Super Little Farmer



The girls, on the other hand, were all silent because of Ye Shuzhen's words. I knew that a few of these girls, though already close to me, were reluctant to make a show of it; the others, who knew nothing of it, or knew it but did not want to crack it, were now all looking down shyly at their porridge. However, with their expressions, Ronnie, Romer, Zhou Bingjie, Zhou Yajie, Ying Zi, and Ling Zi were still better understood. After all, she was already my woman, and probably fearing that someone would see through her, she quickly lowered her head and did her own thing; even Zhu Dantong was better understood; everyone knew that she had been chasing me for a long time, and now that she finally revealed it in front of everyone, she was still a girl after all. She still had her face lowered, but while quietly drinking the porridge, she charmingly shot me a glance.    


What I didn't expect was that both Zeng Haiying and Xie Yuting would have the same attitude! Even Yi Jing, who had a boyish personality and shook her head whenever I looked at her, had the same expression on her face! This really gave me a huge shock! My already flustered heart became even more flustered!    


As for Sally, I always felt that something was wrong. That was because in her eyes, besides joy and love, there were also traces of loneliness and desolation. Although it was just a flash, I caught it. That was all. I had been thinking about the origin of that Patek Philippe watch. It seemed to me that Sally was the one who was most likely to get the watch, even though she had escaped the marriage and had broken off contact with her family, and by all rights she wouldn't have the ability to do so. I had rejected that idea many times last night, but somehow I was right now. Therefore, when I first entered the dining room, I subconsciously noticed her. Unexpectedly, "she intentionally planted flowers without blooming flowers and unintentionally planted willow trees without shade". Because I didn't pay attention to anything due to my watch, I accidentally caught a trace of pain and impatience in her eyes!    


My heart gave an inexplicable shudder! The faint uneasiness of the night before, when he had looked at the watch closely and then been overwhelmed by surprise, was growing stronger.    


I don't know why I feel this way, but I do! Of course, when I focused on it again, I couldn't see anything. Even though I strongly felt that Sally was pretending to be happy, it was still a happy occasion. At least on the surface, it was so.    


Thinking of this, he could only remain calm as before, temporarily putting all his doubts and uneasiness to the back of his mind. He reminded himself to pay attention to the situation in secret, and then he sat down at the table and ate under the gazes of the girls. After the meal, the girls drove away on their own. Watching BMW, Audi, and other high-end cars leave one by one, I walked over to my Bentley. At the very least, as far as he was concerned, this room was missing something. At the very least, Ding Yaoyue and Ding Qiongjue were sharing a room together, and the two of them were also sharing a room together. Perhaps, the housing conditions should be improved once. Also, there was only one parking space under the house. There were more than ten cars in the house now, and it had been a year or so since they had last seen sun and rain. It seemed like they needed to get another car space. Thinking of this, my heart skipped a beat. I immediately dialed Zhu Dantong's number and told her what I meant. Zhu Dantong replied softly from the other side and left.    


By the time I reached Bentley, Yuke was already waiting by the car. I greeted him with a smile and opened the door to get in. Yuke drove away.    


Today's job is still mainly to understand the overall situation of the companies. At the moment, I'm not too familiar with my company. Fortunately, I'm the boss right now, so I don't need to personally take it. All I need to do is to grasp the direction. But for now, even though I know something about it through the Internet, it's still not enough. I need to know more. But then again, this network is really good. At least, based on my current situation, through this network and the documents of the various companies, I have a rough understanding of various aspects. Even though it's not comprehensive, I have a better or worse idea of what's going on!    


The whole day was spent in knowledge and research. In the evening, Yuke and I had to go home. On the way back, he recalled that he had not understood this world for more than a year. Aside from network and field research, he also needed to buy books to read! As he thought of this, he let Yu Ke turn the car onto the main road of Hibiscus, heading straight for the largest library city in the province of Southway. However, when I reached the entrance of the library city, I was stunned once again.    


To be more specific, he wasn't dumbfounded, but was attracted by the large blowout promotional picture on the left side of the library's gate!    


It had to be known, that was no ordinary promotional picture. It was Han Bing'er's promotional picture!    


The Han Bing'er on the painting was pure, calm, beautiful, gentle, and she was holding the water by a stream! However, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the color of the painting was too deep. After a while, he sighed again. Han Bing'er was still Han Bing'er. She had just come back and already had such a huge attraction. Even the biggest library in the entire province had a poster posted like this!    


While he was sighing in his heart, he was reading the description beside Han Bing'er's picture. One must know that Han Bing'er is my woman. Although I had been separated for a few days, I thought about her all the time. There's a poster of her right now, so of course I want to see it. On first reading, he realized that the poster was promoting a limited number of rare records, mainly a collection of Han Bing'er's songs from her past life. Looking at the time again, it was posted yesterday. He couldn't help but smile in his heart as he prepared to advance.    


However, before I could even take a step forward, I suddenly stopped. His gaze immediately fell on the introduction of the words on the floor. More specifically, it stopped at two words: When alive!    


What do you mean?    


Didn't this mean that Han Bing'er was already dead?    


How is this possible? It was still fine the day before yesterday! I came back with her!    


Thinking of this, I suddenly burst out laughing. Presumably, the 'alive' here was referring to the original Han Bing'er! That is to say, Han Bing'er got off the plane and lived with me on the deserted island for a year and a half. When there was no news from the outside, I thought she had died, which was why I said she was alive.    


This at least meant that Han Bing'er held a special place in the hearts of her fans! However, if everyone suddenly knew that Han Bing'er was still alive, what would they think?    


Yu Ke, who was standing by his side, clearly knew the whole process. Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell that I was the one who made Han Bing'er's stomach grow. Yuke had watched Han Bing and I leave the boat hand in hand. He was a perceptive person, and had guessed everything. At this moment, it was obvious that he knew what I was thinking. He stepped forward and smiled as he introduced the details!    


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