Super Little Farmer



With great difficulty, I shifted my gaze to Han Bing'er. However, when his eyes swept over her, they inadvertently swept across Han Jue`er's chest. It doesn't matter if I don't look, as long as I look, I won't be able to look anymore …    


As it turned out, she had shielded the place with her hands just now, but it was nothing much. Now that she had one hand on her underpants, her breasts were bare, and although the undergarment covered her breasts a little, they were indeed a little too small for her, and her breasts were indeed larger … Oh, that fullness, and therefore the contrast was so striking that a large bundle could not conceal its white fullness and a deep gully; especially now that the little undergarment was so wet, one of the two protrusions, though also wrapped in wet clothes, was particularly striking and alluring!    


Han Jue`er, who had finally recovered from her shock, came over to look at me and saw that my eyes were blazing with fire. She lowered her head slightly, took a look, and immediately cried out in alarm.    


My face was burning, and it took me a while to regain my senses. I wholeheartedly wanted to help Han Bing'er bathe. However, when I turned my head back, I was looking at the now washed hair of Han Bing'er, who was looking at me with a meaningful smile!    


I didn't know what she saw, but I couldn't say any more, so I had to pretend that I was deaf and dumb. I let Han Bing'er stand there, using the water cage to carefully wash the water from her chest, her protruding stomach, her back, and her two slender legs. Han Bing'er didn't say anything and just looked at me with a faint smile. I saw her expression, and the more I panicked, the more cautiously I helped her bathe. I even gently washed her lush forest with my hand. In the meantime, with Han Bing'er in front of me, my heart naturally itched. I couldn't help but to take the opportunity to wipe away some oil, but Han Bing'er was completely unconcerned with my little actions. She only looked at me with a smile that was not a smile, causing me to have no choice but to let go. However, the thing below was still strong enough to make Han Bing'er chuckle. She smiled, and I went to listen to her belly. At this time, Han Bing'er's motherly face showed up, and she stopped laughing at me, but held her stomach with both hands, allowing me to listen. She even instructed me in listening, or even laughed softly: "You little brat, are you kicking your feet here? Oh, where are you reaching out your hands …" I listened closely to her instructions, and I had the feeling that I could even be sure that the cub in her womb was exercising.    


After waiting for Han Bing'er to wash up, I took out a large towel and helped her bind it, then helped her out of the bathroom. After returning to the bedroom, I went back to the bathroom and washed myself in hot water before returning to my room with a large towel.    


Seeing Han Bing'er blow her hair, I sighed in my heart and went over to help her blow her hair. I have to admit, Han Bing'er's hair is very fresh. The feeling that this gives me is that even helping her to blow-dry her hair is a kind of enjoyment!    


From start to finish, Han Jue`er had never appeared again. It seemed like this little girl had just left because she was too embarrassed to come over. As for the girls at home, they were all here to see Han Bing'er, but they were cut off by my call. I mean, either they come tomorrow or Han Bing'er will come tomorrow. However, it was too late tonight. Everyone had better rest, which was why no one came to disturb them. Although the dinner was sumptuous, I sent it to my room. Since Han Jue`er is not in public, I can only send it to her myself. The little girl slightly opened the door. She pretended to be calm as she picked it up and immediately closed the door. I bitterly smiled. I knew it wouldn't be so easy, so I didn't mind. I just sighed and went to my room to eat with Han Bing'er.    


This meal was a good one. First, the dishes were good. The dishes I used were all of high quality, each case being 1888 yuan, one for each of us. As for the rest, they weren't bad either. Fortunately, I knew that Han Bing'er was pregnant and that there were some dishes that could not be eaten carelessly. According to my original intention, I would like to fish wing swallow nest abalone sea cucumber all up. Second, he was in a good mood. You know, this is the first time Han Bing'er and I have eaten so calmly in so many years. Of course, he had once eaten in peace on that deserted island, but he was somewhat worried. When was it so open these days? Currently, my relationship with her, with the consent of her parents, has finally been released from Han Bing'er's heart. Although her own meaning was the most important, if her parents opposed it, it would be difficult; this was clearly the best place for everyone to be happy! As for me, I'm the only one in the family right now. If I agree, then it means the whole family agrees. To be able to get such a beautiful woman, that is a blessing from my family, how can I not be happy?    


Not to mention that it was better to not see each other for a new marriage. The two of us were meeting for the first time in more than ten days, so it couldn't be finished with a single sentence. Therefore, he had enjoyed a good dinner. It was unknown when the dinner was finished, so we put away the tableware and washed up a little. The two of us sat on the bed and rested while hugging each other. I sat on the bed with Han Bing'er lying on my chest. In this embrace, thousands of words were spoken without words. Only the heart and the heart could experience.    


Then, Han Bing'er suddenly moved. The hand that was holding my waist suddenly reached into my stomach. The puppy in my stomach moved again. Smiling, I let her lie down on the pillow and knelt on her bed to listen to the sound. When I was in the bathroom, Han Bing'er was standing, and now she was lying on her back, I didn't know if the result was the same. But the results were clearly the same, at least from what I could tell.    


I listened sweetly. After a while, I felt something and looked at Han Bing'er, only to see her smiling affectionately at me. A thought struck me. Because her beautiful, expressive eyes were staring at me lovingly. I felt a surge of warmth in my heart. Because at the same time I could read a certain need and infatuation in her eyes. He subconsciously crawled a few times before hugging Han Bing'er and kissing her. Han Bing'er first rejected it a few times, but in the end she fiercely agreed …    


Slowly, the towel on Han Bing'er's body disappeared … At some point, the towel on my body has been removed … Once again, Han Bing'er and I faced each other with sincerity …    


Han Bing'er slightly bent her legs and treated me sincerely with all her heart. I slightly bent my legs and stroked Han Bing'er's huge belly as I lightly went in and out of the room while Han Bing'er was gasping for breath.    


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