Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



"Boom, boom."    


The underground laboratory quickly collapsed and the entire mountain shook.    


The earth trembled as a powerful presence came from underground, stirring up the mountain and attempting to break through it. The birds and beasts in the forest quickly fled, and Nona, who was hiding in the cave at the foot of the mountain, looked on in horror at what was happening on Mount Kunlun.    


Chen Sanqiu, who had transformed into a Taotie, grabbed Zhen Xiaoyao with his mouth and used his fastest speed to charge down the mountain.    


Just as he reached the foot of the mountain, he heard an earth-shaking roar from the top of the mountain.    


Chen Sanqiu, who had transformed into the Taotie, trembled and turned around to look at the top of the mountain. He saw that the parent body of the Taotie, which had already merged with the crazy doctor, had revealed a gigantic head on the ground, and the skeletal body of the parent body of the Taotie let out a sinister laughter, then turned to look at Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu, who had transformed into a Taotie, felt a chill in his heart. He quickly ran towards the cave that Nona was hiding in.    


Nona ran out of the cave as the mountain shook violently. When she saw Chen Sanqiu, who had transformed into a Taotie, charging over, she trembled in fear as she nervously hugged Zhen Cheng to her chest. She picked up a rock from the ground and looked at Chen Sanqiu, who had transformed into a Taotie with caution.    


"I'm Chen Sanqiu, hurry up and ride." Chen Sanqiu, in his Taotie form, rushed to Nona's side and spat out Zhen Xiaoyao onto the ground. He said to Nona, "Hurry."    


Nona was stunned as she looked at Zhen Xiaoyao's corpse on the ground. Immediately, tears began to flow out of her eyes.    


Looking at Chen Sanqiu who had transformed into a Taotie, and then looking at the Taotie parent on top of Kunlun Mountain whose entire body was about to break out of the soil, her eyes were misty with tears.    


Now, Nona wanted to die, but when she saw her son Zhen Cheng crying loudly in her arms, Nona could only hold the body of Zhen Xiaoyao in her arms while crying and jump onto Chen Sanqiu, who had transformed into a Taotie.    


Nona, who was riding on the back of Chen Sanqiu who had transformed into a Taotie, was holding Zhen Xiaoyao's body. She felt that the world had suddenly become unreal.    


With Zhen Xiaoyao dead, Chen Sanqiu had actually become a Taotie.    


If not for the furious roars of the Taotie's mother, who was trying to break through the mountain wall to come out from it, on the summit of Kunlun Mountain, Nona would have thought that she was dreaming.    


"Zhen Xiaoyao won't die. With me around, hold on tight to my back. We have to hurry up and run." Chen Sanqiu that had transformed into a Taotie turned around and said to Nona, who was covered in tears.    


Nona was surprised when she heard Chen Sanqiu's words. Thinking about Chen Sanqiu's powerful medical skills and the mysterious super operating table, Nona believed Chen Sanqiu's words.    


He believed that Chen Sanqiu would be able to revive Zhen Xiao Yao.    


Chen Sanqiu, who had transformed into a Taotie, felt Nona's hands tighten on his back. He immediately spurred his horse forward and galloped away.    


What's going on? Who would have thought that this crazy doctor would be this crazy?    


It actually fused its own body with the Taotie. When it thought of becoming like a skeleton, it revealed itself above the head of the Taotie.    


Chen Sanqiu, who was half a step away from Dr. Crazy, shuddered in fear.    


Too terrifying.    


Just that strong berserk aura already made Chen Sanqiu frightened.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't know what would happen in a real battle.    


Furthermore, the Taotie cores inside my body that I swallowed earlier also merged with the original Taotie cores in my body, becoming stronger and stronger.    


Chen Sanqiu had to quickly get Nona out of here while he was still able to control himself.    


After running for hundreds of miles, he couldn't see the figure of the Taotie that was fused with Madman. Chen Sanqiu, who had transformed into the Taotie, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.    


Nona who was riding on the back of the Taotie asked in surprise when she saw Chen Sanqiu like this: "Chen Sanqiu, are you alright?"    


Chen Sanqiu had been resisting the two waves of energy from the Taotie's inner core within his body. Until now, he had been relying on his willpower to support it.    


If not for the fact that he wanted to rescue Nona and Zhen Cheng, Chen Sanqiu would have been lying on the ground by now.    


Chen Sanqiu, who had transformed into a Taotie, laughed bitterly. He shook his huge head and leisurely brought Nona to a nearby town. He left Nona's and Zhen Cheng's dead body in a basement.    


The Taotie transformed Chen Sanqiu opened his mouth and spat out a super operating table, making it the size of a normal operating table.    


Nona hurriedly carried Zhen Xiaoyao to the operating table.    


"The patient's heart has been shattered and all his ribs broken. He has been dead for ten minutes. His brain has already begun to die. Do you want to start the treatment?" The super operating table mechanically asked after scanning Zhen Xiaoyao's corpse.    


Chen Sanqiu, who had transformed into a Taotie, immediately said: "Do your best to save him, so he can be used at will."    


Tens of mechanical arms immediately extended from the super operating table and began the operation on Zhen Xiaoyao.    


"Nona, if I can't come back, then bring Zhen Cheng and Zhen Xiaoyao with you to Fallen Phoenix Village. If I come back, you will see that I will no longer be like a Taotie, and remember, that time, I will definitely not be me, so you must hide from me, and when you reach Fallen Phoenix Village, you must tell my parents and sister that I love them, and tell my woman that she will definitely do her best to kill me, who has turned into a Taotie. Because at that time, I would no longer be Chen Sanqiu, but a bloodthirsty beast. I don't want to live like that."    


After saying that, Chen Sanqiu, who was in the form of a Taotie, immediately rushed towards a small mountain outside. He wanted to stay as far away from Ninth Sister and the others as possible after he could not control the inner core power of the Taotie and prevent himself from harming them.    


Reaching the hill, Chen Sanqiu who was in the form of a Taotie, felt that the energy in his body was no longer under his control. The strong energy from the Taotie's core was constantly devouring his own Spiritual Force.    




Chen Sanqiu, who had turned into a Taotie, spat out another mouthful of blood that fell onto the ground.    


"Am I really going to become a Taotie?"    


"Heh, I wasn't killed by Mad Doctor.    


I actually became a Taotie first. "    


"I'm not willing to die like this."    


Chen Sanqiu, who had transformed into a Taotie, gritted his teeth as tears started streaming down his face.    


Chen Sanqiu was unwilling to accept the fact that the Taotie that had fused with Mad Doctor in the distance had become one with the mother body of the Taotie.    


"I can't die, I definitely can't die."    


"I absolutely cannot become a monster that only knows how to kill and devour."    


"Super System: Bai Xiaobai, come out. Even if you have to use up all of my achievement points, you have to restore me to a human."    




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