Super Little Farmer



I smiled gratefully at my grandfather, then poured him and the Han sisters a cup of water from the tea set on the stone table and sat down. We talked for a while longer, with me, of course, giving a brief account of my situation, as well as some of the times I had seen Han Bing'er's parents, including the fact that my father and father-in-law Han Wenhua had once been comrades. The two Han sisters had ordinary expressions on their faces when they saw my personal situation. It was obvious that Han Jue`er also knew about it. I guessed that Han Bing'er told her sister about it; what happened afterwards mainly referred to my father's matter, not to mention Grandfather, even the two sisters didn't know the details. After hearing my introduction this time, they both listened attentively.    


When I finished, the three of them fell silent. Han Bing'er subconsciously looked at me, and under the table, she quietly extended her hand to hold mine, tightening her grip. I gave her a grateful look in return. My grandfather looked at me again and nodded vigorously. Finally, he said: My Ximen family didn't make things difficult for you, right?    


I was stunned. Who is Xi Zhen? Why are you making things difficult for me? When I thought about it, I realized that she was referring to her daughter, my mother-in-law. Although he felt that his mother-in-law had once been sad for him, she still agreed to take care of the matter between Han Bing'er and me in the end. Thinking about it, she was so careful, it was probably because she was worried about her daughter. It was probably because of her love for her, so I didn't need to mention any more about her being poor and rich. Thinking of this, I shook my head at my grandfather, making it clear that my mother-in-law herself had nodded. Even though my grandfather was skeptical, he still believed me after seeing my sincerity. However, I had already noticed that despite the calmness on his face, a hint of suspicion still flashed in the corners of his eyes. I thought to myself: You can't be a father to a daughter. Bing'er's grandfather is really a man, and I can see that he treats the two Han sisters very well. He even treats my husband, Han Bing'er, very well, at least sincerely!    


My heart warmed, and I smiled sincerely at my grandfather. Grandfather didn't seem to realize what I meant by that smile, but he was smiling as he explained Han Bing'er and Han Bing'er's situation, as well as hoping that I would properly cherish Bing'er's matter. I nodded. After that, we talked about family matters. I just found out that Bing'er's grandma passed away a long time ago. I sighed to myself. No wonder I didn't look at the lady of the house. There was another layer of goodwill in his heart for his grandfather. It could be seen that although the old man was calm and collected, the pain on his face when he spoke of his wife, who had passed away earlier, was not fake. It was clear that he was deeply in love with her. I was touched again.    


When Grandfather finished talking about himself and took a short break, I inadvertently mentioned the lady I met when I first entered the room, as well as Sister Guo Qing who had been accompanying Han Bing'er. When the old man heard the two of them, he just smiled and then told me that the lady was the daughter of one of his comrades, Tang Lin, who had always been independent and independent. According to his understanding, this girl should have always been alone, but he didn't know when she had such a daughter! As he spoke, he laughed happily, as if Tang Lin were the fruit of his happiness.    


Speaking of which, I immediately knew a lot of information: This grandfather of mine used to be a soldier as well. Otherwise, how could he have become a comrade-in-arms? Judging from his imposing manner, his status in the past must have been quite high. The marriage of Han Wenhua and Liu Xizhen, which was also the marriage of Han Bing'er's parents, was most likely something that he had wholeheartedly supported! And now, I can also understand why Guo Qing's sister and Han Bing'er know each other. It's because in the past, I was accidentally injured by Han Bing'er, Sally, and Zhu Dantong's bodyguards, and was subsequently hospitalized. Han Bing'er and Guo Qing's sister were both present at that time, so the two of them obviously didn't know each other. But now that we're so familiar with each other, I'm sure that the two of them only got to know each other later on. At this moment, it could even be said that they only got to know each other from my grandfather's place! As for Guo Qing's mother, she clearly had some connections to the Han Family. Because the last time Han Bing'er had her 20th birthday, her mother, Tang Lin, attended it!    


As for Tang Lin herself, she must have had a close relationship with her grandfather, as could be seen from the fact that she was able to handle matters freely in the Han family. The Han family's grandfather was obviously very intimate with her as well. As a result, Grandpa Han knew a lot about Tang Lin, including her personal life. And this was something else. It was something that the Han Family's Grandfather had inadvertently revealed: This Tang Lin seemed to have always been single, but she didn't know how she could have such a big daughter, Guo Qing's elder sister. This is what most resonates with me. Because I felt this way the first time I saw them, because Sister Guo Qing was a little older than me, 22 years old, but her mother, now known as Tang Lin, was only in her thirties. In other words, it was obviously impossible for a mother this young to have such a young daughter and Tang Lin's mother to give birth to Guo Qing at the age of 10! If one insisted that it was possible, then there was only one possibility: Sister Guo Qing was not Tang Lin's biological daughter! But looking at the affection between the two of them, if they weren't biological, then who would believe it? Also, since Big Sister Guo Qing called her mother so naturally, if she wasn't her own son, then wouldn't that mean that as early as Tang Lin's teens, she learned to take care of another girl who was younger than her by herself? That was shocking enough. I actually took care of people when I was a child, but there are a few factors: first, we were poor families, and this child was the first to run the household; second, I was with my brother, or at least a companion; and third, to me, it was more about helping others than taking care of them, because we had never brought another person with us at such a young age!    


Thinking of this, I was stunned. A strange feeling rose in his heart. 'It seems Tang Lin has known me for a long time!' On second thought, however, I rejected my own point of view, for I did not think I had such a possibility!    


Then we talked for a while. After that, he would eat lunch at Grandpa Han's home. Tang Lin and Guo Qing also joined in. There were a few people with complicated relationships on the scene, but I couldn't let them go. Of course, I still ate seriously.    


In the afternoon, Tang Lin took her sister Guo Qing and left early. She only said that she would come see the old man tomorrow. The Han family's grandfather chuckled happily. After staying for a short while, I discussed with Han Bing'er and decided to take my leave. Han Jue`er is also going to follow us. They then bid farewell to the old man. Of course, before I left, I went out to buy some high-grade tea leaves for my grandfather. I could already tell that this Han family's grandfather had a request for tea. As expected, when I gave him the tea, his grandfather narrowed his eyes and smiled happily. He gave me another appreciative look, which was considered a reward.    


Naturally, I also received a look of deep love from Han Bing'er. In fact, that sister-in-law, Han Jue`er's eyes when she looked at me, seemed to be getting hotter and hotter!    


I felt an inexplicable sense of panic!    


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