Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu didn't expect this kind of rat to have such strong attack and defense, and this kind of rat could even bite him so hard.    


He ran out of the lab as fast as he could and when he got outside, he saw the floor littered with bodies.    


Those super biochemical soldiers that came to kill him fell to the ground, their bodies twitching, blood flowing out of their seven orifices and a gash on their chest. Looking carefully, one could see that the rat that they had first let out was gnawing at the heart of one of the super biochemical soldiers.    


Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched as he heard a series of "sizzling" sounds coming from behind him. He hurriedly turned around and saw that the group of rats were chasing over.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't say anything. He immediately turned around and ran forward.    


"Ah, save me, save me!"    


"Please, save me, ah."    


The rats that came out to chase Chen Sanqiu saw the people on the ground and immediately rushed towards those super biochemical soldiers in groups. Those super biochemical soldiers were covered with rats.    


By the rats.    


And it was even before those super biological soldiers died.    


Those super soldiers screamed painfully while spitting blood from their mouths. Tears and blood dripped from their eyes as they begged Chen Sanqiu for help, hoping that Chen Sanqiu would save them.    


Chen Sanqiu couldn't bear it anymore. He turned around and shot those beautiful soldiers twice in the head with his super laser gun. He ended their lives and showed them mercy.    


Chen Sanqiu rushed to the front and saw a sturdy looking laboratory. When he arrived at the door, he grinned.    


Thinking about how scary the rats were in the laboratory before, he wondered if he should go in.    


Behind Chen Sanqiu, there was another rustling sound. Chen Sanqiu quickly looked back and saw that the super biochemical soldiers had all eaten up and were charging towards him with bloodthirsty eyes.    


Chen Sanqiu did not dare to stay any longer. He quickly opened the door and rushed in.    


The moment he rushed into the lab, Chen Sanqiu saw a group of super biochemical soldiers that were chasing after him with tears in their eyes.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


"Hurry up and come in."    


"Close the door."    


"Damn, what are you waiting for?"    


"Hurry up."    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu standing motionlessly at the door, the super soldiers that were hiding there immediately roared at Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


He rushed into the laboratory and closed the door.    


The moment he closed the door, he heard the sound of rats climbing up the stairs. The sound of rustling could be heard, causing him to panic.    




The group of bio soldiers that were chasing Chen Sanqiu were all sweating and staring at the door. They were all nervous and their hands were shaking. The machine guns in their hands almost fell off.    


It could be seen how terrified they were of the rats outside.    


Even Chen Sanqiu had subconsciously forgotten about it.    


Chen Sanqiu twitched his mouth and went to a corner of the lab. He felt a pain in his stomach, lifted his clothes to take a look, and his face darkened.    


His formidable defensive power was actually so vulnerable in the mouths of these rats. These rats had actually bitten open a gash on his body and was bleeding profusely.    


What shocked Chen Sanqiu even more was that there was no sign that the wound was going to scab at all.    


Chen Sanqiu frowned and soon understood that there must be a poison in the mice's mouth that could suppress the scab on their wounds.    


Taking a deep breath, Chen Sanqiu quickly sat cross-legged on the ground and started to operate the Genuine Qi to remove the poison from the wound.    


Soon, Chen Sanqiu opened his eyes. His wounds were no longer painful and felt numb. When he looked again, his wounds were rapidly healing under his strong healing power.    


Only then did Chen Sanqiu heave a sigh of relief.    


Chen Sanqiu felt that a lot of people were looking at him in shock, so he quickly raised his head and looked around. He saw that the bio soldiers that were chasing him were all looking at him in shock.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


He grinned.    


"Why are you looking at me like that for? Although I am very handsome, I am not manly. " Chen Sanqiu said with a grin.    


These super biochemical soldiers that were chasing Chen Sanqiu all rolled their eyes.    


One of the super biochemical soldiers asked in shock, "Chen Sanqiu, you were bitten by a demon mouse, right?"    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders, pointed at the wound on his abdomen and said, "Can't you see that?"    


"You are the first one to be able to heal your wounds after being bitten by a demonic rat." The super biochemical soldier sighed and said.    


Chen Sanqiu was surprised. He frowned and asked the super biochemical soldier, "Is he that powerful? Even if that mouse has poison in its mouth, there should be many animals in the animal kingdom that don't have a way to cure it. "    


"This is no ordinary mouse, this is a mouse that Lord Wang painstakingly made."    


"This type of demon rat has powerful defensive capabilities and it also has powerful mobility. Furthermore, its body is small. If it's a group of demon rats, even a clone Taotie would not be a match for them."    


"Moreover, Lord Wang had experimented with the world's most powerful poison. In the end, it allowed the rats to possess this poison, so as long as they were bitten by it, they would definitely be poisoned. Furthermore, their wounds will not heal, and they will eventually bleed to death."    


"Lord Wang has done many experiments, but he has yet to find a way to cure this poison."    


The super biochemical soldier said to Chen Sanqiu in shock, "You can actually heal your own wound after being bitten by the Demon Mouse. Chen Sanqiu, who are you really?"    


"When we heard your rumors, we only thought that it was just a legend. We also heard that you were able to force a doctor and that you were going to go crazy!"    


The Doctor's only daughter was taken away, so the Mad Doctor became even crazier and created a clone of the Taotie to destroy the world. "    


"Are you human or not?"    


Chen Sanqiu …    


"Of course I'm human. Moreover, I'm a good person. A great person who can support both heaven and earth." Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes. He patted his chest and said to these super biochemical soldiers, "A good person will live a peaceful life, do you know?"    


These super biological and chemical soldiers …    


Damn, I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such a shameless person.    




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