Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



"Cult Leader Chen, jie jie, you're really interested in such a thing. You actually have the mood to do such a thing. Jiejie, is sprinkling gold powder fun?"    


"Tsk tsk, you really don't even know when you're about to die. As a living creature, when you came to the world of the undead, do you truly think that your identity as Heavenly Demon Cult Leader can guarantee your survival?"    


"As long as Ghost King gives the order, we will make a move and you will die without a doubt."    


The group of ghost generals came up to Chen Sanqiu and said sarcastically.    


Chen Sanqiu laughed and said to the ghost generals, "I thought you guys would help me get rid of Ghost King, tsk tsk, don't tell me you don't want to enter that palace? Take a seat at Ghost King? Even if we can't all be made into Ghost King, if one of you is made into Ghost King, we will still be able to live more comfortably than we do now, right? "    


"Besides, even if I break the curse, the gates to hell are still closed. Those who are willing to go reincarnate will be reincarnated, and those who are unwilling to go will just stay in the gates to hell."    


Sigh, I didn't expect Ghost King to be so stingy. In order to prevent myself from suffering even a little bit of loss, he didn't even let off those ghosts that wanted to reincarnate, just so that he could have more subordinates. Otherwise, how could he live in such a good palace and live such a comfortable life?    


All of the Ghost Generals …    


Hearing what Chen Sanqiu said, all of them felt their hearts clench.    


'F * ck, can you not say such words the moment you open your mouth? '    


What the hell, it's scary, okay?    


If Ghost King heard it, how would he miss us?    


Do you think we're conspiring with you?    


However, after thinking about it, he felt that Chen Sanqiu was right.    


If this continued, ghost generals like them would never be able to become palace guards no matter what, let alone Ghost King.    


If it was really as Chen Sanqiu had said, then the candidate to get rid of Ghost King would be him, a Ghost General.    


Even if Female Ghost Jing Hong became Ghost King, everyone would still be able to have some soup. It was definitely much better than eating soil everyday.    


Chen Sanqiu saw that the Ghost Generals were silent, so he chuckled and flew past the Ghost Generals and continued scattering the golden powder.    


Under the efforts of Chen Sanqiu, Female Ghost Jing Hong, and Yellow Sand Old Man, in a single day, the entire Ghost City, aside from the Imperial City, was covered with a layer of golden powder.    


On the contrary, the magnificent imperial city was no longer that eye-catching.    


He looked a lot more down and out.    


Female Ghost Jing Hong came to Chen Sanqiu's side angrily. She frowned and asked Chen Sanqiu, "Those ghost generals were so mean to you at that time, why did you still help them? I told you everything, which one is their residence, yet you purposely spilled more golden powder on their house. What does that mean?"    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled and smiled proudly at Female Ghost Jing Hong. He then patted the chair beside him.    


Female Ghost Jing Hong blushed, trying hard not to look agitated. She sat on the chair next to Chen Sanqiu with a cold face, looking at him with a frown.    


"This matter is done." Chen Sanqiu said to Female Ghost Jing Hong with a smile.    


"What's done?" Female Ghost Jing Hong asked Chen Sanqiu in disbelief.    


"Those Ghost Generals have succeeded, they have already promised to help me." Chen Sanqiu said with a proud smile.    


Female Ghost Jing Hong looked at Chen Sanqiu in disbelief, as if she was looking at a fool. She couldn't help but touch Chen Sanqiu's forehead: "Are you okay, have you got a fever? I've been by your side the whole time, how come I didn't see those ghost generals agree to help you?"    


At this moment, the little ghost who had been hiding behind Chen Sanqiu's shoulder also poked his head out and whispered, "I didn't hear it either."    


Female Ghost Jing Hong glanced at the kid and nodded in satisfaction.    


The kid smiled like a dog.    


Chen Sanqiu smiled and said to Female Ghost Jing Hong, "Although you have become a ghost, you still have to use your brain. Otherwise, the more you don't use your brain, the worse it will be."    


Female Ghost Jing Hong was so angry that she almost stood up to leave.    


Was he saying he was stupid?    


At this moment, Chen Sanqiu said to Female Ghost Jing Hong with a smile, "Think about it, I purposely said so many bad things about Ghost King in front of them. Did you see them refute it?"    


Female Ghost Jing Hong thought for a moment before shaking her head.    


"What does that mean?" Chen Sanqiu asked Female Ghost Jing Hong with a smile.    


Female Ghost Jing Hong was stunned for a moment. She looked at Chen Sanqiu in surprise and said, "Isn't what you said the truth? If we were to be Ghost King, we wouldn't be like the current Ghost King, robbing the entire gates of hell's resources to be used by the Imperial City. Isn't that the truth? "    


Chen Sanqiu …    


Female Ghost Jing Hong looked at her with an expression of disbelief. This girl was truly honest.    


You don't even know where you're going?    


Chen Sanqiu Kui grinned and said to Female Ghost Jing Hong, "Just remember, when I am going to attack Ghost King, those ghost generals will definitely not help Ghost King. On the contrary, those ghost generals will even help me. You understand all this, that is enough."    


Female Ghost Jing Hong snorted and rolled her eyes at Chen Sanqiu. "Deliberately mystifying."    


With that, Female Ghost Jing Hong left Chen Sanqiu's room with confusion.    


Although he didn't believe what Chen Sanqiu said, he felt that it was very possible for what Chen Sanqiu said to happen.    


The next morning, the rumbling of carriages echoed from the main street.    


"All buildings that are not part of the Imperial City must not be decorated with gold powder. All gold powder must be collected. Those who disobey will be cut off."    


"All Ghost Spirit cannot resist, cannot resist."    


Chen Sanqiu heard the noise and quickly got up. He went to the window and looked outside.    


Countless Ghost Spirit walked out of their living quarters with angry expressions on their faces, but none of them dared to say anything.    


They could only allow the carriages that came out of the Imperial City to suck the gold powder that was sprinkled on their houses.    


What was even more despicable was that the houses that these ghosts lived in were originally products that had been built a long time ago, and many of them still looked the same.    


However, when a huge suction force came from the carriage and began to suck away the layer of gold powder sprinkled on top of the houses, it was inevitable that the houses would be harmed.    




Immediately, the rumbling sound of an entire Ghost City building collapsing resounded throughout the area.    


Chen Sanqiu looked at the Ghost Spirit walking on the street. Each of them had a face full of anger, but none of them dared to attack.    


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