Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched when he heard these three men say that they were devotees, and even said that they were people blessed by the God of Heaven.    


The heck, he felt that his skin was thick enough. To think that this group of people were even thicker than his.    


Judging from these three individuals' strength, they were definitely not weak. However, they were not the kind of top powerhouses that could be compared with the previous leader of the Dragon King's Army, the Dragon King, let alone a super biochemical soldier like Li Tie.    


From Li Tieseng, they found out that the people in the core of the Heart Eater were even more powerful than Li Tieseng and his group. Even that lunatic Wang Ziyan was afraid of the Heart Eater.    


In that case, these three people who did not seem weak were merely at the periphery of the Heart Eater.    


After thinking for a while, Chen Sanqiu decided to follow the three Heart Eater Sect members to the heart eater gathering area.    


Otherwise, it would be too troublesome to search for a heart eater on your own. The world is so big, who would have known that they would appear here?    


Thinking about this, Chen Sanqiu scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled honestly: "That's not good, you really want to take us in?" I eat a lot. "    


When the three minions heard Chen Sanqiu's words, their faces immediately lit up. Looking at Chen Sanqiu's embarrassed face and his honest smile, they were overjoyed.    


Such a fool, it was best to deceive him.    


Without even blinking, he said to Chen Sanqiu, "We are all believers of the God of Heaven. We won't lie, our place is extremely safe, even the super large scale clone Taotie wouldn't dare to attack our place, we have to eat, drink, and before the apocalypse comes, we have everything that we have, and it's even better."    


Chen Sanqiu kept drooling as he listened. His eyes lit up and he rubbed his hands in embarrassment. He looked towards the bright moon with an expression of begging for advice.    


The bright moon …    


She had always felt that Chen Sanqiu was very quick-witted, but she never thought that Chen Sanqiu would be so clever. Furthermore, his shamelessness and shamelessness really made her admire him from the bottom of her heart.    


[Oh my god! Chen Sanqiu, who was usually so good as a monkey, could actually act so silly now.]    


Moon almost laughed out of embarrassment.    


Resisting the happiness in her heart with great difficulty, Moon nodded her head lightly: "Since it's very safe, and there's still food to eat, I think we can go take a look, but we must be careful."    


Chen Sanqiu rubbed his hands and nodded excitedly, then said to the three Carnivore Sect members, "Since my wife has agreed, then, we will trouble the three big brothers."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, the three sect members revealed happy expressions.    


One by one, they nodded and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Don't be so polite, we all live under the protection of God. As brothers, we should help each other."    


Chen Sanqiu nodded gratefully and drove away in the jeep with Moon in tow.    




He found an abandoned gas station and filled it with gas before driving all the way to the evening. As the sky darkened, there was still no sign of parking the three devotees.    


Chen Sanqiu's face looked uneasy. He asked worriedly, "Brothers, how far is the place you're staying? It's been a day already, and it hasn't even arrived. It's too dangerous to clone more Taotie at night."    


One of the three disciples said to Chen Sanqiu, "Our place of residence is quite far from here, we'll be there in another day. However, you're right, it is not safe to drive at night, if there are only a dozen or so young cloned Taotie beasts, we don't need to worry about them. If there are too many of them, it will be too dangerous."    


"Let's go to the front and find a place to rest for the night."    


Chen Sanqiu nodded and hugged the bright moon. He looked outside the car with an uneasy expression, as if he was afraid that a clone Taotie would suddenly pop out.    


Moon Moon saw Chen Sanqiu like this and couldn't help laughing in her heart. Oh my god.    


I really didn't expect Chen Sanqiu to be able to perform so well. His pitiful acting is too awesome. If I don't act out now, Chen Sanqiu's acting is really a waste of my time.    


However, Moon Moon couldn't laugh either. She could only constantly reach out her hand to twist Chen Sanqiu's arm. Chen Sanqiu could only endure it and continue looking around with a worried expression.    


At the beginning, the three sect members were still very wary of Chen Sanqiu. However, when they saw Chen Sanqiu acting like this all the way, their vigilance was reduced by half.    


After driving to a school, they stopped and entered a sturdy room with Chen Sanqiu and Moon.    


"Let's stay here tonight."    


"Don't worry, with us here, even if the cloned Taotie dares to attack us, we will make sure that they won't be able to escape."    


"Haha, the three of us are still quite strong."    


Chen Sanqiu nodded gratefully as a rumbling sound came from his stomach. He looked pitifully at the three Heart Eater Sect members and asked, "Brothers, do you guys have anything to eat?"    


Each of them took out a bag and handed it to Chen Sanqiu: "This is our food for seven days, eat it. Haha, I'm not afraid that you might not be full, I'm only afraid that you might hold on. Haha."    


And then …    


The three minions saw a scene that they would never forget in their entire lives.    


The three of them, with the exception of Chen Sanqiu, who gave Moon a bit of food for seven days, all of their rations had been devoured by Chen Sanqiu …    


[What the heck.    


The three of them were dumbfounded.    


Initially, he thought Chen Sanqiu said that he ate too much, so he only ate too much.    


From the looks of it, it was not as if he had eaten too much. It was more like eating to the point of being devoid of conscience.    




Chen Sanqiu ate the last mouthful of the rations and burped. He cupped his hands towards the three minions and said, "Thank you, brothers. I'm full."    


The three sect members of the Heart Eater Sect all had their own mouths.    


The corner of his mouth twitched …    


"Oh my god, you're full. We haven't eaten yet. What the hell are you doing here?"    


Damn it.    


The three of them felt extremely heartbroken. They pretended to be magnanimous as they waved their hands, "It's good as long as you are full. Haha, there will be more for you to eat in the future. Haha, ga."    


Chen Sanqiu ate and drank to his heart's content. He directly hugged Moon and went to sleep on the floor.    


The three of them …    


"Ma'e, if it weren't for the fact that you were born a sportsman and had a good physique, which is the Sect Leader's favorite food, we would have been dead by now …"    


Kill you, damn you.    




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