Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Dragon King felt like his neck was about to break under Chen Sanqiu's continuous slaps.    


He wanted to stand up, but the Dragon King felt that his head was too heavy. He could only lower his head and stare at the ground, only to see droplets of blood dripping onto the ground.    


The Dragon King felt that he was still very clear-headed.    


He knew that this drop of blood was not someone else's blood, but his own blood.    


Ever since the power of the Dragon King had increased, the Dragon King had not seen what his blood looked like.    


All that he had seen was the blood of others.    


"Cough cough, hehe, haha." The Dragon King slowly raised his head like a madman and laughed towards Chen Sanqiu.    


His eyes were full of confusion.    


The Dragon King knew exactly how powerful he was. He had fought against a large Taotie clone before.    


At that time, he had relied on his own strength to kill that large clone Taotie.    


After killing the gigantic Taotie clone, the Dragon King felt that he was invincible and that he was the best in the world.    


But he didn't expect that he would be beaten to such a state by Chen Sanqiu, who looked so weak that he looked like a weak scholar. This made Dragon King feel like he was going crazy.    


It was so crazy that even the Dragon King felt that it must be an illusion. It must be an illusion.    


Chen Sanqiu looked down at the Dragon King, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I told you a long time ago, if you kneel down and kowtow to my woman, I'll forgive you. Look at you, so stubborn, so disobedient, really a worried child."    


The Dragon King …    


Ye Zichen twitched his mouth and looked at Chen Sanqiu with clenched teeth.    


Seeing the coldness in Chen Sanqiu's eyes, the Dragon King opened his mouth and his entire body trembled.    


Just now, the Dragon King suddenly felt that he was the devil king of this world, but he saw the coldness in Chen Sanqiu's eyes.    


It was as if he had suddenly jumped into a bone-chilling pond, and his entire body was shivering uncontrollably.    


Only then did Dragon King understand that he was nothing in front of Chen Sanqiu.    


Moon Moon was dumbstruck as she looked at the scene in front of her. She only came back to her senses when Chen Sanqiu lightly patted her back. She looked at Chen Sanqiu with her mouth agape.    


"Sanqiu, what … what is going on?" Moon Moon was pleasantly surprised and asked Chen Sanqiu in shock.    


Chen Sanqiu smiled and said to the bright moon, "Didn't I tell you already? With me here, you don't have to be afraid, because I will protect you."    


Moonlight's eyes suddenly turned red and threw herself into Chen Sanqiu's arms. She was like a little kitten as she gently rubbed Chen Sanqiu's chest with her cheek. Her face was filled with gentleness and happiness.    


"Bring your men down to disarm the Dragon King's Army. If anyone dares to resist, kill them without question. After the capture is completed, do whatever you want with them and do whatever you want with them." Chen Sanqiu said to the bright moon.    


Moon nodded and happily brought her hands along …    


He walked towards the army that had lost all confidence due to the defeat of the Dragon King.    


Without any resistance, the Dragon King Army handed over their weapons one by one and surrendered on the ground.    


On the other side, when Dragon King heard what Chen Sanqiu said to Moon, his whole body trembled.    


Swallowing his saliva, the Dragon King looked up at Chen Sanqiu and laughed crazily, "Brat, I didn't expect you to be so strong. I really misjudged you before."    


Chen Sanqiu narrowed his eyes and smiled at the Dragon King. Then, he squatted down and looked at the Dragon King from head to toe. He asked coldly, "Are you Dr. Crazy's super biochemical soldier?"    


The Dragon King was stunned for a moment before asking in shock, "You know of Mad Doctor?"    


"Of course." Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes and said, "I'm very familiar with him."    


After saying that, Chen Sanqiu's expression turned cold. He narrowed his eyes and asked the Dragon King, "Where is Mad Doctor now? I suppose you must know. "    


Dragon King was stunned for a moment, then laughed madly at Chen Sanqiu, "Haha, I've remembered who you are. Haha, I should have remembered who you are. Haha, you are the rumored Chen Sanqiu, the daughter who fell in love with a crazy doctor, but was unable to obtain a complete crazy doctor's daughter."    


Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath, "You're not a bio soldier created by Mad Doctor."    


"Of course not." The Dragon King maliciously smiled and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Before the apocalypse, I was the richest man in our county. At that time, someone told me that as long as I give away all my money, I can obtain unparalleled power and become king in the coming apocalypse."    


"You gave away all your money?" Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes and asked.    


"Haha, of course, since the apocalypse has come, what's the use of having money?" The Dragon King madly laughed, "Isn't it the best to be the ruler? And, only then can we rich people live on and become the masters of this world in the coming new era. "    


"New Era?" Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath, frowned and asked, "I'm very interested in that."    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu like that, Dragon King was stunned for a moment and then laughed complacently, "So you don't even know Mad Doctor's plan."    


"So, I need you to tell me." Chen Sanqiu said to the Dragon King.    


"If you let me go, maybe I'll tell you." The Dragon King said to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders, grabbed the Dragon King and walked towards the dugout with the Dragon King.    


Very soon, the miserable screams of the Dragon King could be heard from the dugout below. It was as if the miserable screams came from the eighteen levels of hell.    


When the members of the Dragon King's Army heard the Dragon King's miserable cries, all of their faces paled and their bodies trembled.    


All of them immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, praying that the bright moon would allow them to continue living and not kill them.    


After more than an hour, Chen Sanqiu walked out of the underground dugout with a cold expression. He carried the unconscious Dragon King in his hand as he walked towards the Dragon King's Army.    


He casually threw it on the ground.    


After letting Moon take care of what was left over, she turned around and returned to the underground dugout.    


When they arrived at Moon's Room, Chen Sanqiu's face was filled with anger.    


From Dragon King, Chen Sanqiu found out that before Mad Doctor released so many cloned Taotie, he contacted all the rich people in the world and obtained a lot of valuables. Then, he gave those rich people drugs to become comparable to the cloned Taotie.    


When nine out of ten of the world's population was destroyed, Mad Doctor would kill all the cloned Taotie and rule the new world with them.    




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