Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu saw Servant Jiao turn around and leave, and he couldn't help but clench his fist when he thought that Liuhua might be in the basement three layers like Servant Jiao said.    


Damn, the flowers are Holy Maiden from the Heart Eating Sect.    


I'm going to f * cking save Flowers?    


Damn, it was better to go save him.    


Thinking about Flowers' extremely beautiful face, Chen Sanqiu sighed and immediately ran towards the basement of the building.    


"Damn it, I should have told them earlier, but they're actually using the super laser gun like that. Indeed, not everyone can wield a weapon." Chen Sanqiu frowned.    


Even Chen Sanqiu didn't expect things to turn out like this. He didn't think that these laborers who got the super laser guns would become so crazy after defeating the cultists of the Carnivore Sect.    


He was actually using a super laser gun to tear down the entire core city of the Heart Eating City.    


Chen Sanqiu grimaced and felt a burst of panic in his heart.    


If he hadn't run so fast, he would have been almost killed by the super laser gun.    


With a bitter smile, Chen Sanqiu rushed to the basement. When he reached the basement's basement level three, he saw Hua Hua was in a daze as he knelt in front of a room and cried. He didn't seem to feel anything happening outside.    


Chen Sanqiu frowned and quickly rushed to the side of the flowers, pulling them up and about to leave.    


"Let me go! Ahh! Let me die here! Let me die here!" "Flowers cried loudly, not letting Chen Sanqiu take them away.    


Chen Sanqiu said angrily, "What's going on? No matter what happens, nothing can be solved by death. "    


Flowery pointed at the lab in front of them.    


Chen Sanqiu turned around and looked towards the laboratory. He saw that in the glass laboratory, one after another, women who looked exactly like flowers were closing their eyes, as if they were in a deep sleep.    


When Chen Sanqiu saw this, his expression couldn't help but change.    


Seeing this scene, Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but think of the scene he saw at Mad Doctor's manor. There were so many of them, and countless of them were placed in cylindrical glass vats in underground laboratories.    




Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath and frowned as he looked at the flowers. He suddenly stretched out his hand to knock them out and quickly rushed out of the collapsed building with the flowers following the collapse of the building.    


Carrying the flowers to a small building that was unaffected, he looked at the collapsed building, at those people who were crazily laughing, crying and kneeling on the ground like mad devils.    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment. Then, a happy smile appeared on his face.    


Chen Sanqiu finally understood why these laborers would crazily attack the core city of the Eclipse City after killing the cults of the Carnivore Sect.    


It was for no other reason but because in the eyes of these laborers, this core city represented the entire Eclipse Sect.    


Since the core city was here, then the Heart Eating Sect had not been completely destroyed.    


That tall building represented the might of the Carnivore Sect's Pope.    




If they hadn't destroyed that tall building, they wouldn't have destroyed the fear that the Eclipse Cult leader, Nu Jiao, had in their hearts.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and smiled bitterly.    


At this moment, the beautiful flowers in her arms slowly opened their eyes, and saw that the core city had already been destroyed, and those laborers who were originally stepped on the soil, looking like worthless trash, were now lying on the ground, holding their super laser guns, crying loudly, laughing maniacally.    


Magnificent Flower felt his heart being deeply shocked.    


"You killed all of the Carnivore Sect's members?" The flower looked up at Chen Sanqiu and asked.    


Chen Sanqiu shook his head.    


"Not you? If it wasn't for you, how could those disciples of the Heart Eating Sect die? " "Why did you lie to me?"    


Chen Sanqiu smiled bitterly and said to Flowers, "I really didn't kill those Carnivore Sect members. It was all because of those disdainful laborers that killed those members of the Carnivore Sect."    


"With just them?" Liu Hua frowned, and said with disdain: "How could they have the ability to kill my Eclipse Heart Sect's disciples? How is that possible? "    


"What's impossible about that? Not only did they kill all of the sect members of the Heart Eating Sect, they even beat up the sect leader, Servant Jiao, and made her run away." Chen Sanqiu smiled bitterly and said to the flowers, "Don't look down on them. One person alone might not cause any harm to the disciples of the Heart Eating Sect, but look at them. With tens of thousands of people and weapons in their hands, the real invincible people in the Heart Eating City is not the heart eating sect leader or servant Jiao, nor is it me, Chen Sanqiu."    


After hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Flowers was stunned for a while. She never would have thought that the people who destroyed the Heart Eating Sect were those laborers.    


In Flowers' eyes, the only person who could cause harm to the Carnivore School's members was Chen Sanqiu. Chen Sanqiu was the only one. He didn't expect that those laborers who normally felt nothing more than trash would have such abilities.    


He took a deep breath.    


Liuhua squinted at Chen Sanqiu and said, "If it wasn't for the weapon you gave them, they would still be just a dog."    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders, squinted his eyes and said to Liu Hua, "Go, I won't kill you."    


"You're letting me go?" Magnificent Flower took a deep breath and asked Chen Sanqiu in surprise: "Are you sure you want me to leave? Not destroying my strength? "    


"You haven't eaten anyone's heart, so I'll let you go." Chen Sanqiu said lightly to the flowers.    


The flower immediately stood up and ran outside.    


After running two steps, Flowery suddenly turned around and looked at Chen Sanqiu in confusion: "I, where am I going?"    


"I don't even know who I am anymore. Where am I going?" The flowers were crying and their eyes were red. Tears kept rolling down their cheeks.    


Chen Sanqiu's heart also felt a bit sad when he saw such a scene.    


"I still need to find the secret on my body. I don't even know if I'm a real flower anymore. I don't even know who I am. I am …"    


"Even if he doesn't die, he will still be a clone." Flowers gritted her teeth as tears finally flowed uncontrollably out of her eyes.    


"Who exactly am I? Can you tell me? " The flowers cried as they asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu shook his head bitterly.    


Chen Sanqiu was even more clueless about what was going on.    


The Eclipse Sect's leader, Servant Jiao, liked men. Why did he spend so much human and material resources on such a woman to create so many Eclipse Sect leaders?    


It was truly unbelievable.    




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