Super Little Farmer



So it turns out that Han Bing'er and I had an accident that day, and the next day it spread all over the world.    


As for me, Zhang Yun, I was widely reported by the world media for three reasons. First, I killed ten criminals on the plane and saved all the passengers. Many of the passengers who witnessed me killing with a flying brush all praised my loyalty afterwards. As for the "Chinese kung fu" I displayed, it made these foreigners praise me even more. Secondly, it's the matter of me and the great star Han Bing'er falling into the sea together. After saving everyone, I lost my life, which moved all the passengers on the plane. The most interesting thing to the media was that I fell into the sea together with the world's superstar, Han Bing'er! It was as if dying with a great beauty like Han Bing'er was a pretty good fortuitous encounter! The third reason is that the killing weapon I used was actually very simple. A woman's undergarment, Lisa Charmel's; a signature pen, a Marlboro pen. There were also two nail clippers. Leaving aside the fact that the two nail clippers had been collected by the two passengers, the Lisa Charmel Underwear and the Myriad Treasures Dragon Pen were both top-tier brands in the world of underwear and brushes, but because of this, they became even more famous! Everyone was chasing after him! His fame had soared!    


As for Han Bing'er, because of this, she was once again renowned throughout the world. She said this because she was famous all over the world, because she was songs and movies and TV. And this time, there were three reasons as well. The first reason was that such a beautiful lady had actually fallen off the plane. There was no reply. Everyone had the same answer: she was dead! In other words, Han Bing'er's death was a huge piece of news! The second reason was because of the underwear. It turned out that after that incident, there was a good media investigation on the origin of the LiseCharmel undergarment, but as the investigation went on, although there was no conclusive evidence, once all the factors were gathered together, people were surprised to find out that, from the brand, taste, or the situation, the undergarment could only belong to the famous celebrity Han Bing'er!    


The problem was, the big star Jade Lady didn't have any scandal in the past. How could her bra, which was so close-fitting, be in the hands of the man called Zhang Yun and become a weapon to kill? This matter seemed to be getting more and more heated as time went on, and it was getting darker and darker. However, there was a voice that had no evidence to back it up, let alone the fact that everything had been done in order to save the man. This way, the matter could be suppressed. The third reason was precisely because of this reason. That is, no matter what, everyone in the cabin saw this with their own eyes. That young man fought with that criminal and only afterwards did everyone know that the youth's name was Zhang Yun, while that woman desperately helped everyone and only found out that she was the world's superstar Han Bing'er after the battle and was thrown off the plane by the criminal! In other words, she was sacrificed for the sake of the passengers! This view eventually became mainstream. Other opinions gradually drowned out! Thus, the world's superstar Han Bing'er had conquered the world because of her beauty and her art. This time, her bloodlust, her kindness, her valiant spirit that didn't fear the enemy, conquered the world once again!    


The results showed that Han Bing'er's record received a lot of attention! Monument edition, collection edition, limited edition, gold melody, complete collection... all sorts of famous, unceasingly new!    


So that's how it was!    


After hearing Yu Ke's introduction, I suddenly understood. As he thought about it, he felt that it was rather interesting. He himself had become a celebrity! A moment later, she bitterly laughed again. She felt that this mortal world was really hot. Han Bing'er's actions made the records seem easier to sell, but she didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing! After a while, I remembered that Han Bing'er and I seemed to have been saved by that Australian ocean liner. At that time, I heard that someone was playing Han Bing'er's record on that ship. I was a little confused at the time, but it's understandable now that I think about it! That ship definitely had some hardcore fans of Han Bing'er. However, I wonder if that person's record is a commemorative, a collection or a limited edition?    


Thinking of this, I smiled in my heart. I felt that I still had the talent to be humorous, and now I still had the heart to make such a joke. However, when I thought of this, I suddenly thought of Han Bing'er. Then, he subconsciously looked towards the sky. It was the south. I didn't know where Han Bing'er lived, so I couldn't contact her. As for her brother, Han Bin, I think he's been here for two to three days already. Why isn't he contacting me yet?    


With a bitter smile on his face, he made up his mind. He randomly picked a few books from the library and paid for them. Afterwards, he didn't go home, instead letting Yu Ke drive him directly to the Green Blue Lake villa area.    


When we arrived at the Green Blue Lake villa area, the security guard immediately let us through after he saw my car. I had originally planned to have Yuke wait for a while to get out of the car and register with them, because I knew most of the place. I had originally planned to have Yuke wait until I got out of the car to register with them, because I had most likely known about this place. I smiled wryly: 80%, I must have been scared by this car of mine. In the entire South Wei Province, there were only a handful of people who could drive a Bentley. Moreover, they were either rich or expensive. Under normal circumstances, it wasn't something these security guards could restrain!    


The heavens did not disappoint those who had put in a lot of effort!    


This is my biggest feeling right now! Because when we rushed to Han Bing'er's villa, I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was someone inside! Because the lights were on!    


I got out of the car and slowly walked towards the villa. I was both surprised and happy. I felt that the past few days of longing had finally paid off. He glanced back at Yuke, who was faithfully waiting in the car, and rang the bell.    


The door opened again, revealing a middle-aged woman I didn't recognize. She looked like a servant. It seemed a bit unexpected that a young man like me would come looking for him on a night like this. I'll be clear, the middle-aged woman said. Before I could enter, another person came from behind. It was also a middle-aged woman in her forties. Looking at the clothes on her body, I guessed that it was someone from the family. From the looks of it, the woman in front of her was just an ordinary service personnel. If this person wasn't dressed like that, then her attire would be extraordinary. After this period of brand baptism, I finally have a certain degree of research on this clothing. Although the clothes this woman wore weren't as expensive as the clothes I wore, it was definitely one of the top clothes in the world.    


At that moment, I bowed slightly and told her the reason for my visit once again: I am here to look for Miss Han Bing'er!    


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