Super Little Farmer



Ding Yaoyue obviously didn't know what was going on in my mind, so she continued with her introduction:    


As a matter of fact, the rescue was over by the end of the day, but when it was confirmed, it was the next day. After confirming the identity of the people on the list, they found out that the two passengers, Zhang Yun and Han Bing'er, had fallen off the plane when they were fighting with the robbers. All of this was witnessed by over a hundred passengers! Because of the righteousness of the Chinese, because of the strength of Chinese martial arts, every passenger and crew member wanted to find these two Chinese. The United States immediately sent out warships and planes to rescue them, but because the aircraft's instruments were damaged and the captain and the others were fighting with the last bandit, they were unable to accurately determine the exact location of where the two Chinese fell. As a result, after 20 days of search and rescue, they finally gave up. And the conclusion left the seated girls dumbstruck and tearless: there was almost no hope of survival! There was no point in continuing to search!    


Hearing this, my heart froze. No wonder the United States, with its powerful maritime search and rescue capabilities, could not find us. It turned out that it was impossible to pinpoint the location where we fell! Well, one more thing, I remember we found a life jacket bag when we fell down, but the warning sign on the life jacket was broken by me and I couldn't report it to the outside world. Oh, the other reason is that the two of us followed the flow and waited for the search and rescue mission to arrive. We floated to somewhere else and only when they gave up on searching and rescue did Han Bing'er and I come back to live on that nameless island for a few days!    


As I thought of this, a few of my doubts were dispelled. I calmed down and continued to listen to Ding Yaoyue's introduction. It was Aiten who received the call after I was informed that something had happened to me. She happened to be at home that day preparing her information when she received a phone call from someone who claimed to be from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He immediately fainted. It was He Guoqian's brother-in-law, Xie Yuting's father, Xie Zilong, who reacted quickly. He immediately told his wife, He Guozhen and Ai Ting, to stop all their work and inform everyone, including the ones in America! At the first moment, all the girls in the country gathered and after a little deliberation, a decision was made: all the work in the country was entrusted to Zhang Jun and Tension; all the work abroad was entrusted to Liu Zhijun; everyone left for the United States that same evening. But because I had always been alone with the world, it was not right for everyone to go together, so as soon as they met, they split up: the ones with passports, including Ye Shuzhen, Zhu Dantong, Romel, and Ronnie, went to the United States on their own through their own channels; the son, in the name of my fiancée, and the son, in the name of his cousin, his cousin, went to the United States. As for Ai Ting, Zhou Bingjie, Zhou Yajie, and the others, under the guise of a tourist visa, they first went to a travel agency owned by the company at the time, and after they found Sister Liu Liangyu, they were able to handle it the next day. Even Yi Jing and Zeng Haiying were "travelling abroad" this time. As for Sally, Xie Yitian, Ding Yaoyue, and Ding Qiongjue who were already in America, they directly rushed over from where they were. If they arrived first, they would prepare everything …    


Hearing this, my heart was moved. Looking around, their gazes finally landed on the faces of Yi Jing and Zeng Haiying. The two of them were very calm, as beautiful as ever, but they could not see anything else. I sighed in my heart, and stopped thinking about the beautiful eyes that were flying together with her, and continued to listen to Ding Yaoyue's introduction.    


Everyone stayed in the United States for a month. After reaching this conclusion, although they could not accept it, they had no choice but to return empty-handed. At one point, the company was in dire straits. To be honest, the US explanation for the situation was convincing: no one had been able to survive at sea for that long. In other words, there was only one way in front of them: Yunzi was gone! However, there were two people who absolutely refused to admit this point of view, and that was the two of them, the Innate realm and the Spiritual Realm!    


The two of them, who knew me too well, both knew my abilities and subconsciously believed that I would not die so easily! This view was supported by both Zeng Haiying and Yi Jing. This view clearly catered to everyone's hopes. For the first time in over a month, they had a reason to pull themselves together. On the same day, they came up with an urgent decision: Development of industry!    


This was also done in two steps: one was to open up all the stores, to open all the chains, to go abroad, especially in countries close to the sea! There was no other reason! There is only one reason: I fell into the sea, the moment I get to the land, as long as I see our property, I can find us as soon as possible! Second, develop the transportation industry, mainly ocean-going and air transportation, so as to be able to maximize the preparation for finding the carrier!    


Hearing this, my heart was shocked! These girls must be crazy! As he roared in his heart, his eyes became moist, and something seemed to want to flow down his throat. But I tried not to. Still, it flowed uncontrollably from my eyes.    


I don't know if my emotions infected everyone who was sitting, because everyone who was sitting had tears in their eyes. I didn't dare to cry. I knew that once I started crying, these girls would only get worse. At this moment, he forcefully suppressed his emotions and continued listening. Even though Ding Yaoyue was also in tears, she still calmly continued her introductions:    


I think maybe we're all crazy! Even the usually calm and composed Big Sis Zhou Yajie, Big Sis Rommel and Ye Shuzhen could no longer be bothered with them. The first step was to raise funds: they took out the 2.7 billion yuan they had set aside as a strategic reserve from the banks; the 1 billion yuan they had just allocated to the company was also gathered; the South River Heavy Automobile was issued to raise another 3.2 billion yuan; several large real estate companies, both domestic and foreign, agreed to transfer more than 2,500 mu of land rights to raise 17.8 billion yuan in one go; the Sugar Wine Group had been formed, including several products and series of mountain spring water. This time, all the capital flow of Zhang Yunsheng, with the exception of what couldn't be left, was added to more than 2 billion yuan … In just a week, the girls had amassed about 4 billion liquid dollars, all for expansion! The second step was to fight in the sectors. The two sisters, Ding Yaoyue and Ding Qiongjue, expanded into Europe; Ronnie and Ye Shuizhen expanded into China; Ling Zi and Zhou Bingjie, the two Asian states with the exception of China, expanded into Africa; Ying Zi and Zhou Yajie expanded into Africa; Xie Yuting and Sally expanded into the Americas; and Zhu Dantong and Ai Ting expanded into Oceania. Romer was in charge of the control! In short, he had to set up his own branches on every continent, and then expand with them as the core!    


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