Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



After yesterday's incident, Moon felt that Chen Sanqiu should be a courageous man with a domineering aura in Chen Sanqiu's elegant and slender body.    


However, if it was in a battle, Chen Sanqiu's influence could be classified as zero.    


Look at the subordinates of his suicide squad, who didn't look taller and stronger than Chen Sanqiu, and their fighting strength seemed to be much stronger than Chen Sanqiu.    


However, hearing his own subordinates say that Chen Sanqiu not only made the super laser gun in one night, but also made the device that made the super laser gun.    


Relying only on the work of the workers, he was able to start working day and night to create such a powerful super laser gun.    


Last night, although Moon had shot and killed a few members of the Dragon King's Army, Moon also understood what was going on in her heart.    


If the Dragon King's Army really were to go all out to attack his underground defenses, with his current weapons and equipment, wanting to fight against the Dragon King's Army would be like striking a stone with an egg.    


Moon Moon originally wanted to bring everyone out of this place early in the morning and find a safe place. Now that she heard her own men from the death squadron say this, Moon Moon's blood started to boil and her entire body became extremely confident.    


The feeling of someone suddenly becoming a billionaire from a beggar was exactly what the bright moon felt like now.    


The slight trace of fear he had towards facing the Dragon King's Army had now completely turned into unparalleled confidence.    


In this era where cloned Taotie wandered aimlessly around the world, if a person could have strong armed forces, then that person would be incomparably powerful.    


Moonlight took a deep breath and said to the man from the death squad, "Go gather all the participants and see how many people there are."    


That man immediately nodded excitedly and said to Moon, "Miss, scientist Chen is really too powerful. I was originally afraid that the Dragon King's Army would come and strangle us, but now I'm not afraid of them at all. Haha."    


"Bullshit, Master Chen said that this super laser gun can not only turn a human into a powerful killer, it can also turn a Taotie. Master Chen said that when the time comes, we will be able to create another super laser cannon, and then even a gigantic Taotie will fall to the ground." Another member of the death squad said with a grin.    


"Tsk tsk, when the time comes, we will be the big bosses here. Haha, that would be too great."    


The faces of the members of the death squadron were brimming with excited smiles. Last night, the fear of the Dragon King's Army coming for them had disappeared without a trace.    


With such a powerful weapon, in this era, he would be the boss.    


It was one thing if he didn't bring his men to fight the Dragon King's Army, but if the army dared to come, then they would immediately annihilate them.    


Moon Moon smiled as her men entered the underground bomb shelter. She bit her lips and thought for a moment. Finally, she decided to walk towards Chen Sanqiu.    


He walked to the resting area of Chen Sanqiu.    


Far away, the bright moon could see Chen Sanqiu lying in the grass, facing the sun and sleeping soundly.    


The sunlight shone on Chen Sanqiu's body. The feeling of being full of sunlight stunned Moon. She bit her lips and stared blankly at Chen Sanqiu, who was sleeping on the grass. For a moment, she didn't know what to do.    


It was as if Chen Sanqiu was an unparalleled work of art in the world and could not bear to be disturbed.    


Just when the bright moon didn't know what to do, Chen Sanqiu suddenly opened his eyes.    


Moon Moon was shocked. After Chen Sanqiu opened his eyes, she looked around vigilantly. When her gaze fell on him, Chen Sanqiu's eyes were immediately filled with tenderness.    


The bright moon …    


He felt that his heart was about to melt under Chen Sanqiu's gentle gaze.    


"You're here." Chen Sanqiu was lying on the grass. He smiled at the moon and said, "Have you seen the super laser gun that I created last night?"    


Moon Moon immediately blushed and nodded her head, "Yes, I saw it. Very powerful."    


"I said you don't have to be afraid of me." Chen Sanqiu sat up proudly. He patted the grass beside him and said to the moon, "Come here."    


The bright moon …    


After being stunned for a moment, her small face immediately blushed red. She looked at Chen Sanqiu with an incredibly red face and asked Chen Sanqiu in a flustered manner, "What, what are you doing?"    


"Don't you think the weather is good today?" Chen Sanqiu patted the grass beside him again and pointed to the sky: "Today's sunshine is so good. Come and bask in it."    


The bright moon …    




In her heart, Moon Moon really wanted to refuse. At the very least, she couldn't be so obedient.    


Chen Sanqiu told him to go over, so he went over.    


But what made Moon feel incomparably depressed was that her body seemed to have been possessed.    


Looking at Chen Sanqiu's sunny smile, listening to what Chen Sanqiu said, and looking at Chen Sanqiu's hand on the grass, Moon finally walked to Chen Sanqiu's side with a red face.    


Ye Zichen sat beside Chen Sanqiu lightly.    


Chen Sanqiu naturally pulled the bright moon into his arms and said with a smile, "Look, the sky is so beautiful."    


Moon Moon's body seemed to be frozen, Chen Sanqiu cast his spell.    


Thus, she let Chen Sanqiu have his way and followed his hand to look at the sky.    


For a time, Moon's entire being was stunned.    


It was as if he was seeing the sky for the first time in his life.    


The blue sky, the lazy white clouds, the warm sunlight, Chen Sanqiu's gentle voice beside him, caused the bright moon to be instantly surrounded by warmth and almost melt.    


"So beautiful." The bright moon mumbled to herself.    


"You are more beautiful than the sky." Chen Sanqiu said with a smile.    


The bright moon …    




With a sigh, her little face flushed red, and she didn't know what to do.    


Chen Sanqiu smiled as he looked at the sky.    


The moon lay on the grass, basking in the warm sunlight, content and lazy.    


"Chen Sanqiu, is this really our first time meeting?" Moon suddenly asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu's heart trembled. He opened his mouth and said to the moon, "Maybe it's not the first time we meet. We've met before you were born. But, maybe you forgot."    


"Really? Are you my father? " Moon's mouth gaped open as she asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


Puff … -    




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