Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu stood in front of Chen Jiaojiao's sleeping cabin with excitement. He looked at Chen Jiaojiao who had just slept inside and was extremely excited.    


After entering the Imperial City, Baixing Jiasang told herself that she'd found a way to save Chen Jiaojiao.    


Therefore, without saying anything further, Chen Sanqiu and Baixing Jiasang directly went to the room where Chen Jiaojiao's sleeping quarters were.    


"Is there really a way?" Chen Sanqiu couldn't help rubbing his hands and said with a trembling voice.    


It could be seen how nervous Chen Sanqiu was right now.    


"Hmm, theoretically, it's possible. I've always wanted to contact you, but since you have something important to do, I've been waiting for your return. I need you to make a decision." Baixing Jiasang said affirmatively to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu's heart started beating rapidly as he looked at Baixing Jiasang's confident expression.    


He was so excited that he almost cried.    


He had thought that he would still need a long time, and Chen Sanqiu had even planned to bring Chen Jiaojiao along when he could punch through the void and enter God Transforming Stage. Then, he would reconstruct Chen Jiaojiao's body.    


Now, hearing Baixing Jiasang say that there was a way to cure Chen Jiaojiao in theory, it sounded like a heavenly music to the ears.    


Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead. Then, he said to Baixing Jiasang, "Tell me how to use that theory."    


Baixing Jiasang acknowledged and walked to the side of Chen Jiaojiao's sleeping cabin. She said to Chen Sanqiu, "The reason why Chen Jiaojiao is like this is because the person who made Chen Jiaojiao is not mature enough and has perfect cloning techniques. Therefore, he can only let the person who cloned him survive for a few short months."    


"After this period of time, the cells in the clone body will quickly age and eventually die." Baixing Jiasang said in a low voice.    


"We thought of one way, and that is to extract Chen Jiaojiao's cells and clone a perfect clone. The new clone will not have any genetic defects and will survive for a long time."    


"However, we've discovered that Chen Jiaojiao's soul is too weak. It's not enough for us to extract her soul and place her in a new clone."    


"Therefore, we decided to do the opposite. We gave up on treating the cells in Chen Jiaojiao's body that were rapidly aging, and instead turned to another path."    


"We finally decided to inject genes that could be regenerated quickly into Chen Jiaojiao's body. That way, even if the cells in Chen Jiaojiao's body aged rapidly, the new genes would produce new cells to replace the rapidly aging and dying cells."    


Baixing Jiasang looked at Chen Sanqiu with a serious expression and said, "This method can prevent Chen Jiaojiao from dying of old age. Moreover, Chen Jiaojiao can also be reborn. However, there is a big drawback to doing so and it will be very painful."    


"According to our observations, Chen Jiaojiao's cells age rapidly now. As long as we take her out of the cabin, her body will age and die within a day."    


"As for the new cells created by the new gene, Chen Jiaojiao will be saved."    


"Chen Jiaojiao will feel death and rebirth within a day."    


Baixing Jiasang took a last deep breath and said to Chen Sanqiu, "This will be a very painful process. Moreover, if we don't find a way to control the aging process of Chen Jiaojiao's cells in the future, Chen Jiaojiao will most likely die and be reborn everyday. Of course, death belongs to the fake death state, and the soul will be very clear.    


Chen Sanqiu was shocked when he heard what Baixing Jiasang had to say.    


One day. Death. Rebirth.    


And every day.    


This was a fate worse than death.    


Although Chen Sanqiu really wanted Chen Jiaojiao to wake up, but he couldn't bear Chen Jiaojiao's pain every day.    


This was simply inhuman torture.    


If Spiritual Force were not strong, it was very possible that they would drive themselves crazy.    


Baixing Jiasang saw Chen Sanqiu not saying a word and sensibly stood aside without saying a word, quietly waiting for Chen Sanqiu's reply.    




Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath and smiled bitterly. He said to Baixing Jiasang, "It's been hard on you."    


Baixing Jiasang's eyes turned red when she heard Chen Sanqiu.    


After Chen Sanqiu left, Baixing Jiasang mobilized all the resources in the country and gathered all the top scientists in the country to find a way to save Chen Jiaojiao.    


Baixing Jiasang had always understood that the reason she could become the emperor of Cloud Empire, was all because of Chen Sanqiu.    


The reason why the Heavenly Sage Cult was set up in the Orthodoxy and the entire nation worshiped Chen Sanqiu, was to lock Chen Sanqiu's heart in place.    


Now that she heard Chen Sanqiu say this to her, Baixing Jiasang felt that everything she had done was worth it.    


"The method is good, but it would be too cruel to Chen Jiaojiao. It would be great if the rapidly regenerating genes could take over the genes that would cause death." Chen Sanqiu sighed and said: "Of course, I know you must have thought about it. It seems that with the current technique of Cloud Empire, it's difficult to achieve."    


Baixing Jiasang nodded and said to Chen Sanqiu, "I did do this experiment, but it didn't work."    


Chen Sanqiu suddenly thought of something.    


With a joyous expression, he turned to Baixing Jiasang and said, "Those scientists are still in Beijing, right?"    


Baixing Jiasang was taken aback for a moment before she nodded hastily. "They're still here. How could I let them leave before you returned?"    


Baixing Jiasang smiled at Chen Sanqiu like a little fox.    


Chen Sanqiu laughed and hugged Baixing Jiasang before giving her a tight kiss on the cheek.    


He turned to Baixing Jiasang and said, "You little fox, haha."    


Baixing Jiasang's face flushed red, her heart thumping wildly in her chest.    


"I'm going to summon the scientists to the palace." Baixing Jiasang said.    


Chen Sanqiu let go of Baixing Jiasang with a smile.    


Soon enough, a group of elderly people entered the imperial city and arrived at Chen Jiaojiao's room.    


The group of senior scientists trembled when they saw Chen Sanqiu.    


The person who had always been in the portrait was now standing right in front of him. It would be impossible for him to not be surprised.    


Chen Sanqiu tried his best to look gentle.    


He said to everyone, "I've troubled everyone with Chen Jiaojiao's matter. We must have consumed a lot of brain cells to save our family's Chen Jiaojiao. Thank you, everyone."    


When everyone saw Chen Sanqiu like this, the gloominess in their hearts was immediately swept away.    


The feeling of being respected was wonderful.    


At this moment, Chen Sanqiu took out a bottle of the True Dragon's blood he got from the Golden Giant Dragon.    


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