Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes as he looked at the group of super soldiers that were chasing him down and killing him. Now, they were all looking at him with a praising look. He smiled lightly and looked extremely pleased with himself.    


"Cough cough, Chen Sanqiu, can you not boast?"    


"That's right, we are all on the verge of death right now. Even if you can heal the Demon Mouse's bite, you can't just continue to heal yourself like this, right?"    


"Exactly, when a group of demon rats rush in and bite you from head to toe, what will you do?"    


"Even if you can heal on your own, you won't be able to do it that quickly."    


"Big brother, let's not play pretend anymore. Can you think of a way to survive?"    


"The door is about to be devoured, and those demonic rats are about to rush in. Brother, come back to your senses."    


Chen Sanqiu coughed dryly and smiled awkwardly. He scratched his head and said to the super biochemical soldiers that were chasing him, "Didn't you want to kill me? Now that those demonic rats have rushed in, wouldn't this complete your mission? "    


The super biological soldiers that had been chasing Chen Sanqiu …    


They all rolled their eyes and looked at Chen Sanqiu with bitter smiles.    


"Brother, what time is it now? What's the use of us chasing you? "    


"If we kill you, we will be able to survive. Only then will we be able to be useful. Now that you are dead, we will all die. What is the meaning of dying together?"    


"That's right, how f * cking hopeless is it?"    


"Brother, stop messing around. Do you have a way to get rid of those rats?"    


Chen Sanqiu looked at all the super biochemical soldiers who were nervously looking at him, shrugged his shoulders, thought for a moment, and asked the soldiers, "I want to know, what is Wang Ziya's purpose for creating these demon rats?"    


These super soldiers looked at each other one by one.    


He looked like he wanted to say it but didn't dare to.    


Chen Sanqiu disdainfully said, "You bunch of idiots, are you still afraid that Wang Ziya will kill you because you leaked his plan? If you don't say it, then forget it. When those rats rush in, you'll die anyway. "    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu say that.    


The Super Biochemical soldiers who opened their mouths at the beginning struggled for a bit, finally, they gritted their teeth and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Chen Sanqiu, we were not soldiers before, we are not biochemical humans. We are all farmers here."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


He was stunned for a moment before looking at these super soldiers in shock.    


Each and every one of these super soldiers forced a smile and nodded. Their faces were full of pain.    


"We are all local villagers. We usually spend time during the day and return home during the sunset. Although our days are not very good, we can still be considered to be very comfortable. However, when news of the cloned Taotie arrived, everyone panicked."    


"We all thought we were doomed. After all, the big cities have fallen, and there's no one left to protect our little villages."    


"Later on, Sir Wang came here and recruited us to build this huge    


"In the laboratory."    


"And protect our wives and children, and ask if we want to protect our wives and girls. If we want to protect them, we have to become stronger, so we accepted the injection from the super biochemical soldiers."    


"So we become super bio soldiers."    


Chen Sanqiu's expression changed two times when he heard what these super soldiers said. He looked at these super soldiers in shock.    


"Have you seen your wives and children ever since you became a super bio soldier?" Chen Sanqiu asked lightly.    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's question, all of these super soldiers trembled as cold sweat instantly flowed down their foreheads.    


All of them looked at each other in panic.    


Finally, they all shook their heads, cold sweat dripping down their foreheads.    


"No, but Lord Wang will always show us the video of our wives and children in the nutrient solution."    


"They seem to be doing pretty well."    


These super biochemical soldiers said anxiously.    


Seeing the flustered expressions and the simple and honest expressions on their faces, Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but believe what these people were saying.    


These people could really be the villagers living here, and then they were fooled by that bastard Wang Ziya.    


Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you know, with the current science and technology, even if a person can survive in nutrition liquid like an infant in the mother's body, they can't live in nutrition liquid for a long time?"    


These super biochemical soldiers shook their heads blankly.    


Chen Sanqiu then said, "It's very possible that they will lose their memories. After waking up, they won't know anyone else, and you guys have never seen your families with your own eyes. Did you not think that they would be used as test subjects by that bastard Wang Ziya?"    


The super biochemical soldiers were immediately trembling all over.    


Chen Sanqiu sighed, stood up and asked the super biochemical soldiers, "Do you think Wang Zi is a good person?"    


These super biological and chemical soldiers …    


They were all at a loss, not knowing what to do.    


The super biochemical soldier that opened his mouth at the beginning gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Sanqiu, let's not talk about anything else, just one thing, if Mr. Wang can let our wife and children live, then they are good people."    


"We were living a peaceful life. You made this world fall apart."    


Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath and said with a wry smile, "This world will not be destroyed, it will only bloom again. If you really love your wife and children, then live your current life with them."    


"No one knows when this world will recover its former glory. If you trust Wang Ziya this much and wait for the world to recover, then when you die, your wives and children won't be able to survive either." Chen Sanqiu stood up and said to them, "I want to save the world, kill off those cloned Taotie, and not destroy the world like that bastard Wang Ziya."    




"Speak, why did you make those demonic rats?" Chen Sanqiu said to these people.    


These super soldiers opened their mouths wide in shock.    


"Lord Wang created these Demon Rats to deal with the cloned Taotie. Lord Wang's intention is to wait until the cloned Taotie occupies the entire world before releasing these Demon Rats to kill the cloned Taotie."    


Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath and laughed coldly, "What a joke, do you really think that the demon rats he made could kill so many cloned Taotie? "Haha."    


"Even if we can kill you, have you ever thought about how you can survive in a world full of rats?"    




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