Super Little Farmer



No wonder my father had taught me two things before I died: first, "endless learning", and secondly, "the heavens beyond the heavens, there are people beyond the earth", and then, "one cannot judge a person by his appearance". And now, it was obvious that this was the case. Looking at this slightly thin middle-aged woman in front of me, I could clearly feel my father's motto! Looking at Han Ju`er, who was crying in the woman's arms, he immediately understood in his heart: This woman, it seems like her status in the Han family was not low at all. Otherwise, this little girl would not have respected this woman so much and would not have treated her so intimately; however, although they were intimate, she was not like this little girl's mother. Who was this woman? After careful consideration, he felt that he had no clues, so he decided not to. Another heart-wrenching pain came from his arm. Looking carefully, he smiled bitterly in his heart: "This little girl really put in a lot of effort to bite so hard and so much blood!" Fortunately, the meat was not bitten off. There was only a deep mark!    


I was also speechless. I knew that my sister-in-law probably hated me for stealing her sister from her just like that, so she did it. While sighing at the deep love between the two of them, she also remembered the fate she had with her brother, Zhang Gang. In the past, when were we not like this? But unfortunately, they were now separated by Yin and Yang. When he thought here, he could no longer muster any interest. I felt that it would be better if I was bitten by this sister-in-law once, to let her vent her anger. This way, I could feel even more at ease with Han Bing'er. If her sister is so angry with me, then she will be greatly cherished! At that moment, he felt that he should not bring up Han Bing'er's matter. He could only find another way to find her!    


When he thought of this, he slightly nodded his head in farewell. He then left the house regardless of the duo's gazes. Yu Ke did not expect me to return after getting injured. He was so shocked that he wanted to rush into the villa. I stopped him and directly got into the car to run to the hospital. On the way there, he told Yu Ke about not telling anyone about me being injured. Otherwise, I'm sure that the ladies in the villa would definitely come to find trouble with Han Juechen! Yuke could only agree. The two of them went to the hospital and bandaged up the wound. The doctor was going to break the rabies vaccine for me, so I was surprised. The doctor explained that anyone bitten by an animal, including a person, especially someone as serious as me, was to be vaccinated against mad dogs. I bitterly smiled and couldn't help but to think of the beautiful Han Jue`er, so I took the initiative to request for her to give up!    


The doctor didn't try to dissuade me. He just asked me to take note. As I left, I began to guess at the identity of the woman in my mind. Obviously, this woman was not simple. Later on, when he thought about it, he realized that Han Bing'er also had a man called Uncle Liu by her side. It was not surprising that Han Jue`er had such a bodyguard by her side. As for Han Jue`er, she also knew a few moves, which was easy to understand. Because with a little devil girl like her, with someone as skilled as her by her side, it would be strange if she didn't learn a few moves! If it was Han Bing'er, she definitely wouldn't learn it!    


However, this woman's status in the Han family was clearly higher than Uncle Liu's. Han Bing'er was respectful and courteous towards Uncle Liu. However, this Han Jue`er was respectful, affectionate, and had a slight attachment to this woman. Thinking of this, I started to feel suspicious. However, the pain that I felt coming from my arm made me suddenly recall something. Thus, I smiled in my heart. It was true that Han Bing'er had a gentle personality, giving her Uncle Liu's bodyguard was nothing she could do. But if she gave Han Jue'er a bodyguard like that, with this little witch's personality, it would give Uncle Liu a headache. On the other hand, giving Han Bing'er a woman like Uncle Liu was the most suitable choice. She was a woman after all. Her personality was a bit better, and her heart a bit more meticulous. Moreover, this type that had a soft exterior and a tough inner body was able to follow Han Jue'er. It was the perfect type!    


I felt that the parents of Han Bing'er and Han Jue`er were not bad. Not only did they have such a precious pair of daughters, but they also had a set management system. Hmm, it would be great if I could meet him! If this kind of person was in the army, I'm sure he would be a general! After thinking for a while, he realized that the parents of these two Han sisters were definitely not ordinary people. With my current net worth, I've only invited Yu Ke and He Liu and a few others over; but this Han Family has already invited Uncle Liu and this woman in front of me. They're both very powerful, so the Han Family that I've invited them over is even more impressive, not to mention that their eldest daughter Han Bing'er is a world-famous movie, video, and song star!    


Thinking of this, I smiled bitterly. I might have to meet the parents of the Han family sisters. However, I just silently expanded their eldest daughter's belly. Furthermore, it was the belly of that Jade Lady Star, Han Bing'er. I was afraid that it wasn't good and couldn't tell her about it at the moment. How should I put it? I subconsciously felt that Han Bing'er's parents would have a hard time passing!    


After a while, I said with confidence, "What's there to be afraid of?" Her daughter is mine now, and I have to get her to me anyway. I won't give up unless Han Bing'er doesn't want me anymore. However, based on my feelings, my understanding of Han Bing'er, and my relationship with her for the past year and a half, she wouldn't be like this. I believe in her. She will never be like the other celebrities in the entertainment circle. She will never take divorce seriously! That being the case, since my heart is so connected to the fear, then what do I have to fear? Wasn't he just passing the trial from his father-in-law's parents? Afraid? No matter how amazing her parents were, they were still human! I don't believe that because of face, I wouldn't care about this daughter's big belly, and I wouldn't care about this son-in-law!    


With this thought, my train of thoughts cleared up. After a brief thought, I came up with an idea. However, I really didn't know what to do if I didn't see her parents contacting me. The only piece of information I had just now, the Cyan Blue Lake Villa, was broken just like that. And that Big Brother Han Bin, that future brother-in-law of mine, why didn't he think about her sister like that? Call me in the dark, that's good too! Thinking about this, I felt a little discouraged. I don't know what kind of people are behind this family! Things have come to this point, but I am able to keep my composure and won't take care of me at all.    


Thinking about this, I got a little annoyed. After a while, he remembered that Rage really did bring Han Bing'er over. He might even hold a wedding, so what about those girls in my villa? Especially those six girls who have already become my women?    


What a headache!    


It was not a good thing to have so many women nowadays!    


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