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The work of the Alchemist Sect's outer sect disciples in refining Grade Three Spirit Dan Body Refinement Pellets.    


It was far more difficult than Chen Sanqiu had expected.    


Compared to the second grade Vein Mediating Pill, it was ten times more difficult.    


Those disciples of the Alchemy Master outer sect who could control the earth fire could barely concoct one or two pills after learning the disintegration steps that Chen Sanqiu gave them for half a month.    


As for those disciples of the Alchemist Sect who could only control fire, they were barely able to refine a Rank 3 Spirit Pill after a month.    


Chen Sanqiu felt helpless about this.    


On the other hand, outer sect Elder Tang Dan was very excited and happy about this.    


Only his own master would know what sort of ability a disciple was capable of.    


If this was before, then he, as a outer sect disciple, would definitely not be able to refine a grade three pellet.    


Only Zhang Zhibai was able to refine it.    


Now, whether it was those with high potential or those with low, they were both able to concoct Tier 3 pills.    


This was already a joyous occasion.    


It could be said that none of these inner sect disciples needed to wait for the inner sect disciple exam; basically, all of these outer sect disciples could already enter the inner sect.    


To Elder Tang Dan, this was definitely something to be happy about.    


More importantly.    


Through Chen Sanqiu's over half a year of hard work, Elder Tang Dan was able to grasp the format and operation procedure of the Tier 1 spiritual pill to Tier 3 spiritual pill.    


This was the most amazing wealth.    


With these steps, Elder Tang Dan could nurture a group of disciples that could concoct Tier 3 pills in minutes.    


One must know that as long as they could concoct a Tier 3 spiritual pill, they would be able to become a inner sect disciple of the Alchemist Sect.    


"Jiang Liu, why do you look so unhappy?" Elder Tang Dan couldn't help but laugh when he saw Chen Sanqiu frowning beside Bai Ya.    


Ye Zichen walked towards Chen Sanqiu with a kind smile on his face.    


Chen Sanqiu raised his head and looked at Elder Tang Dan, smiling bitterly, "The difference is still too great compared to what I imagined. Chen Sanqiu raised his head and looked at Elder Tang Dan, laughing bitterly," The gap is still too big compared to what I expected.    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, the corner of Elder Tang Dan's mouth twitched.    


Damn, I am already very satisfied with this result.    


However, thinking back to how Chen Sanqiu had refined a Rank 1 Spirit Dan Blood Replenishing Pill, with a worried frown, he looked as if he was worried that his pill refining talent was not good enough.    


He could only let out a hollow laugh.    


He comforted Chen Sanqiu and said, "Jiang Liu, everyone's talent in refining pills is different. Even though you have broken down the steps in refining pills one by one and according to your understanding, as long as everyone follows your instructions, they can concoct a pill with six or even seven transformations, but now, only Zhang Zhibai, who has the highest talent in concocting pills, can concoct a Four-Transformation Third-Grade Spirit Pellet Body Tempering Pellet."    


Actually, you don't have to worry too much, practice makes perfect. Previously, Zhang Zhibai was only able to concoct the Rank 3 Elixir Body Refinement Pellet, but now that he's familiar with it for half a month, he can refine the Rank 4 Spirit Pill. As for the disciples who use fire, they also have the chance to refine the Rank 2 Spirit Pill.    


"In three months, the inner sect Disciple exam will begin. I think that at that time, Zhang Zhibai will be able to refine a fifth or even sixth form of a third grade pellet."    


"The rest of your senior brothers and sisters can also concoct Tier 3 pills with two transformations."    


Chen Sanqiu smiled bitterly and nodded.    


No answer.    


In Chen Sanqiu's opinion, this speed was still a lot slower.    


Especially for Chen Sanqiu, it was too slow.    


He wanted to build a power that was all at the S grade universe level.    


Naturally, the more elixirs, the better.    


However, he did not have his own Heavenly Demon Cult to begin with. If he wanted to quickly nurture a group of alchemists, he would need to do more experiments here.    


"If that doesn't work, I will forcefully bring away a group of apothecaries." Chen Sanqiu was secretly angry in his heart.    


If there really was no other good way, then he would use the simplest and most effective way.    


When he left Sword God Zong.    


He immediately snatched away some of the apothecaries whom he had taken a fancy to.    


Tsk tsk.    


At that time, Heavenly Demon Cult could be said to be very useful.    


Ye Zichen pursed his lips.    


Chen Sanqiu decided that he had to focus on improving his alchemy skills first.    


Only when his alchemy skills become stronger would he be able to nurture more alchemists.    


Thinking of this.    


Chen Sanqiu stood up and left the Alchemy Hall.    


Elder Tang Dan watched Chen Sanqiu leave with a smile and did not stop him.    


Right now, Chen Sanqiu's identity and position could be said to be on the same level as Elder Tang Dan in the Alchemist Sect's outer sect.    


It could even be said that it replaced Elder Tang Dan's status of master.    


After all, the pellets refined by these alchemy sect's outer sect disciples were all taught to them by Chen Sanqiu.    


In the hearts of these disciples of the Alchemist Sect's outer sect, Chen Sanqiu was no different from the teacher they taught.    


He returned to his own cave abode.    


Chen Sanqiu took out the jade letter Elder Tang Dan gave him.    


He pondered for a moment.    


Grade One Spirit Dan Blood Replenishing Pill, Grade Two Spirit Dan Vein Mediating Pill, Grade Three Spirit Dan Body Tempering Pill.    


What kind of elixir should he choose for the Grade Four Spirit Dan?    


"Then I'll choose the Bone Strengthening Pill." Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes and decided to refine the Bone Strengthening Pill.    


As long as he consumed the Bone Strengthening Pill, he would be able to refine the muscles and bones within his body.    


As such, a cultivator with an incomparably powerful body was born.    


Chen Sanqiu was admiring himself more and more. He felt that he was a f * cking genius at refining pills.    


He could even think about such things clearly.    


He thought about how he would create many S grade warriors in the future.    


Chen Sanqiu felt a burst of excitement in his heart.    


He took a deep breath.    


Chen Sanqiu took out the Flaming Cloud refined pill furnace from the Dimensional Ring.    


ignite the Phoenix Essencial Fire.    


Reaching out his hand, he took out the various medicinal herbs required for the Muscle Bone Pill, the heavenly and earthly treasures.    


He thought about the refining process a few hundred times.    


After he had thought of all the ideas in his mind.    


Only then did Chen Sanqiu solemnly put the medicinal herbs and heavenly and earthly treasures s into the refining pill furnace.    


In the blink of an eye, more than half a month had passed.    


On this day, the cave of Chen Sanqiu was suddenly shrouded in smoke and the smell of medicine rose in the air.    


Countless small animals quietly arrived at the door of Chen Sanqiu's cave.    


The medicinal air that was emitted by his breathing from the cave.    


The originally small animals breathed in the herbal aura coming out of Chen Sanqiu's cave.    


Every single one of them began to emit crackling sounds.    


Soon after, the small beasts' bodies began to change. They became stronger, and their eyes became more lively.    


The originally empty little beast now seemed to have a mind of its own.    


After that, there was a sudden clap of thunder in the sky and it struck towards Chen Sanqiu's cave.    


He directly entered Chen Sanqiu's cave.    


All the outer sect disciples of the Alchemist Sect were alarmed.    


He rushed to the entrance of Chen Sanqiu's abode and watched everything that was happening with his mouth agape.    


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