Super Little Farmer



Ferragamo, translated as "Ferragamo," from Cantonese, is the world's number one men's shoe brand. The company's founder, Salvatore Ferragamo (Savato Ferragamo), has been crafting shoes! Of course, it's not that the brand is from Italy, or ranked first in the world, or handmade shoes. But my shoes are worth 248,000 yuan and are priced in dollars!    


DAKS, the world's top clothing brand from London, England, known as the "King of the Lattice." The suit I tried on earlier cost 320 thousand yuan and was priced in pounds!    


As for Patrick Philippe's watch, the Chinese translation is "Patek Philippe." According to the online description, the limited edition mechanical watch in my possession is worth 32 million yuan.    




Worth so much money? I was sweating. I didn't expect these girls to be so generous!    


Of course, as I lamented this, I was also puzzled. However, this watch was the main reason.    


Because even though owning a Patek Philippe is the symbol of the world's richest man, and the noble art and expensive materials have successfully shaped the Patek Philippe's enduring brand effect, having one such watch requires at least eight to ten years of patience, since the brand has only produced one product per year in the last hundred years. Obviously, I didn't have to wait that long. I'm sure that this watch was prepared by these girls in just two short days after they found out I was alive!    


Since it didn't come like this, I speculated that there were only two ways left for me: One, it was gifted to me by someone else, and two, it was auctioned off! Not long ago, Patek Philippe updated the world auction record for its antiques watch, a 1933 watch for a US banker that sold for as much as $11 million, according to online sources. But as far as I'm concerned, I really don't know where this watch came from. Because if someone were to give it to me, I really wouldn't be able to think of any of these girls who would have the ability to get their hands on such a watch. Of course, Sally from the past was an exception. However, Sally was unable to do so. Because she had already broken off all relations with her family! Without the support of her family, it was very difficult for her to obtain this kind of watch! Other than this, there was only the second option: This watch was obtained through auction! But how could there be such a coincidence? I was just rescued and these girls got the watch at auction?    


He thought about it for a while, but couldn't come up with an answer. Thus, he didn't think about it and only carefully looked at the watch. I don't know why, but I feel a little uneasy at the same time as I sigh at the exorbitant price! Of course, it was only for a short period of time. My faint unease was drowned out by the increasingly intense fear!    


Indeed, I'm getting more and more nervous!    


The more I look at the description and information of those brands, the more shocked I am!    


I absolutely can't predict that all these things I have on me will actually be valued in billions of yuan!    


Of course, after being stunned for a while, I finally calmed down a bit. Because I just remembered, I'm worth 23 billion yuan. This 100 million yuan worth of clothing, to the me today, obviously didn't mean anything! What was even more unexpected to me was that this online search was clearly another branding learning process for me. I think that the brand knowledge and stories that I learned from Sally, Han Bing'er, Zhu Dantong, Romel, Ronnie, and Zhou Bingjie were never systematic, but this time they were completely digested and absorbed, forming their own brand knowledge system!    


Un, maybe this is useful for a 'nouveau riche' like me, at least I can pretend to be gentle! When I thought of the word "explosive room," I sighed in my heart. I felt that this term was really unpleasant, but it seemed that I really did belong to this category, because in less than five years time, my assets had increased from less than 50 yuan to 23 billion yuan! If he wasn't a nouveau riche, then what was he? After a while, he thought, "It seems like I'm not just a nouveau riche, because the growth of a pure nouveau riche is smooth and it's easy to spend money without taking it seriously." I, on the other hand, am different. Even today, I am in a difficult situation and almost lost my life. As for money, not to mention spending it, I have never squandered it. As for these luxurious decorations, they were actually made for me by these girls! Although I don't feel that it's against the rules and I still like them, but in essence, I'm not a pure upstart!    


At this thought, I relaxed a little, and at last, with self-deprecating self-mockery, located myself in the middle between the pure nouveau riche and the aristocracy. After thinking for a while, he felt that he was just bored with his current position. Because I am who I am, who cares if I'm a noble or a nouveau riche? I just need to do my own thing. Of course, the inheritance from that big mountain, being low-key and low-key, is something that I have to keep!    


Thinking of this, my heart felt more at ease. He then picked up the teacup and drank some tea. After a while, he remembered that the teacup seemed to be a brand name as well. It was Wedgwood. He searched for it on the internet. It turned out to be one of the world's top brands from the United Kingdom, which was founded in 1759. And this black teacup with gold patterns on its wide edges is actually priced at 13,000 yuan. It is currently the most expensive teacup in China. I'm a little surprised, this teacup is actually worth 10 thousand yuan? Only after looking at the introduction carefully did one realize that the golden patterns on the teacup were all drawn from 24K gold powder and were all handmade. There were 12 processes that required a month to complete. He stared at the cup for a long time and sighed with emotion. Finally, he reluctantly stopped his work for the day.    


When he woke up, it was already 6 in the morning of the second day. Because of last night's understanding, I calmly put on these clothes and decorations one by one. When I went out of the door so neatly to the dining room, I immediately felt the stares of the crowd. Surprise, amazement, admiration, gratification, love... All eyes almost melted me. Even though I was mentally prepared, I never expected the result to be so crazy! I forced myself to calm down and, as usual, to smile very calmly at the girls and eat at the table. Ye Shuzhen was the first to speak as she smiled and said, "What a handsome guy. Big guy, it's better to rest for a while. If you keep looking, your eyes might fall off."    


As she made fun of me, the other girls finally blushed once more and reluctantly looked away. They all started to eat, except for Sally, who was still looking at me with both joy and love. For some reason, my heart skipped a beat.    


It turns out that when Ye Shuzhen said those words earlier, her eyes flew towards me once. I don't know why, but it seemed to me that there was something else in her eyes.    


But that just made me a little flustered!    


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