Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu felt like he had a nightmare. He dreamt that he was swallowed into his mouth by a completely white metal ball. The pain made Chen Sanqiu feel like he was dying from the pain.    


Waking up slightly, a mechanical voice entered his ears, "Host completed the modification: Obtained the ability to see through things."    


"I don't think they were taken away by aliens to conduct a human experiment, right?" Chen Sanqiu felt a great sense of panic.    


Suddenly, he felt a warm feeling on his face. Opening his eyes, he saw Zhao Lingling close to him, crying loudly …    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment and then felt warmth in his heart.    


How fragrant.    


Chen Sanqiu clicked his tongue in his heart, opened his eyes slightly and rolled his eyeballs.    




Zhao Lingling's small hand pressed down on Chen Sanqiu's chest, pressing down heavily. Then, she raised her head again and cried like the rain     


The more Zhao Lingling thought about it, the more scared she became. She thought that Chen Sanqiu better not die. When she ran back, she saw Chen Sanqiu on the floor doing artificial respiration. She was so scared that she quickly cried.    


After doing it for over half an hour, Zhao Lingling felt like she was about to die from exhaustion …    


Chen Sanqiu was still half dead.    


Now, he suddenly heard Chen Sanqiu let out a comfortable "hmph".    


Zhao Lingling was so scared that her whole body trembled. She almost peed her pants. She squatted on the side and looked at Chen Sanqiu, who was still standing upright on the ground in fright. "Y-you, are you a human or a ghost?"    


Seeing that he could no longer continue acting, Chen Sanqiu could only sit up and laugh: "I'm a ghost, I came back to take my life."    


Looking at Zhao Lingling's frightened and pitiful appearance, she couldn't help but sigh. "I won't take my life when I see how passionately you kissed me just now. Marry me, okay? Husband, kiss one."    


Zhao Lingling quickly glanced at Chen Sanqiu's shadow on the ground and immediately realized that Chen Sanqiu was purposely teasing her. She immediately became angry and bit on Chen Sanqiu's shoulder viciously.    


Chen Sanqiu suddenly wailed like ghosts and howled like wolves as tears rolled down his face …    


"You're a dog." Chen Sanqiu hurriedly pushed Zhao Lingling away. He suppressed the tears in his eyes and shouted angrily at Zhao Lingling.    


Zhao Lingling sat on the ground and glared at Chen Sanqiu like an angry leopard. With her teeth bared, she said angrily, "You're the dog, aren't you a ghost? Why does it hurt? "When did you wake up?"    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled dryly. Seeing that he couldn't fool Zhao Lingling, he grinned and said, "I woke up a long time ago. Seeing how passionate you are kissing me, I'm too embarrassed to interrupt you."    


Chen Sanqiu, you bastard … wuu wuu … I'll never forgive you in this life …    


"Fine, marry me then. In this lifetime, even if you want to forgive me, you won't forgive me." Chen Sanqiu said shamelessly to Zhao Lingling.    


Zhao Lingling hurriedly stood up and turned around. She glared at Chen Sanqiu and said, "Even if I marry Zhao Ergou, I still won't marry you."    


After saying that, Zhao Lingling wiggled her butt. Under Chen Sanqiu's gaze, she gradually ran away and disappeared from the village.    


Chen Sanqiu sighed and grinned.    


What's so good about that Zhao Ergou? Wasn't he the village chief?    


This young master was even the village doctor that he had inherited from his ancestors. Logically speaking, his status should be much higher than Zhao Ergou's.    


His grandfather was a village doctor, his father was a village doctor, and he was also a village doctor. This was passed down from generation to generation, and Zhao Ergou's father only became the village chief two years ago.    


In terms of status, how could he be afraid of Zhao Ergou?    


He walked towards the village with an unhappy expression. When he got home, his father, Chen Zuyin, went to the town to get medicine. Only his mother, Tan Liuxiang, was waiting for Chen Sanqiu.    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu return, Tan Liuxiang said angrily, "Where did you go to steal from?"    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled, "I stole your daughter-in-law."    


She rolled her eyes at Chen Sanqiu and said, "If you have that kind of ability, then it's really something our ancestors have done to you. Hurry up and eat, Li Xiaolin, who's at the east end of the village, has a stomachache. Your father is not here, so you can only show him to her."    


Chen Sanqiu's eyes immediately lit up. He nodded his head and quickly finished cleaning the noodles in the bowl. Then, he quickly took his medicine box and left the room.    


"You little bastard, be careful of that Li Xiaolin. If you dare to provoke her, I'll break your legs." Seeing Chen Sanqiu walking out in such a hurry, Tan Lianxiang immediately warned him in a serious tone.    


Chen Sanqiu nodded foolishly, waved his hand, then directly ran out of the yard.    


Li Xiaolin was a beautiful woman of twenty-five years of age, with a pair of charming eyes. She had married into Fallen Phoenix Village at twenty-three and her husband had suddenly died six months later, becoming Li Xiaolin. People in the village said that it was because Li Xiaolin was too powerful that her husband had suddenly died.    


Chen Sanqiu strode into Li Xiaolin's courtyard and saw her sitting at the entrance of the living room. With a frown on her face, she looked extremely charming, causing Chen Sanqiu to gulp.    


Although Li Xiaolin wasn't as pretty as Zhao Lingling, she was still considered a first class beauty. Furthermore, she had the charisma of a mature woman that Zhao Lingling didn't have, so Chen Sanqiu's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.    


"Three Autumn's coming. Hurry up and help sister-in-law take a look. My stomach's going to hurt like hell." Li Xiaolin blushed when she saw that it was Chen Sanqiu. She pointed to her belly and said bashfully.    


Chen Sanqiu nodded and came to Li Xiaolin's side. He frowned and said, "Go to your bed, I can't watch this."    


Li Xiaolin acknowledged and tried to stand up. However, the pain in her stomach was too great as she collapsed into Chen Sanqiu's arms.    


Immediately, fragrant jade filled the room. Smelling the faint fragrance coming from Li Xiaolin's body, Chen Sanqiu felt dizzy.    


Chen Sanqiu helped Li Xiaolin to the edge of the bed and made her lie down. Li Xiaolin rolled her eyes at Chen Sanqiu with resentment, causing Chen Sanqiu to swallow a mouthful of saliva.    


He quickly helped Li Xiaolin lie down.    


"Where does it hurt?" Chen Sanqiu pretended to ask Li Xiaolin.    


"Here." Li Xiaolin's face reddened as she pointed at her lower abdomen.    


Chen Sanqiu nodded and turned to look at Li Xiaolin's lower abdomen.    


A miraculous scene appeared.    


Chen Sanqiu felt as if he was looking through Li Xiaolin's skin, flesh and blood like a radar. He could see a small blood clot blocking the way of the palace from Li Xiaolin's stomach.    




Chen Sanqiu suddenly felt dizzy and his scalp went numb.    


His entire body was drenched in cold sweat …    


In his mind, he couldn't help but recall the words that the robotic life form had whispered in his ear in his nightmare: "The host has completed the modification and obtained the ability to see through."    


Previously, Chen Sanqiu thought it was just a nightmare.    


Thinking of what he saw now, Chen Sanqiu was excited, panicked, and strong. He wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and instantly went mad with joy. "I'm rich, hahaha … hahaha …"    


Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but dance when he thought of the wealth and ability that he would be able to obtain after obtaining the ability of perspective.    


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