Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



The more Chen Sanqiu thought about it, the more excited he became.    


He immediately began concocting the Body Refinement Pellets.    


After reaching the Tier 3 spiritual pill, just using herbs wasn't enough to meet the requirements for a Tier 3 spiritual pill.    


At this time, he would add a few heavenly and earthly treasures inside.    


This way, he would be able to completely refine the grade three pellet and stimulate the powerful medicinal effect of the grade three pellet.    


heavenly and earthly treasures s were usually incomparably precious, and some even had a price without a market.    


As for Chen Sanqiu, there were a lot of Dimensional Ring.    


To refine a Tier 3 spiritual pill, one needed to have a better control over the fire element. The time needed to be just right.    


Regarding the various herbs, the heavenly and earthly treasures's effects must be understood even more.    


The order in which a pill was placed would often determine the quality of a Tier 3 spiritual pill.    


Even with Chen Sanqiu's control over Phoenix Essencial Fire, when he first refined a Rank 3 Spirit Pill Body Refinement Pellet, he had only just succeeded.    


He couldn't even concoct the Twin Transformation Pill.    


This aroused Chen Sanqiu's fierceness towards pill concocting.    


"I don't believe it. This Tier 3 spiritual pill is several times more difficult than a Tier 2 spiritual pill, but compared to a Tier 7 spiritual pill, a Tier 8 spiritual pill is much worse."    


"If I'm unable to refine a Grade Three Spirit Dan, how will I refine Grade Seven or Eight Spirit Dans in the future?"    


Chen Sanqiu became determined and completely immersed himself in refining the Rank 3 Spirit Pill Body Refinement Pellet.    


Piles after piles of heavenly and earthly treasures were thrown into the group of pill furnace like vegetables by Chen Sanqiu.    


heavenly and earthly treasures s that were fought over by others did not seem to be worth much to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu had been in closed door cultivation for five days straight.    


When the last batch of grade three spirit pills began to boil the furnace.    


A cloud of smoke shrouded the area as a multi-colored medicinal air rose into the air.    


The rich aroma of medicine filled the entire cave.    


More and more medicinal energy rushed out from the cracks in the cave and spread out to the surroundings of the cave.    


The flowers and plants on the ground were nourished by the medicinal energy.    


It grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and very quickly, the area outside Chen Sanqiu's cave turned into a sea of flowers.    


This caused the disciples of the Alchemist Sect's outer sect to be dumbstruck.    


"Holy shit, this is actually a phenomenon."    


"Only with the birth of a high-grade, high-grade, and high-variable elixir would there be such a phenomenon."    


"Oh my god, what kind of elixir is Junior Brother Chen refining in the cave? How could it produce such a phenomenon?"    


"It can't be that he managed to concoct a Tier 5 spiritual pill, right?"    


"How is this possible? Junior Brother Chen doesn't have the recipe and materials for a Tier 5 spiritual pill at all, right?"    


"That's a Tier 5 spiritual pill, how is that possible?"    


"Could it be that Junior Brother Chen refined a third rank Six Transformations Spirit Pill?"    


Everyone whispered amongst themselves.    


These few days of Chen Sanqiu's closed door cultivation, he had always been worried about Elder Tang Dan's heart, and this made the disciples of the Alchemist Sect especially worried.    


This was their God of Fortune.    


However, there was a rumor circulating among the disciples of the Alchemist Sect's outer sect.    


If you want to be good, then follow Junior Brother Chen.    


As long as he could follow Junior Brother Chen, he would definitely be able to stand out.    


"It's coming out, it's coming out. The door to the cave is opening." Suddenly, a scream came from the crowd.    


Everyone hurriedly looked towards Chen Sanqiu's cave.    


Chen Sanqiu, who was covered in dust, walked out of the cave.    


With a smile on his face, he looked at the crowd.    


"What's wrong with you all? It looks like you've been waiting here for a long time. " Chen Sanqiu asked the crowd with a smile.    


Everyone was excited.    


"Junior Brother Chen, we knew that you were cultivating in seclusion and concocting pills. We knew that Junior Brother Chen must have concocted a powerful elixir, so we are all waiting for the day the furnace opens."    


"Junior Brother Chen is indeed worthy of being called a genius among geniuses, a Heaven's Pride. In a short period of time, he was able to concoct such a miraculous elixir."    


"Look, the garden outside the entrance of the cave is full of flowers and plants, it's all caused by this phenomenon."    


"Junior Brother Chen, what miracle medicine did you concoct that made you to be able to create such a phenomenon? Let us see. Let us open our eyes as well."    


Chen Sanqiu laughed.    


He said to the crowd, "Actually, I didn't manage to refine much. It was just that I managed to refine a Seventh Transformation Grade Three Body Refinement Pellet."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu say that.    


All the outer sect disciples of the Alchemist Sect who were present sucked in a breath of cold air.    


F * ck.    


This was a Seventh Transformation Grade Three Body Tempering Pill!    


This was not a sixth form first stage Blood Replenishing Pill, nor was it a sixth form second stage Vein Mediating Pill.    


This was a seventh form third grade spirit pill!    


The difficulty level was at least ten times higher than that of a Tier 2 Six Transformation pill.    


He didn't expect Chen Sanqiu to actually manage to refine an existence like the Seventh Transformation Third Grade Spirit Pill in just a few short days of closed door training.    


Don't look at the Seven Transformations only having one more transformation than the Six Transformations.    


It was because of this change.    


The difference in value could be made into a thousand different things.    


The difference in price was more than ten times.    


In other words, an ordinary six forms three grade spirit pellet could be bought with one hundred million gold coins.    


However, a seventh form third grade spirit pellet required more than a billion gold coins to purchase.    


This was all because there was a price, but no market.    


"Oh god, he actually managed to concoct a Seven-Transformation Pill."    


"Heavens, as expected of Junior Brother Chen. Only a genius like Junior Brother Chen can concoct such a powerful Rank 3 Spirit Dan."    




"This is too crazy."    


"However, with our strength, no matter how Junior Brother Chen breaks it down, we would not be able to concoct a rank 3 pellet of seven transformations."    


"Idiot, when you get to the Grade Three Spirit Dan, you still want to refine the Seven Transformations Spirit Pill. Being able to refine three transformations and four transformations is already very good."    


Everyone looked at Chen Sanqiu with a burst of respect, wishing that they could kneel down in front of him.    


He was their f * cking reborn parents.    


Who could possibly pass on to them the method of refining such a miraculous elixir without reason?    


Who else but reborn parents?    


Chen Sanqiu laughed out loud at the crowd.    


"Senior Brothers and Sisters, you're all too polite. However, just as this senior brother said, in a large-scale industrial production, low-rank elixirs are still okay. However, if you want to refine high-rank elixirs into a high-rank elixir, then you must have a certain level of talent." Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes and said to the crowd.    


However, there will always be a way to solve this problem. I'll tell you all how I can refine a seventh form third grade Body Tempering Pill. After mastering it through communication, everyone can give it a try.    


"After all, at the level of Tier 3 pills, being able to refine three transformations and four transformations is already pretty good, don't you think so?"    


"This is already enough to sell for a good price. Moreover, it will also be beneficial for everyone's cultivation."    


Chen Sanqiu slightly smiled and said to the crowd: "I already said that I will definitely lead the Alchemist Sect to become the number one sect in the Wu Steel Sect, and that is not a joke. Every single one of you, I will lead you into the inner sect."    


"From now on, the Alchemist Sect will no longer be looked down upon by others. It will become the most noble existence in the entire Sword God Sect."    


"I want all of you to be able to concoct Tier 5, or even Tier 6, Tier 7 pills."    


"I want you to be the highest and noblest group of people in the whole Sword God Sect. Even if the elders from the various halls meet you, they would have to be polite to you."    


When the many outer sect disciples of the Alchemist Sect heard Chen Sanqiu's words, they felt a sense of dominance.    


At first, he looked embarrassed.    


In the end, all of their faces reddened, and their eyes were filled with excitement and fanaticism.    


He was howling in excitement.    


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