Super Little Farmer



Of course, his refusal to kill his comrades did not mean that his comrades would not kill him. Fortunately, the sister, Yuan Jiaxin, had used her body to attract his comrade's bullets to buy time for him. Only when Zhang Yunangang killed the last enemy contestant did he notice that there was only one sister by his side. That was his sister, Yuan Lixin. Her sister Yuan Jiaxin had already been hit by three bullets. He finally couldn't help it, and although he knew it might be a trap, he rushed to protect the poor girl. And then he was hit by the bullets from Han Wenhua. He finally stumbled and fell, but from start to finish, his gun had never fired at his teammates!    


Han Wenhua and the others who received the order to stop the fire immediately stopped. He quickly received a second order: Protect Zhang Yunangang immediately. Although they were puzzled, the team still resolutely carried out the order. But it was already too late. Yuan Jiaxin could no longer handle it. After Han Wenhua and the rest arrived, they heard Yuan Jiaxin say to Zhang Yungang, "She's already fallen in love with him!" She was willing to give up everything for him, even her life! It was a pity that he was already dead and had no more power!    


In the final moment of her life, she had asked Zhang Yunangang to take care of her little sister, and had also asked her little sister to repay her gratitude to Zhang Yunangang, and she died from then on!    


Han Wenhua and his team took Zhang Yungang out of the battlefield and reported to the leaders. Only then did he realize that the military leadership's estimate was not wrong: Zhang Yunangang was loyal, and he was a good man! The staff officer eventually escaped from his homeland and settled down in a foreign land. It turned out that the sister of this staff officer had been married to a foreign businessman. The enemy had bribed him through this relationship and then stolen the secret of the country through him! The Yuan sisters' parents happened to pass by that place and stayed there, violating those people's taboos. Those people were afraid of being exposed, so they conveniently killed their parents!    


Now everything was as clear as day.    


While Han Wenhua and the rest of the people were regretting their decision, Zhang Yunangang was in dire straits! He was actually suffering from sepsis because of this. There was almost no cure for this! In other words, the only thing waiting for Zhang Yunangang was death! However, at the most crucial moment, Yuan Lixin had stepped forward and proposed to exchange blood with Zhang Yunangang! This might have been the only way to save Zhang Yunangang at the time. Although it was too cruel, but after Yuan Lixin fought with her life on the line, the military officials finally agreed. In this way, Zhang Yunangang was finally saved and recovered; Yuan Lixin, who was originally in good health, became weak and sickly from then on!    


And because of this incident, this Wild Wolf Regiment was directly under the military committee's control in the future. Half a year later, Zhang Yunangang was able to travel on a mission alone. Not long after, he received a top secret information from the inside that the staff officer who had escaped had been killed in a foreign land. His death was very tragic. Later, many of the secrets of this hostile country were stolen. Later, an underground network that the country had previously planted in our own country was destroyed.    


Although there was no trace of Zhang Yunangang, Han Wenhua could tell from the various aspects of the information that it was definitely Zhang Yunangang who had done all of this! Then, as he continued to promote himself, he found out by chance that many years ago, after those events, Zhang Yunangang had disappeared without a trace, and it was unknown whether he was still alive or dead. Even the special forces and national security personnel who went to search for Zhang Yunangang successively ended up with nothing. Of course, whether it was truly fruitless or whether there were a few upper echelons who knew of Zhang Yunangang's situation and did not disclose it to the public, no one knew.    


Han Wenhua also asked about it later, but to no avail. He only felt slightly more relieved when he found out that his twin sister, Yuan Lixin, had also gone missing.    


Unexpectedly, thirty years passed in a flash!    


I stayed where I was for a long time, not moving at all!    


It was as if he was listening to the Heavenly Book! This should all be part of the plot in the movie! How could it have happened right beside me?    


However, when I think about the truth of what Vice General Han said, I finally have nothing to say. Many of his doubts had been solved one by one.    


Why is my mother so weak? So it was because he did not want to exchange blood with his father! When her father and brother finally died together, her mother finally could not hold on! That was not only because his mother's body was in a bad condition, but also because of his mother's attachment to his father! I am sure that after my father had done those things, he and my mother hid themselves in the mountains! He believed that with his father's skills, ordinary special forces would not be able to find him!    


Why did his father, who was an ordinary hunter, know so much, including the knowledge of military formations? Why is father's kung fu so good, even training me and big brother? So his father was once China's most elite special forces, and he was even their captain! When I killed those criminals on the plane, I used a flying dagger to kill them. That was one of my father's secret techniques. Like my father, my brother and I could use the strength of our hands and wrists to shoot a bamboo chopstick into a tree trunk or a rock! As for my life with Han Bing'er on that deserted island, it was all thanks to my father's tutelage!    


Why is my brother and I twins? I believe this has something to do with the fact that my mother was a twin! Because twins are hereditary!    


Why have I never heard of an aunt? She had passed away in her early years!    


Why are my brother and I in our twenties, my mother in her 50s, and my father in his 60s? It turned out that her father was already old when he saved her, and her mother was only 18 years old at the time. I think it was because I saw that my mother was not well and did not want my mother to have children. Or maybe it was because my mother gave birth to us that the age gap between my parents and mine was so huge!    


Why are my brother and I so handsome? Because we inherited the common good points of handsome father and beautiful mother! As for our excellent physical fitness, it is also thanks to father's training …    




Why was there such a picture in this general Han's study, or was it that this picture had been preserved to this day? It seemed that both the lifelong remorse of General Han and the indescribable feelings of brotherhood did exist. He, after all, shot and killed the girl who had a crush on my father, my aunt Yuan Jiaxin, and he also shot and wounded my father! This directly caused my mother to be in poor health, and eventually caused my mother to die after receiving my father's death message!    




No words, ah, no words!    


For the first time, I also believe that the young man who looks very similar to me in this photo in General Han's room is my father!    


I want to cry, but I can't cry!    


Can I blame this Lieutenant General Han?    


I can't!    


My father doesn't blame him, nor does my mother. How can I blame him?    


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