Super Little Farmer



One of the first things I did, of course, was to borrow the first officer's marine satellite phone and dial home. After the phone rings twice, someone picks it up. Upon hearing the sound, I immediately know that it's He Guoqian's sister, Xie Yuting's mother, and our villa's housekeeper He Guozhen!    


At first, it was obvious that she did not recognize the person on the other side, but at the same time, she felt that the voice was a little familiar. She hummed a little, but after a short while, she exclaimed in shock, Zhang Yun! You are Mr. Zhang Yun!    


I nodded. The mood over there was obviously very emotional, but I didn't want to say much. I just told her to notify the other people immediately, either to send someone or to send money to Australia. I had learned from the mate that we were going to Sydney, Australia's largest port, and told He Guozhen where we were going. He Guozhen hurriedly agreed and went to inform him. I took the phone back to my room and gave it to Han Bing'er to inform her that everything was fine. She thought for a moment. The first call was to her home. The other side was also very excited, even Han Bing'er was crying. Her second call was to her manager, the one called Aunt Yun. She hung up after another contact. I returned the phone, thanked him again, and said goodbye.    


When I returned the call and went to my room with Han Bing'er, I passed the other seamen's quarters and felt a little dizzy. For there was music in the room, a song in English, and the voice of the singer was familiar. As he thought about it, he felt that Han Bing'er's voice was ninety percent similar to his own. After a short pause and a close listening, he realized that this was something he hadn't seen in a long time: a record!    


Of course it was something that he hadn't seen for a long time! I haven't heard about this in over a year.    


The voice was beautiful. Just by listening for a moment, I guessed that this was most likely Han Bing'er's song. I can't believe her English songs are so good. After a while, she thought, "Even the Australian cargo ships have her records and her fans. It seems like she's really something, and it seems like she hasn't sung for a year and a half, and she has such a loyal fan." "I wonder how the crew would feel if they knew that the original song of the record was on their ship and was saved by them.    


As I thought of this, I smiled inwardly. I didn't pay any more attention to him and went straight back to my room. Han Bing'er was resting peacefully on the bed, caressing her belly as she hummed a song. It was a Chinese song. I smiled once, walked over, embraced her, and softly told her what I had seen and heard. I sighed again. Han Bing'er pouted coquettishly and glanced at me. She leaned into my embrace as she continued to stroke her bulging stomach. After a while, she seemed to have thought of something, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything. Han Bing'er smiled and said, "I originally wanted to cover my face when I got off the boat, but then I thought, 'Since you've already tricked me onto the boat, I'll accept my fate in this lifetime. It's rare for me to cover up, so I'll let others recognize me if they recognize me!" She kissed me and hugged me. I smiled. I knew that she was acting coquettishly, but what she said was the truth. My heart was moved as I continued to hug her tightly!    


After a long while, Han Bing'er finally responded. She looked deeply at me as if she was thinking about something. Finally, she made a decision and said: "Yunzi, I'm suddenly afraid!"    


I stared at her for a moment, and when I saw her expression, I thought of two reasons for her fear. For one thing, during the five hundred days and nights I had spent on the island, I had once told her about my villa, and even told her a little about some of the girls I knew. Although I didn't say much, it wasn't hard to tell that I was in a life-and-death situation with a few of them. On that island, we had depended on each other and encouraged each other to live well, and we didn't care much about that; and now that we were finally going to land, we would have to meet them later, but she was carrying my child now, and there was something between them, something that had to be done. The two of them were her father's and her mother's attitudes. On that island, we had an exchange in many ways. I knew that her father had always been strict and didn't necessarily care about his daughter's boyfriend, but he cared most about getting pregnant before marriage, and her mother always seemed to have that kind of thing. Now that she's pregnant with my child, she might be a bit sad for her parents!    


Han Bing'er wasn't willing to speak too much about her father, but his gaze was clearly filled with boundless respect. I think that her father is definitely an extraordinary person. As for his other photo, it was a picture of a person who was very different from me, which made me more and more interested.    


As for her mother, Han Bing'er introduced her to him. Her mother worked for the provincial council in the neighboring province of Southway. Her position was not low, but it was not very high either. However, the mother's attitude towards her daughter was intriguing.    


How should he put it? Her mother had put in a lot of effort to grow up and had always wanted her to marry a good family. Although their family status was no small matter, her mother still hoped that her daughter would marry a good man, or at least match her status! I, on the other hand, don't seem to meet the requirements for this at the moment. Of course, I don't want to boast, so I didn't mention or show off to Han Bing'er that I already had more than 65 billion yuan; therefore, in Han Bing'er's eyes, I might still be the same young lad who worked at the 'Hall of the Ways'. Although I helped to transfer 500 thousand yuan later, and I seem to have some money on hand, in her opinion, I only earned a little more from the small course of business. To her over 1 billion yuan worth of wealth, it was simply insignificant!    


Although Han Bing'er still respected her mother and didn't want to comment on her behavior, from her depressing or sentimental introduction, it seemed that her mother had previously introduced her to her boyfriend many times, but from the lines, the bridge and the boyfriend she was about to introduce, I could tell that her mother had a "high opinion" of her. "To put it bluntly, it is rather snobbish!    


For no other reason than that the introduced boys were either rich or expensive! I don't even understand how their family can recognize so many people who are neither rich nor wealthy. Could it be that Han Bing'er's parents were some kind of official or rich person that only they knew about? But that's not right. If these parents are officials or rich lords, then why must they introduce this boy, who is either rich or noble, to their daughter?    


It made me wonder for a moment why her mother was so keen on finding boyfriends for her daughter, and why her family knew so many boys who were either rich or wealthy. After some thought, I realized that this was probably related to Han Bing'er herself. She was a famous global star with a reputation for being neither rich nor noble, and with her beauty, it would be reasonable for those men to pursue her!    


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