Super Little Farmer



The first was Han Bing'er. Although her voice was soft, it was still very effective. The girl was stunned. When she heard Han Bing'er say "He's your brother-in-law", she was stunned. The second man, who was standing beside the girl, stopped her almost at the same time. The third person was Zeng Haiying. Seeing the girl's second palm attack coming over, she also sent a palm strike towards the girl. However, it was blocked by Yi Jing and the steady man beside her!    


I see that it's a misunderstanding. It might not be good if I don't appear now. Didn't you see that the twenty men from my side had already moved? And the people on this side had begun to take action as well? This was not a good thing! This is Australia!    


Thinking about this, I smiled at the girl and said, "Are you Han Jue`er?" Without waiting for her to reply, I smiled at the steady man and said, "You're Big Brother Han Bin?" At the same time, I winked at Zeng Haiying and Yi Jing. Fortunately, the two of them were very smart and stopped at once. The girls and security guards behind them stopped, too, and just looked at me eagerly. Seeing that they had all stopped in their tracks, the soldiers on the other side also stopped under the lead of the powerful man and Han Bing'er's bodyguard. A battle ended in invisibility.    


As for my smile, or my direct name, the pretty girl was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect me to recognize her. The man behind her stretched out his hand towards me. "Han Bin, Bing'er's brother!" I also smiled and stretched out a hand towards him, holding onto his big hand. My other hand was still holding onto Han Bing'er as I said, "Zhang Yun, Bing'er's lover!"    


When I said this, Han Ju-er, who was called out by me, was once again stunned. Han Bin also hesitated for a moment, but when he saw Han Bing'er's bashful expression and the look in her eyes towards him, the two of them did not speak and only looked at each other. Or perhaps it was because Han Bing'er's big belly was very conspicuous and the two of them came to look at us at the same time. Han Jue`er continued to support her sister, but Han Bin looked at me and said, "Bing`er, let's go back for now. Where are you staying? I'll bring you over to my house for a reunion? "    


As soon as I heard it, I knew there was something in it. At the very least, looking at the situation in front of them, they still did not recognize my identity. And now, Han Bin's words give us some leeway. Presumably, they had gone back to wait for their parents' opinion. This was something that he should do. Han Bing'er had allowed her parents to raise her like water. It had been more than a year since they last saw her, but she came back with a big stomach. How could this be explained away? En, this Han Bin is not bad. In such a short period of time, he managed to think of a way to deal with this matter.    


When I thought of this, I wanted to agree. However, when I raised my head and looked at Han Bing'er's big belly, I felt reluctant to part with it. When I looked at Han Bing'er again, her eyes were looking at me with deep emotion. I was calmer. After a while she thought: This is her brother and sister with her. With them taking care of her, what can I worry about? Yes, Han Bing'er and I have been out for over a year and a half. It is about time we went to visit her parents. As for me, I'll just visit her parents in the next few days!    


Having made up his mind, he shook Han Bin's hand again with a smile and said: "Then I will entrust Bing'er to big brother!" He then turned to the beautiful girl and said, "Little sister Jue'er, your sister will depend on you!" Saying that, he let go of his other hand. The girl snorted and didn't deny it, but the hand holding her sister tightened. Aunt Yun had already come up to help me support Han Bing'er. I thank you.    


When that Han Bin saw me acting like this, he smiled and said, "Relax." Then he let go of my hand and gave way to his two sisters. Han Bing'er now turned her head to look at me, and I gave her a look of affirmation. She smiled once, and once again glanced at the girls behind me, including her two classmates Sally and Zhu Dantong, as well as the two Ding sisters, Ding Yaoyue and Ding Qiongjue. With a complicated look on her face, she followed her brother and sister and left. After I watched them leave, I greeted everyone. Perhaps it was because there were so many people around, but even though I could feel the passion in each of the girls, I didn't see them leap into my arms. I said, "Just the right thing," and looked them in the eye one by one to convey some information, then I went up to meet He, Yu and the two other veterans, and to greet them one by one as security guards before leaving the dock, surrounded by a crowd of people.    


After leaving the pier and entering the parking lot, they watched as a fleet of carriages left. A car even intentionally opened the window. It was Han Bin, Han Bing'er and the rest of them. They greeted me before leaving on their own. Under everyone's lead, I also found my own team. It was only then that I realized that my team's car was really strong: the first two Mercedes 600 lanes, the middle one a luxury Lincoln with an added model, and the back four Mercedes-Benz 600 lines. The girls all crowded into the limousine, with Yuke in the driver's seat, Ho Chi leading some of the security guards into the front of the Mercedes, and others in the Mercedes behind the convoy.    


In his luxurious car, looking at the group of beautiful faces, it was obvious that they had lost a bit of weight. I don't know if it was because I was so worried or because I had been so busy during the year and a half I'd been away, or because of both, but I couldn't help sighing. He slowly looked at everyone's faces once more and communicated with them once more with his eyes. Only then did he feel that he really wasn't dreaming. It was very quiet in the carriage. After a while, Zhu Dantong, who was sitting beside me, spoke up first with tears in her eyes, "Yunzi, it's been a year and a half since you left. My sisters have been scared silly!" Fortunately, you're finally back today! What had happened this year?    


Looking at her tearful eyes and thin face, I could feel her love for me, and I subconsciously looked back at her. Zhu Dantong's face didn't turn red, but she just stared at me, waiting for me to reply. I subconsciously looked at everyone again, only to find that they were all like this. I sighed again in my heart. After a moment of silence, I organized my thoughts and slowly introduced the bizarre experiences I had over the past year and a half …    


The caravan moved steadily forward, and soon, they arrived at the airport. Halfway through my lecture, I paused and followed the group through a special passageway directly into a large airliner. I had some doubts. I asked Zhou Bingjie beside me and realised that this was a chartered plane. We could take off as soon as we arrived. The plane finally took off, heading straight for the motherland, and I continued the strange experience of the year and a half I had described on the plane …    


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