Super Little Farmer



One had to know, he was only executing orders! As for soldiers, it was their duty to carry out orders! My father does not blame him, my mother does not blame him, my aunt does not blame him, and I will not blame him either.    




I stood up, tears streaming down my face. I took the photo from the similarly tearful Lieutenant General Han and stared at my father. His father was as handsome as ever, but he remained silent, just like how he had always been in his life. He rarely spoke a word all year long, but his intelligence, cleverness, and intelligence were all on a completely different level!    


Oh, my dear father!    


"..." A child wants to be raised, but a parent doesn't exist … I finally understand! However, it was already too late …    


I cry!    


General Han cried bitterly!    




After an unknown period of time, the two of us finally stopped crying. Rest. Calm. They looked at each other. Smile. They all smiled happily. Laughter. They all laughed happily.    


"Your father, like your grandfather, is a great soldier! A real soldier! " In the end, Lieutenant General Han stood up first, grabbed my hand, and said solemnly.    


My grandfather? My grandfather is also a soldier? A great soldier? A real soldier?    


What do you mean?    


General Han knows my grandfather?    


I wanted to ask. He opened his mouth and looked at General Han, but he did not speak. Following that, he also shook General Han's hand. Lieutenant General Han looked at me seriously again and suddenly said, "As for the two of us, let's forget about it after we leave the study room!"    


I was taken aback, but then I understood and nodded my head heavily. That Lieutenant General Han suddenly smiled, and then calmly said: "I'll leave Bing'er to you in the future!" Treat her well!    


I was stunned for a moment and felt relieved. He repeatedly said, "Thank you, Uncle Han!" Thank you, Uncle Han!    


You're still called Uncle Han? General Han, who was about to walk outside, suddenly stopped and asked.    


This time, I reacted quickly and immediately understood what was the matter. I immediately changed my words: Thank you, father-in-law!    


Hm! General Han Wenhua replied with a smile. Just as he was about to leave the room, he suddenly told me, "I believe Han Bin told you about my family's situation." Han Bin's mother had passed away a long time ago, and Bing'er and Jue`er's mother were my successors. His eyes were a little snobbish. You don't have to care. I will explain it to your mother-in-law. It's probably the first time in my life I've asked her, and she wouldn't disagree! For my and Bing'er's sake, you should treat your mother-in-law better!    


After a short pause, his father said, "Bing'er is at her grandfather's house right now, and I need to take care of some of the follow-up matters regarding her previous acting career. I think she will be back in two days." When she comes back, you take her and check her out. As for the feast, I don't care about it. Bing-Er is like me, she probably won't care too much about it. Especially since she's already died once now, she should know that the truth is more precious and probably won't ask for anything from you. Do as she says! Treat her well!    


I nodded again.    


Father-in-law Han seemed to suddenly remember something and said, "Oh, there's still one more point. I suddenly remember and will explain it to you now." I have just returned from an investigation abroad with the Chief. We went out the day after Bing'er came back, and the day before that, we had a full day's worth of meetings, so we are still clueless about the situation at home. Bing-Er and I met the day she came back, and we talked in this room for over an hour. She gave a brief account of you. I left a message at the time. Because of what you did on the plane, and the way you lived on the sea, and the way you lived on the desert island, I knew you. He was supposed to get to know her once, but he had been busy with his work and had no time to spare. Now it seemed no different from what I had first guessed.    


He paused for a while and said, "When I came back, I didn't see Bing-Er. But you were here, so I thought you hadn't met her yet. I am afraid Bing-Er hasn't come back yet." Ah, Bing'er's mother is definitely such a person. She didn't think that since Bing'er was so big, she had become sensible. What was the use of stopping her? Besides, this matter of feelings, was it to the point that it obstructed the way of the earth? Aren't you being too naive! Zhang Yun, you don't have to worry about it. Wait till I get Ju`er to give me a call and have Bing'er come back as soon as possible.    


I nodded again and followed Han's father-in-law as he was about to open the door. At this moment, the red signal symbol on a phone on the other side of the desk rang. Lieutenant General Han's face was calm as he went over to receive it. After a while, he hung up. Seeing me standing at the door, I bitterly smiled and said, "Zhang Yun, your father-in-law originally wanted to have a good drink with you. Now that something has happened, he has to rush over. I won't be accompanying you anymore."    


I nodded, guessing that the phone call was a private, top secret one in the movie, and followed my father-in-law out.    


Come out!    


When his father-in-law came out of his room, he suddenly shouted. I was a little taken aback. I saw Han Bin, Han Ju`er and my mother-in-law, Liu Xizhen, come out from three different places. Looking at the unnatural expressions on their faces, I suddenly understood what was going on. These three people must have been trying to listen to my conversation with General Han. However, looking at their expressions, it seemed that the study room was well-kept and they didn't hear anything. This father-in-law of mine had obviously been in the military for a long time. This situation was very familiar, and he immediately noticed the three abnormalities and shouted at the same time. For example, I couldn't find anything wrong with it. It seemed that he had to learn more about combat experience! Of course, this had something to do with the general's familiarity with his own family and the personalities of his own family!    


However, this was not the time for me to think about these things. I glanced over and saw that my sister, Han Jue`er, was looking at me with watery eyes. There was a look of worry on her face, but it was more of a mockery. With a glance, it was obvious that this little girl was quite a playful person. As for his brother-in-law, Han Bin, he was different. His anxiety was clear to behold. As for the mother-in-law, she still looks the same. Her face is slightly green, and it is clear that she doesn't think highly of me.    


"I have already confirmed that Zhang Yun is the son of my comrade. I'm relieved. I have already agreed to the marriage between Bing-Er and him! Jue'er, call your sister and tell her what I mean. Let her come back! For a girl to have such a big belly, it's not a big deal for her to stay with her grandfather all the time. " General Han looked at everyone and said with a calm expression. However, I noticed that his eyes had obviously been paying attention to his mother-in-law's expression the entire time he said those words. Hearing his words, a trace of helplessness and dissatisfaction flashed across my mother-in-law's face. Her face turned even more green and she gave me a fierce look, but in the end she didn't say anything. I couldn't bear it any longer, so I bowed to my mother-in-law and said, "Thank you so much for helping me." However, Han Jue`er came over to support her mother, gave me a complicated look, and left on her own. However, Han Bin looked at me with a smile and secretly gave me an arrogant look. I returned his gaze and bowed respectfully. He laughed. General Han's face flashed with an indescribable pain. He lightly smiled as he retrieved his bag and shook hands with me. Let's go!    


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