physical strength was failing, but my desire to survive kept me going.    


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