Super Little Farmer



After settling Han Bing'er down, I wanted to rest a bit more. However, I remembered Han Bing'er's weak body. I'm afraid that I have to start a fire as soon as possible. He handed the stick to Han Bing'er, then went off to find her. Although Han Bing'er was afraid, she knew that I wouldn't abandon her and nodded in agreement.    


I got two more sticks and carried them out to the cave. He then looked at the group of large fir trees not far away. He felt a surge of joy and hurried over. As soon as he looked, he saw a hole in the trunk of one of the larger fir trees, and he liked it more and more. He picked up another stick and climbed up the tree, not caring about the numerous scratches on his body. He approached the hole and poked the stick into the hole. Sure enough, the two animals jumped up. It was a squirrel. My happiness only increased as I apologised to the two little fellows in my heart and reached my hand in. It was indeed a soft and dry fir needle, but it was actually the nest of a squirrel.    


I took them in one go, and when it rained heavily, I bent over and hid them under my belly. I picked up a few fir branches from the tree, and in a few moments I was on the ground, heading straight for the cave. Han Bing'er cried out in alarm when she saw that I had arrived. She was obviously anxious from waiting, frightened, hungry, and lonely. Of course I'm happy to see you. I was happier because I knew I was going to be on fire.    


I took two steps inside and divided the needles into two piles. Then I took two of the sticks I had prepared earlier and dried them with one of the needles. Then I went to the other pile and started to drill the flintlock for the fire. However, this task was easier said than done. After about an hour, when the strength in his arms was almost unable to lift, a small firework burst out and ignited the pine needle!    


Then it was all right. Slowly, with great skill, I added to the fire the few fir branches I had taken from the fir tree. The fire grew larger and larger, finally completely igniting. This is easy to understand, because the fir branches are covered with fir oil, which is both liable to fire and to burn. When the light from the fire illuminated the cave, Han Bing'er finally smiled. Everyone knew that with fire, there would be life!    


I was genuinely relieved, too, and laughed to myself. He decided to strike the iron while it was hot and only bid farewell to Han Bing'er before rushing back into the rain. There were only two things to be done: one was to get more fir branches, and the other some dry wetlands. His previously exhausted strength had now been somewhat restored due to rest and the spark of the fire. Although the fir branches were hard to get on this rainy day, I was experienced enough to get a handful in a little while and bring it to the open just in time to see the old ones burn out. I added more slowly, and the fire flared up again. Once this was done, I went out into the rain to do the second thing: to find the squirrel for food. In fact, I almost wanted to get these squirrels to eat them, but then I thought about it, these little fellows are our saviors right now, so I couldn't do that. Right now, he only wanted to probe their nest. Not bad, there really were some dried pine nuts and some other dried fruits. This is what these little animals usually store up, and I can't be bothered about it right now, I have to share some of it with them. As I did so, I apologised to the little animals: Let's get back to you a little bit, and when this rain is over, I'll make a little bit more, and then I'll return it, the kind that promises interest...    


I took two or three kinds of dried fruits and brought them back to the cave. It was impossible for me to be so full with a large handful like mine, but to Han Bing'er, this was definitely more than enough. That's enough. I can bear it. Thinking about it, this storm is quite heavy, but it should be over soon. If we sleep, this storm will stop. Then we can get some food. After a while, he sighed. Luckily, this area had many trees and trees. Even if the wind and rain outside were heavier, it would still rain heavily here. However, the wind was much lighter here. Otherwise, the wind by the sea might have blown me over or blown me away! That's not good. In this moment, I also realized that the protection and environment of this tree is really beneficial! In his heart, he thought, if he could go back, he would definitely spend a lot of money on greening and planting trees!    


When Han Bing'er saw me walk in again and also hold a handful of dried fruits in her hands, her beautiful big eyes never left me. I didn't have time to pay any attention to her, just eased the dried fruit closer to the fire. After a while, the dried fruits were cooked, and one by one, they began to bloom. Very good, I lightly opened one and handed it to Han Bing'er to eat. Han Bing'er carefully took it and tasted it. It was a very, very sweet taste. I sent the second one back... In the end, she ate it herself. It took her a moment to realize that I hadn't been eating, just smiling at her. She blushed and handed one to me. But I shook my head: there were so many trees, I ate them long ago! These are all for you!    


You're lying! After Han Bing'er heard my explanation, she immediately rejected it. He looked at me and said, You didn't eat a single one!    


Looking at this smart little girl, I couldn't do anything. Knowing that I wouldn't eat anymore if I didn't eat her, I pinched two of them and ate them. Of course, most of them were for her to eat. In the end, after eating this round of dried fruits, Han Bing'er, who was lured by me, ate more than half of it. Of course, I have always been cunning, and of course I used some methods to eat it. In the end she ate most of it, and I didn't really eat more than ten.    


He had to admit that eating raw food, which he had been eating for more than ten days at sea, felt quite extraordinary.    


Although the two of them had eaten their fill, the storm outside was still heavy. I thought for a moment and gently waved at Han Bing'er. Han Bing'er was stunned for a moment before understanding what I meant: Rest for a while first. Come, lie in my arms!    


However, even though she was blushing profusely now, she did as she was told and leaned into my arms. I didn't want to flirt with her now. I leaned against a stone against the fire, let her sit on my lap, and slept against the fire in my arms. I put my arms around her waist and didn't look at or touch her breasts. I just closed my eyes and rested. At first, Han Bing'er was clearly a bit nervous. But after a while, either because she was relieved or because she was truly tired, she also fell asleep. I knew she was asleep, so I let go of her hand and took hold of one of them. I kissed her lightly on the cheek, hugged her tightly, and fell asleep softly as well.    


Sure enough, just as I had guessed, the storm came and went as fast as it came. Or rather, the weather on the sea seemed like a child's face as it became faster. When we woke up, the rain and the wind had stopped. I looked at the daylight coming in from outside the cave and guessed that the two of us had rested one afternoon and the other night, and that it was probably morning of the next day.    


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