Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Facing such a beautiful and goddess-like woman, everyone's faces trembled.    


Other than Ice Beauty Zi Yun, they could not think of a second woman who could do this in Ice Beauty Zi Yun's territory.    


Moreover, other than Chen Sanqiu, what the crowd was more astonished by this beautiful goddess-like woman was her appearance.    


He actually looked almost the same as Zero.    


It was exactly the same.    


Apart from the aura on his body, he was dressed.    


The woman in front of him was as beautiful as a flower and looked like a celestial fairy. Her body exuded a familiar aura, and her smile was able to make the woman taste good.    


As for Zero, it was still like a peach covered with thorns, a Mama Riley …    


However, although the crowd was surprised that the woman in front of them looked so different from Ice Beauty Zi Yun, they couldn't help but smile and nod at her when they saw the beautiful woman smiling at them like a fairy.    


"Senior, we are …" Chen Sanqiu pondered that since the other party had already discovered him, he might as well speak first and reveal his identity.    


Unexpectedly, before Chen Sanqiu could finish his sentence, Ice Beauty Zi Yun waved her hand and said to Chen Sanqiu with a smile, "I know who you are."    


"Senior knows?" Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment before he looked at Ice Beauty Zi Yun in disbelief.    


However, he thought gloomily, "Could it be that Evil Ancestor and Ice Beauty Zi Yun are working together to trap me?"    


It was his first time meeting Ice Beauty Zi Yun, so how did she know him?    


"There are very few things in the world I don't know." Ice Beauty Zi Yun said lightly, but her voice had a hint of sadness to it.    


Chen Sanqiu's brain worked quickly. He slightly grinned and immediately said to Ice Beauty Zi Yun, "Senior must have trained this ability out of boredom, to be able to see through everything."    


Ice Beauty Zi Yun couldn't help but smile when she heard Chen Sanqiu's words. She said to Chen Sanqiu with a smile, "You're an interesting person. Haha."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and laughed dryly.    


Actually, Chen Sanqiu had already thought about it a long time ago. Since Evil Ancestor had such a powerful computing power, he could even calculate how much chance he had to complete Evil Ancestor's mission.    


Ice Beauty Zi Yun was Evil Ancestor's woman after all. The longer they stayed in the same bed, the less secrets they had.    


Naturally, it was normal for Ice Beauty Zi Yun to be able to learn Evil Ancestor's arithmetic.    


Chen Sanqiu had learned this kind of reasoning and arithmetic from Evil Ancestor, which benefited him a lot. Of course, Chen Sanqiu's reasoning and arithmetic were still much weaker than Ice Beauty Zi Yun and Evil Ancestor's.    


"Your name is Zero, right?" Only then did Ice Beauty Zi Yun's gaze fall onto Zero's face.    


Staring at Ice Beauty Zi Yun's appearance, Ling Chen was stunned for a long time before nodding his head. With a confused expression, he asked, "Why do we look so similar?"    


Ice Beauty Zi Yun chuckled and said to Zero, "Didn't Evil Ancestor tell you how you were born?"    


Zero bit his lips and lowered his head.    


"Evil Ancestor is truly a single-minded person. Sigh, why must this be so? Zi Yun is already dead, and the one still alive is Bing Kui. Must Zi Yun be revived?" Ice Beauty Zi Yun sighed with a vexed expression.    


Yes, she looked a little cute.    


Chen Sanqiu shuddered when he saw that.    


The charm that blossomed from Ice Beauty Zi Yun's smile was truly unrivalled.    


Even though Chen Sanqiu knew that his opponent would be his enemy.    


Seeing Ice Beauty Zi Yun pouting just now with a vexed look on her face, he felt that Ice Beauty Zi Yun's look just now was very adorable.    


Chen Sanqiu really wanted to give himself a big slap on the face. What time was it now? It was the time between life and death.    


He was focused on the movement of Ice Beauty Zi Yun and didn't know what to think.    


"You two are from the Golden Giant Dragon race, you guys look pretty good, but it's a pity." Ice Beauty Zi Yun's gaze fell on Chen Yu‘er and Yu Feifei as she smiled coquettishly.    


Chen Yu‘er and Yu Feifei shuddered, and their little hearts clenched.    


Ever since they had entered Ice Beauty Zi Yun's territory, she had always been smiling and looking elegant, like a celestial goddess.    


However, in their hearts, Chen Yu‘er and Yu Feifei were filled with a sense of crisis towards Ice Beauty Zi Yun.    


The sense of impending doom made the two girls more nervous.    


Hearing Ice Beauty Zi Yun's words, Chen Yu‘er and Yu Feifei exchanged a glance.    


Chen Yu‘er clenched her fists and tried her best to suppress the fear in her heart. She pouted and asked Ice Beauty Zi Yun, "What's a pity?"    


"Of course it's a pity that you two are not mature Golden Giant Dragon yet. It would be good if you all were mature Golden Giant Dragon." Ice Beauty Zi Yun sighed.    


"Why do you say that?" Chen Yu‘er scratched her head and asked the Zi Yun, "You are afraid of maturing Golden Giant Dragon, aren't you?"    


"No, it's just that the adult Golden Giant Dragon has the ability to chew. You guys are underage, the meat is too tender and does not taste good." Ice Beauty Zi Yun still had a heavenly smile on her face, but her words sent chills down everyone's spines.    


The meaning behind Ice Beauty Zi Yun's words just now was that she treated the Golden Giant Dragon as if it was a dish for wine.    




"You must be a little girl from the Phoenix Clan." At this time, Ice Beauty Zi Yun looked at Qing Luan with an equally heavenly smile as she asked.    


Qing Luan was so frightened that her entire body was trembling. She nodded with difficulty.    


"The phoenix race is not bad, and is much more knowledgeable than the Golden Giant Dragon race. They wouldn't go to the mortal world to cause trouble when they have nothing better to do." Ice Beauty Zi Yun said lightly.    


Qing Luan was at a loss for words from Ice Beauty Zi Yun.    


Chen Yu‘er and Yu Feifei looked at each other and saw the panic in each other's eyes.    


However, Yellow Sand Old Man was the most worried right now.    


Seeing that Ice Beauty Zi Yun and the others had already spoken, he tried his best to prepare how to face Ice Beauty Zi Yun's questions.    


However, just as Yellow Sand Old Man was feeling flustered, Ice Beauty Zi Yun had already set her gaze back on Chen Sanqiu.    


Obviously, Ice Beauty Zi Yun had no intention of talking to Yellow Sand Old Man.    


Yellow Sand Old Man …    


"With the people you brought here, how likely do you think you will be able to complete the mission that Evil Ancestor gave you?" Ice Beauty Zi Yun asked Chen Sanqiu with a smile.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and was secretly happy.    


He didn't take Ice Beauty Zi Yun's provocative words to heart at all.    


"Senior's words are a reminder, thank you very much." Chen Sanqiu said to Ice Beauty Zi Yun with a smile.    


Ice Beauty Zi Yun …    


He still had that Celestial Immortal smile on his face.    


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