Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



With the addition of Li Tieshan and the other super biochemical soldiers of Dragon King City, their strength had increased by leaps and bounds. Not only that, they had also eliminated a group of flying clone Taotie. There was no one in this region who could deal a fatal blow to Dragon King City.    


Before Chen Sanqiu left with Moon, he picked a new Lord from the management of Dragon King City, while Li Tieseng became the commander in chief of Dragon King City's garrison.    


In addition to the super laser gun factory and the super solar cell factory in the Dragon King City, as well as the super fertilizer crop, it could be said that the power of the Dragon King City was no small matter.    


When Chen Sanqiu and Moon left, Li Tieseng and all the super soldiers had tears in their eyes as they sent it all the way to the outermost barbed wire.    


"Sir Chen, let us go with you. That Heart Eater organization is very powerful. Even Wang Ziya is afraid of them." Li Tieseng cupped his fists towards Chen Sanqiu and said, "Although our strength is average, we can still eliminate some of the petty seniors and save Sir Chen the trouble."    


"That's right, Sir Chen. Although we can't help much, but we can still have someone to take care of you."    


"Furthermore, it's enough to have two or three of our brothers here in Dragon King City. We don't need to all be here, right?"    


He reached out his hand and pressed it towards Li Tieseng and the others. After everyone quieted down, Chen Sanqiu said to Li Tieseng, "I didn't leave you here, it's not to let you guard such a small town. I hope you'll take this as your base and disperse in all directions to save more people."    


"You are all strong people. As strong people, you must shoulder the responsibility of being strong."    


"The greater your ability, the greater your responsibility."    


"I hope you will not forget what you promised me. Even if you forgot to promise me, you must think about the future of your children. Do you wish for your children to endure the fear of these cloned Taotie in the future, or do you wish for them to grow in peace?"    


Chen Sanqiu patted Li Tieseng's shoulder, turned around and pulled Moon into a shabby jeep. According to the information provided by the people, Chen Sanqiu walked towards the Heart Eater.    


Li Tieseng and the others watched as Chen Sanqiu and Moon gradually disappeared into the distance. One by one, they kneeled down on one knee, their eyes were red and tears were rolling in their eyes.    


"Sir Chen, we will never forget the kindness you have shown us."    


"As long as we are alive, as long as our children are alive, we will protect the Lord for generations. As long as the Lord gives the order, we will not hesitate to go through fire and tread on water."    


After Chen Sanqiu left, Li Tieseng led the people of the Dragon King City and gathered all of the surrounding small safe villages into the Dragon King City. A month later, the strong and strong troops of the Dragon King City scattered to all directions.    


Just like a virus, radiating in all directions …    


And after that, he would have a successful meeting with the group led by the dream butterfly.    


Two months later, when Li Tieseng was trying to save the housebutterfly, he was devoured by a gigantic Taotie clone. The remaining super bio soldiers continued to fight the clone Taotie under the leadership of the dream butterfly …    




On the way, Chen Sanqiu drove a jeep with the Moon in the front passenger seat. The two of them were enjoying the scenery while secretly sending off the autumn sun.    


"I really don't know if this chaotic world of the cloned Taotie is good or bad for the world." Chen Sanqiu looked at the clear sky and said with a sigh.    


Moon Moon froze for a moment and asked, "Why do you say that?"    


"It's been a long time since I've felt such a blue sky and such a fresh air." Chen Sanqiu smiled bitterly and said to the moon.    


Moon pouted and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Was the air not so fresh before? But I don't know what the previous world was like. "    


"The previous world was very beautiful, but also very unbeautiful." Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders and was about to sigh.    


Suddenly, a long howl came from the distance ahead of them. The sound was extremely sharp and pierced through the clouds.    


Chen Sanqiu's expression immediately changed as a cold light flashed across his eyes. He hurriedly said to Moon, "It seems like we don't need to find the Heart Eater."    


"Are we not going to look for the Heart Eater?" Moon's face was full of curiosity as she asked.    


"Yeah, because they've already come looking for us." Chen Sanqiu said lightly: "We'll act accordingly later."    


Moon's originally warm and happy face was suddenly retracted after hearing Chen Sanqiu's words. She looked at the scene in front of her with a blank expression, as if she didn't know anything.    


As Chen Sanqiu drove, his eyes constantly searched for the location where the howl had come from.    




A cold arrow suddenly shot towards Chen Sanqiu from the dense forest not far in front of them. It directly shot towards the first passenger seat Moon. Chen Sanqiu suddenly turned the steering wheel and the cold arrow flew past the car, directly hitting the cement ground behind the car.    


Chen Sanqiu stopped the car abruptly and jumped down, looking towards the direction where the cold arrow came from.    


He saw three tall and strong men with secret characters drawn on their faces, standing behind a giant tree in the dense forest, looking at him coldly.    


It seemed that the three of them were shocked that Chen Sanqiu and Moon could dodge this arrow.    


"Friend, we are only passing by here. We are all just finding a way to survive in this apocalyptic world. There is no need for us to be so desperate, no?" Chen Sanqiu shouted at the three men in the woods.    


The three men looked at each other and immediately rushed towards Chen Sanqiu and Moon.    


With a distance of one thousand meters, the three of them arrived in front of Chen Sanqiu in less than ten seconds.    


A man looked Chen Sanqiu up and down, squinted his eyes and asked: "Bio-transformation?"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and shook his head: "No."    


"Ancient martial artists?" the man asked with narrowed eyes.    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged, "No."    


The three men with secret messages drawn on their faces frowned. "A good athlete?"    


Chen Sanqiu thought about it and said, "I guess so."    


The eyes of the three men with secret characters drawn on their faces immediately lit up.    


"We live in the safest place in the world. Are you willing to come with us?" A man asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched: "You are?"    


"Heart Eater." The three men said in unison, "The people blessed by the God of Heaven."    




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