Super Little Farmer



After having this thought, I was secretly fearful and carefully observed her, but Han Bing'er was perfectly fine and didn't have the slightest bit of discomfort. Then I figured it all out, not to mention if it had something to do with drinking my blood, even if it did, the problem wouldn't be that big of a deal. First, the wasp didn't sting her, but it stung me, and all the poison went through my filter; second, I survived being stung so badly by the wasp, and she only drank a little of my blood, so what?    


At this point, I finally relaxed and stopped worrying about this matter. Instead, I focused on how to get home!    


Yes, home!    


There has always been such a thought. Especially after I found out that Han Bing'er was pregnant, this idea became even more intense. Thus, after I told Han Bing'er about it, I made preparations. It was obvious that if we waited here any longer, no one would come to visit us. We would have to rely on our own abilities to get to sea! The mountain people's style was, never sit still and wait for death, but take the initiative to attack and find their own way out! For the moment, I am.    


The first was to prepare food and drinks for the journey! Fortunately for me, this was the seaside, and there were many fish and shellfish. I fished in large numbers to catch the shellfish and turn them into dried meat. Fortunately, there was more salt than sun and there was also fire, so making it wasn't too difficult. In less than a month, I have cooked enough dried meat for two people to eat for half a year! As for water, he had to prepare it well. I cut dozens of bamboos and opened them up, filling them with fresh water. Some of them were even filled with boiled fresh water. This bamboo is really good, it's filled with enough water for us to drink, and when done, it can even be made into a raft to carry us!    


At the same time, I considered that the situation in Shanghai was not as it had been the last time, and that the situation might be even more dangerous, perhaps going to a colder seaside, so that it would be better to be prepared for the cold. Moreover, once we were in the sea, we might meet an outsider, and right now we were both naked, with a rare sliver on our bodies, which I didn't mind, so I wrapped my waist around it; but Han Bing'er would be my woman now, and I couldn't allow anyone to look at the wrong place, so I had to prepare a set of clothes for her. As such, I prepared something for Han Bing'er to wear next. But the island was hard to find, and it took me a long time to find a good solution. Finally, under the most impatient circumstances, I managed to catch a few squirrels and kill them. Of course, the two who had saved us in the first place, I didn't touch the meat to roast, but kept the skin; and, to my surprise, there were also some Bamboo Rats on the island, which I caught quickly, and which I also cooked, peeled, and dried. In the end, like the primitive man, I used the fish bone as a needle and a kind of vine that could be found everywhere on the island as a thread. There were several kinds of wild vines on the island, and after I tried them all, I chose a kind of vine that was similar to hemp, and mashed, dried, and pulled out silk to sew up two sets of animal skins for Han Bing'er. Of course, it was only slightly better than the Three Points Style. As for myself, I made two small leather shorts to cover my embarrassment! Of course, I also got some of these vines, some to make ropes, some to continue making silk, and some to weave bamboo strips to make rainproof raincoats and bamboo hats. Han Bing Kuang and I both got here together, and my heart was filled with gratitude to Old Liu. Old Liu is Ying Zi's grandfather, is our mountain of the number of bamboo smiths, I have these skills taught by him. Of course, I only learned a little about it in my playful way of thinking, but who would have known that I would actually use it today! Thinking of this, I regretted it. If Old Liu really did use all of his tricks, all of our clothes could be woven from this bamboo strip. We wouldn't have to kill that adorable little animal!    


Of course, the most important thing to do in order to get to sea was to do a good job. This was an easy task, which was to make a large bamboo raft. Fortunately, this island has plenty of bamboo vines and I had plenty of time. After spending more than three months, I finally built a luxurious bamboo raft. It was luxurious, not only because of the spacious bamboo raft, but also because I had specially made two small rooms with bamboo strips and vines on the bamboo raft: one for storing food and water, and the other for myself and Han Bing'er to shelter from the wind and rain.    


In addition, I had four tools: a few bamboo spears to use as weapons, and perhaps some fishing on the road; two life-saving equipment that were actually four large pieces of wood, hollowed out and tied with vines. I thought, if I really meet a strong gust of wind like the last time and break this raft, I can automatically save people by putting these things on my person. At the very least, it would be much easier for me to carry one person, because all of these things are wood and have buoyancy, so I didn't increase the weight of this raft. In fact, because the raft was large enough, there was no need to worry about such a small amount of weight; the third tool was a set of paddling, which was useful; the fourth was a set of fire-making tools, two of which were wood, and I thought that if I encountered any other fleet on the sea, it might be possible to start a fire, but I might as well do it again. Of course, the dry pine needles, the dry fir needles, and the branches with some tree oil were also properly prepared.    


After half a year of preparation, I finally finished all the preparatory work before going to sea. At the end of the fourth month after Han Bing'er became pregnant, Han Bing'er and I finally landed on this deserted island a year and a half ago. Taking advantage of the time when the sea wasn't too stormy, we boarded the big bamboo raft and went on our journey to search for the mainland.    


Because we were prepared, and because of what happened to us at sea, we weren't afraid at all. I have to say, my timing was very accurate. After rushing around in the sea for a whole week, we didn't encounter even the slightest bit of wind or waves. I just want Han Bing'er to sit in the bamboo house and row by herself. And so we went on for more than twenty days. The food was still plentiful, but the fresh water was dwindling. I, who had always been full of confidence, finally started to worry. Han Bing'er was still carefree and had every confidence in me. Every day, she would just use her loving eyes to watch me work, or sing songs to me. I was smart, tight and loose, keeping my speed and strength at the same time. Nothing else, because I know that sailing in this sea is not something that can be stopped in a day, not to mention that I have Han Bing'er by my side, and she even has my flesh and blood in her stomach! I have to conserve as much energy as I can, just in case!    


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