Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Yayi broke free from her mother's red silk and leaped onto Chen Sanqiu's body. She opened her little hands and slapped Chen Sanqiu three times.    


Hong Ling, Jiao Jiao, Qin Mingyue and the others were shocked.    


However, he didn't know that it was because of this smack that caused the Discipline inside Yayi's body to be activated.    


A powerful superpower aura was transmitted from Ya Ya's palm into Chen Sanqiu's body. The three strands of energy that were initially inextricably linked to each other were suddenly stirred up by the superpower surging out from Ya Ya's body. Chen Sanqiu's own strength and the super system's power, as well as Whitey's power, immediately gained the upper hand, suppressing the power of the Taotie's core.    


Only then did Chen Sanqiu wake up.    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu wake up, Qin Mingyue and Hong Ling were both surprised and happy.    


"Sanqiu, you're awake. Wuu." Hong Ling had held back her tears for a long time. Finally, at this moment, she couldn't hold it in, tears streaming down her face as she stood to the side.    


He wanted to jump into Chen Sanqiu's arms, but there was also Jiao Jiao and Qin Mingyue standing next to him. They knew Chen Sanqiu earlier than him, and they were even prettier than him. More importantly, Jiao Jiao and Qin Mingyue's position in Fallen Phoenix Village was much higher than his.    


Jiao Jiao and Qin Mingyue both reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of their eyes.    


The two girls didn't care that much and directly threw themselves into Chen Sanqiu's arms.    


Hong Ling looked and also rushed forward.    


"Don't cry, don't cry, I'm fine now." Chen Sanqiu almost lost his breath from the sudden pounce of the three girls. He almost fainted again and took two deep breaths. Chen Sanqiu smiled wryly as he hugged the girls with one hand and gently wiped their tears with the other.    


"Yayi, dad, no, uncle just woke up. Don't mess with uncle, let uncle rest for a while." Hong Ling saw that Chen Sanqiu was panting heavily and he was still holding onto a girl with one hand. She hurriedly wanted to take him over, as she had always said that Chen Sanqiu was her father. However, the moment she said those words, she felt a wave of jealousy fill up the entire sky, causing her to hurriedly change her words.    


"What are you talking about? I'm the Daddy of a pup. This matter is settled from now on. Do you understand?" Chen Sanqiu glared at Hong Ling.    


Hong Ling stuck out her tongue in fear, but her heart was filled with sweetness.    


"Thanks to Ya Ya just now, if she hadn't used her small hands to slap me twice, I might still be in a coma right now." Chen Sanqiu smiled and said to Jiao Jiao and Qin Mingyue, "You guys still don't know the origin of this b * tch."    


Jiao Jiao and Qin Mingyue shook their heads.    


Although they brought Hong Ling over, they were worried about Chen Sanqiu's safety, and also felt embarrassed to ask.    


You're asking me if I'm Chen Sanqiu's daughter?    


If so, aren't Jiao Jiao and Qin Mingyue embarrassed to death?    


Ye Zichen had been with Chen Sanqiu for so long, but his stomach didn't move at all.    




Hong Ling is Chen Sanqiu's woman now, if this gets out, it wouldn't be good for Chen Sanqiu either.    


When Chen Sanqiu saw Jiao Jiao and Qin Mingyue shaking their heads, he grinned and said to Hong Ling, "Tell the matter to Jiao Jiao Jiao and Mingyue later."    


"If not for that powerful ability just now …"    


"I'm still unconscious." Chen Sanqiu smiled as he lowered his head to kiss Ya Ya's cheeks.    


Ye Zichen chuckled, then proudly sat on Chen Sanqiu's neck. He hugged his little hands and had an arrogant look on his face.    


Seeing this, Qin Mingyue and Jiao Jiao looked forward to it.    


After a while, Chen Sanqiu felt a burst of tiredness and let Hong Ling carry her and head out with Jiao Jiao and Qin Mingyue.    


He lay on the bed and slept soundly.    


When he woke up, it was already late at night. Stretching his back, Chen Sanqiu quickly got off the bed and stretched his body.    


After being unconscious for such a long time, Chen Sanqiu felt that his entire body was stiff. After channeling his Genuine Qi a full cycle, Chen Sanqiu suddenly felt refreshed and full of spirit.    


He took in a deep breath of air. There was no smell of corpses from the apocalypse, nor was there the stench of feces from all kinds of species. Instead, there was the fragrance of plants and soil.    


"It feels so good to be home." Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath and a happy smile appeared on his face.    


It had been a long time since he left Fallen Phoenix Village, and now, it had been almost a year.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't know what had happened in Fallen Phoenix Village, but when he thought about his newly-born sister when he left, he felt a surge of excitement in his heart.    


He quickly walked to the door and pushed it open.    


A bustling night scene with neon lights flashing appeared in front of Chen Sanqiu's eyes.    


In the distance, tall buildings towered, and nearby bridges flowed with water.    


There was no roar of the cloned Taotie, only the quiet and peaceful night, the chirping of insects, the chirping of birds, and the laughter of the people.    


Everywhere it showed the difference of Fallen Phoenix Village.    


Chen Sanqiu's heart couldn't help but beat wildly when he saw this scene.    


He was dumbstruck as he looked at the bustling night scenery of Fallen Phoenix Village.    


"This, this, is this really the Fallen Phoenix Village?" Chen Sanqiu swallowed his saliva and looked at the scene in front of him in shock.    


Before he left Fallen Phoenix Village, he had already built a pretty good village for himself.    


However, that was just not bad at all.    


Compared to this bustling scene, it was like the difference between heaven and earth.    




Chen Sanqiu walked out of the room in disbelief. If he hadn't seen himself at the Sky Cavern Castle, the little wolf that he raised before would have grown into a majestic male wolf now.    


Chen Sanqiu almost thought he was dreaming.    


The male wolf Xiao Hei rushed to Chen Sanqiu    


He grinned.    


At this moment.    




The door to one of the courtyards in the Heavenly Stellar Castle opened and a beautiful figure walked out. Her figure and figure would definitely cause countless men to bow before her.    


"Brightmoon." Chen Sanqiu exclaimed softly.    


Qin Mingyue couldn't sleep at night and was worried about Chen Sanqiu's safety, so she decided to take a look at Chen Sanqiu's room.    


He didn't expect that he would hear Chen Sanqiu's shout the moment he stepped out of the door.    


When he turned around to look at Chen Sanqiu, he saw that Chen Sanqiu was in high spirits and his eyes were wide open …    


Tears immediately flowed out of his black and bright eyes. He ran towards Chen Sanqiu and hung onto him like an octopus.    


"Wu wu, in the future I won't allow you to do such a risky thing again. Wu wu, what if you still can't wake up?" What if you were killed by a mad doctor? Wuu wuu, you're not thinking about us? Even if you don't think about us, don't you think about your son? " Qin Mingyue cried as she spoke to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned: "My son? "Are you pregnant?"    


Qin Mingyue blushed and shook her head.    


"Jiao Jiao is pregnant?" Chen Sanqiu hurriedly asked.    


Qin Mingyue shook her head again.    


Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes. "Who else is Wang Xiaofeng?"    


"It's Wang Linlin." Qin Mingyue rolled her eyes at Chen Sanqiu: "Have you forgotten about this?"    




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