Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Female Ghost Jing Hong was annoyed by what Chen Sanqiu had said. Money can help you become a god. What did that mean?    


As a cultivator, would he really believe this kind of thing?    


Do you really think that a bunch of gold bricks can make those ghost generals betray Ghost King to help you?    


Did he really think those normal ghosts would betray Ghost King in front of the golden bricks?    


How is this possible?    


It had been a long time since Ghost King became Ghost King. It had been tens of thousands of years.    


The pressure had been accumulated to a terrifying degree.    


At the gates to hell, in the underground Ghost City, just mentioning Ghost King's name was enough to make those normal ghosts tremble.    


Why would they go up against Ghost King because of these gold bricks?    


Chen Sanqiu didn't explain and just went straight to sleep.    


The moment he woke up, he heard a chaotic commotion outside. Chen Sanqiu immediately got up and went to the door of the inn to look outside.    


Dozens of ghost carts with ghost horses riding on them charged out from the main streets of the Ghost City. Ghost Spirit roared continuously on the ghost carts: "Hand over all the gold bricks you have picked up, otherwise, I will kill you all with all my might, your souls will scatter with your bodies, all the gold bricks you have picked up will be handed over, if not, I will kill you all, my soul will scatter with all my might."    


Dozens of ghost cars rushed to Chen Sanqiu's side from the depths of the Ghost City, and then returned to the depths of the Ghost City.    


Chen Sanqiu saw ghosts constantly walking out of their homes, holding the golden bricks and throwing them on the street in fright.    


When those dozens of ghost cars rushed over, they felt a suction force coming from the ghost car, pulling those golden bricks from the ground to the ghost car.    


Instantly, the empty ghost car turned into a ghost car that was filled with glittering golden bricks.    


The golden bricks that were originally laid out on the street by Chen Sanqiu were all sucked away by the ghost car.    


The dazzling street only lasted for half a day before it regained its original grey color.    


Female Ghost Jing Hong walked to Chen Sanqiu's side and sneered. She said to Chen Sanqiu, "See, this is what you mean by money can help you become a god? In here, Ghost King is the god, the ruler of this Ghost City. Take a look, isn't it laughable that Ghost King didn't even show himself and only sent out his own chariot to suck away all the golden bricks? "    


He had thought that Chen Sanqiu would be angry, angry, and angry because of this.    


However, he didn't expect that Chen Sanqiu wasn't angry at all after hearing what he said. Instead, he smiled and said to Female Ghost Jing Hong, "I already guessed that. Haha, everything is going according to my plan."    


Female Ghost Jing Hong …    


Ye Zichen looked at Chen Sanqiu as if he was looking at an idiot.    


Wasting so many gold bricks in vain, stealing chicken but not eating rice. Originally, he wanted to break the curse, but he had to pass Ghost King's test.    


It could be said that Chen Sanqiu and Ghost King were natural enemies.    


He had given the golden bricks to his enemies.    


Was he that happy?    


Chen Sanqiu wasn't angry. He smiled and asked Female Ghost Jing Hong, "Say, those ghost generals who took the gold bricks from me, did they get their gold bricks taken away by Ghost King?"    


Female Ghost Jing Hong nodded affirmatively and said to Chen Sanqiu, "I saw a chariot heading towards their residence. It was empty and it was filled with gold bricks."    


Chen Sanqiu laughed and clapped his hands. Then, he said to Female Ghost Jing Hong, "Let's go. We have something to do."    


"What is it?" Female Ghost Jing Hong looked at Chen Sanqiu vigilantly.    


He was afraid that Chen Sanqiu would spout out some shocking words that would shock the world.    


"Let's go and renovate all the houses outside the palace of Ghost King with gold." Chen Sanqiu said to Female Ghost Jing Hong with a smile.    


Female Ghost Jing Hong …    


When Yellow Sand Old Man heard Chen Sanqiu's words, he could not help but furrow his brows and ponder deeply. His eyes could not help but light up.    


He said to Chen Sanqiu in surprise, "Hierarch, I think I understand what you're trying to do now. It's just that these ghosts aren't of much use. Even if all the ghost generals help us, the chances of us getting rid of Ghost King aren't high."    


Chen Sanqiu smiled and said to Yellow Sand Old Man, "These still require an opportunity, a perfect opportunity. You will know about it when the time comes."    


Female Ghost Jing Hong sneered and said, "Even if all the ghosts and ghost generals were helping you, it would still be impossible to get rid of Ghost King. In Ghost King's palace, not only is there the peerlessly powerful Ghost King, there are also so many palace guards, and those palace guards are Ghost King's trusted aides. They can't help you."    


Chen Sanqiu nodded with a smile to show that he knew.    


Female Ghost Jing Hong rolled her eyes, "Do you understand what I'm saying? Although those palace guards sound like guards, but they are all Ghost Generals, in the entire underground city, including me, there are only a dozen or so Ghost Generals, but Ghost King's palace guards have hundreds of them, and they are much stronger than us, so they have several times more resources than us. Even I, in the face of the palace guards, might not be a match."    


Speaking up to here, Female Ghost Jing Hong frowned and said to Chen Sanqiu, "And these ghosts, although their strength is not bad, but they are facing the Ghost Generals. Female Ghost Jing Hong frowned and said to Chen Sanqiu," And these ghosts, although their strength is not bad, but they are facing the Ghost Generals.    


Chen Sanqiu smiled and nodded again, indicating that he knew.    


Female Ghost Jing Hong …    


Ye Zichen rolled his eyes in anger and looked at Chen Sanqiu angrily. It seemed like no matter what he said, it would have no effect on Chen Sanqiu anymore.    


Chen Sanqiu could do whatever he wanted, but he didn't care.    


Damn it, what are you thinking? You have nothing better to do, you actually want to use the gold bricks to decorate the houses for these ghosts.    


"Let's go, there will be a lot of work to do in a while." Chen Sanqiu laughed, as if he was going to do something fun.    


Yellow Sand Old Man hurriedly followed her. Female Ghost Jing Hong pouted and felt like she was following a fool.    


But after some thought, Female Ghost Jing Hong angrily followed him again.    


After leaving the inn, Chen Sanqiu leaped into the air.    


With a wave of his hands, dozens of golden bricks appeared in the air. Then, Chen Sanqiu clapped his hands in the air and the golden bricks instantly turned into a pile of golden powder.    


Following that, Chen Sanqiu waved his hand again and golden powder fell from the sky and evenly sprinkled on the surrounding houses.    


The houses within a hundred meter radius of Chen Sanqiu suddenly started to shine with a golden light.    


At the very least, outside of these houses, they looked as if they were all made of gold. Even the thatched cottages were covered with a layer of gold powder, making them look much more magnificent.    


That's right, Chen Sanqiu didn't even let these thatched cottages get away, they were all covered in gold powder.    


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