Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu was very sympathetic towards these super soldiers that Wang Zi had tricked.    


A group of villagers who returned home after sunset after the birth of the cloned Taotie, in order to keep their wives and children alive, were bewitched by Wang Ziya and turned into a super biochemical soldier to protect him. Furthermore, they were very loyal.    


Even if they died, they had to protect the safety of their family.    


Because they believed that only Wang Ziya had the ability to save their families.    


"Can you let our families live?"    


"Do you have Lord Wang's skills?"    


"Can you let our families pass through this apocalypse in their sleep?"    


The door of the laboratory was about to be bitten open by the rats and rushed into the laboratory. However, the super soldiers who were chasing Chen Sanqiu and were scared by the rats were now looking at Chen Sanqiu with a serious and expectant expression.    


Although they knew that Wang Zhe was not a good man, although they knew that Wang Zhe was a man who wanted to destroy the world, they knew that the flying clone Taotie created by Wang Zhe's experiment would kill the living humans more quickly.    


However, they had no way to resist.    


Even if they could kill Wang Ziya, their families were now immersed in the utensils, protected by the nutrient solution, just like babies that had not been born yet.    


They did not dare to kill him. They did not know how to keep their families alive in the nutrient solution. They did not know how to release them.    


Now that Chen Sanqiu appeared in front of them, these people looked at Chen Sanqiu expectantly.    


"I am Chen Sanqiu." Chen Sanqiu grinned and said proudly to the super biochemical soldiers, "Everything in the legend is true. Whatever Wang Ziya can do, I will do a hundred times better than him."    


Chen Sanqiu had just finished speaking.    


Those super biochemical soldiers glanced at each other one by one, their eyes flashing with firm farewells.    


All of them immediately raised their machine guns.    


Chen Sanqiu's body trembled, he thought these super biochemical soldiers were going to shoot him.    


At the beginning, the super biochemical soldier that opened his mouth first said to Chen Sanqiu, "Chen Sanqiu, we will use our bodies to protect you, we will attack those demon mice first to attract their attention, and then, we believe that with your speed, you will definitely be able to escape alive. This is the key to open this lab from the inside, take this key, then you can go out."    


"As long as you go out and close the door of the laboratory, you can come back in a month later and save our wives and girls. At that time, those rats will eat us all and they will die without food."    


"We can't let these rats escape. Otherwise, the world will really be destroyed."    


"I hope you can forgive us. We're just trying to get our    


For our family to be able to survive in this apocalyptic world, sorry. "    


These super soldiers bowed to Chen Sanqiu one by one and then resolutely turned around with machine guns in their hands. They formed a defensive net and were about to fire at the door.    


Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes and smiled bitterly.    


"Enough. On the account that you still have conscience, I'll save your lives." Chen Sanqiu waved his hand and said to the super biochemical soldiers.    


When these super soldiers heard what Chen Sanqiu said, they were stunned for a moment. Then, they looked at Chen Sanqiu with their mouths agape. At the end, they became extremely shocked and looked at Chen Sanqiu with their eyes wide open.    


"Chen Sanqiu, you, you can really save us?"    


"Chen Sanqiu, can you really let us continue to live?"    


Even if we form a fire net, it will be useless. With their speed and defense, as long as they can withstand two attacks, they can rush to our side and swallow us whole. "    


"What are you going to do?"    


Chen Sanqiu said helplessly, "What else can we do?" "Bleeding a lot."    


Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes and turned around. Carrying these super biochemical soldiers, he opened the Super System Merchant Shop and found the purchase menu for the Super Defense Ant Robot.    


Ruthlessly, he bought 500 super defensive ant robots.    


These super biochemical soldiers looked at the ant robot crawling out behind Chen Sanqiu. It was the size of an ant, but it emitted a silver metallic glow. All of them were stunned.    


He gaped at the second, third, fourth, fifth ….    


"Damn it, Chen Sanqiu, what are these things?"    


"Don't get out of the wolf's den and back into the tiger's den."    


"These ant robots look even more terrifying than those demon rats."    


"Oh my god, there are so many of these things."    


Chen Sanqiu glared at the group of super soldiers and snorted: "Do you want to live? If you don't want to live, I'll let these super defensive ant robots protect me. I won't protect you guys anymore. "    


These super biological and chemical soldiers …    


Upon hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, all of their faces turned ashen, and their foreheads turned green with anxiety …    


"Big brother, of course we want to live."    


"Sir Chen, from now on, we are your lackeys. We will do whatever you tell us to do."    


"Yes, we will follow you for the rest of our lives."    


"As long as you say the word, we won't even frown if you want us to die."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and snorted: "I don't have a bad taste in death. As long as you guys can chat with your kids in the future, just mention that I'm the one who saved you. Don't be an ungrateful bastard."    


These super soldiers all had red faces.    


"Big brother, we aren't people like that."    


Chen Sanqiu smiled and waved towards the laboratory door.    




He commanded the super defensive ant robots to rush towards the door, through the crack in the door, to kill the rats outside.    


When Chen Sanqiu saw the power of these Demon Rats, he immediately thought of super defensive ant robots. With super defensive ant robots, these Demon Rats were just like trash.    


Back then, Chen Sanqiu wasn't forced into such a corner by these Demon Rats to use these super defensive ant robots.    


This thing should be able to achieve some success.    


However, Chen Sanqiu had no choice but to use his achievement points for the sake of these super soldiers.    


There was no helping it, we were good people.    




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