Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Ever since Chen Sanqiu obtained the super system, he had always been scammed by the super system. If he wanted to obtain achievement points, he would have to exhaust himself to complete the task issued by the super system.    


He did not expect that today, all he wanted to do was create a super laser cannon that could protect the village and get rid of the gigantic Taotie clones, and he actually got such a reward. Furthermore, the blueprint of the super laser cannon that he created could actually be reclaimed by the super system, and it was even given him 100,000 points of achievement.    


What the hell.    


Chen Sanqiu's eyes turned red and tears were about to come out of them.    


It was always the first time that the Super System Merchant Shop bought its own item, and it was also the first time that he had spent so much money to buy something from the Super System Merchant Shop.    


He took a deep breath.    


Chen Sanqiu calmed down and thought for a while.    


It seemed that the Super System Merchant Shop wasn't just selling items. There were also some things that could be recycled.    


It was just that, to be able to attract the attention of this super system market, there were very few, very few, very few things.    


As such, this was the first time he had gained something that the Super System was interested in.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't hesitate. After all, he already knew how to make super laser cannons. Selling the blueprints to the super system store would earn him a lot of achievements.    


Why not?    


Chen Sanqiu immediately hit the button that confirmed he was selling the blueprints for the super laser cannon.    


Chen Sanqiu felt his vision go black as a small black ball quietly appeared on his forehead. After scanning the super laser cannon, it scanned his head.    


Chen Sanqiu felt as if the consciousness in his mind about this super laser cannon was duplicated by this small black ball.    


After doing all of this, the little black ball quietly entered Chen Sanqiu's body and disappeared.    


"Congratulations, the transaction has been completed."    


"Income: 100,000 points."    


Chen Sanqiu was so excited that he almost jumped up when he saw the remaining achievement points in his Super System Merchant Shop.    


Narrowing his eyes, Chen Sanqiu wondered if he could make more things with his current knowledge and intelligence and sell them to the Super System Merchant Shop.    


Therefore, Chen Sanqiu hurriedly went to make some small things.    


And then …    


That was it …    


Chen Sanqiu smiled bitterly. He knew that the super system wouldn't take a fancy to something like this that was created by emergency forces, so he could only let out a dry laugh.    


He stopped thinking about what he could create and sell it to the super system.    


Now, it was more important to create more super laser cannons.    


In this mini steel mill, there were quite a lot of steel. Chen Sanqiu used all of his strength to make four super laser cannons.    


After Chen Sanqiu finished manufacturing, he brought the thousand plus people and the four super laser cannons back to the reservoir safety village.    


When Back    


Behind the reservoir safety village, Chen Sanqiu looked at how the safety village was filled with people. No matter how you looked at it, there were at least around twenty thousand people. Chen Sanqiu was completely dumbfounded.    


After leaving for a few days, he didn't expect that after returning to the safe village, there would be so many people. Moreover, the fence surrounding the reservoir had expanded several times, making it seem much wider.    


Zhou Guodong, who was guarding the safety village, saw Chen Sanqiu driving a truck with a team of more than 1000 people following him back from afar. He immediately went to find the dream butterfly and the dream dragon.    


The two of them were shocked when they saw the super laser cannon on Chen Sanqiu's truck.    


Although he did not know what it was, just by looking at the super laser cannon's appearance, he knew that it must be very powerful.    


Fang Meng Long, Fang Meng Die, and Zhou Guodong rushed out to Chen Sanqiu's car. Fang Meng Die immediately jumped into Chen Sanqiu's arms and pouted, feeling wronged: "Why did you only come back now? You're worried to death."    


Chen Sanqiu felt the real worry in the dream butterfly's words and chuckled. He patted the dream butterfly's shoulder and said to her, "I went to create this thing and wasted some time."    


"What is this?" The dream butterfly was surprised as she pointed at the laser cannon behind Chen Sanqiu's truck.    


"This is a super laser cannon, it's a treasure that can deal huge amounts of damage to gigantic Taotie clones." Chen Sanqiu said proudly to the dream butterfly.    


Upon hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, the dream butterfly was overjoyed.    


Right now, the Fanged Dream Butterfly was most worried about the gigantic Taotie clones wandering to the safety of the village. With the defenses of the village, there was no way they could defend against the attacks of the gigantic Taotie clones.    


Hearing that Chen Sanqiu had actually created a weapon that could deal enough damage to the gigantic Taotie clones, the joy in the dream butterfly's heart could be imagined.    


"Brother-in-law, damn, you're still the best." Fang Meng Long heard the conversation between Chen Sanqiu and the dream butterfly and immediately smiled mischievously at Chen Sanqiu: "However, brother-in-law, I have an idea."    


"What idea?" Chen Sanqiu casually asked.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't really care about what Fang Meng Long was thinking.    


Eating, drinking and having fun, he was proficient in everything like Fang Menglong. As for the actual situation, Chen Sanqiu didn't have much of an opinion about Fang Menglong.    


"Brother-in-law, didn't you say that the energy canister used for super laser guns can be used as long as it's energy. Right, even poison gas can be used in energy canisters." Fang Meng Long proudly said to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu nodded.    


"I'm thinking, why can't you use your powerful cooling energy and directly fire out with your super laser cannon, instantly freezing your opponent to death?" Fang Menglong grinned at Chen Sanqiu and said, "Previously, without a laser weapon, we couldn't gather the refrigeration energy, so we couldn't display much power. Now we have a super laser cannon, we can try."    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned.    


Fang Meng Long stared at him with his mouth agape.    


"Damn, kid, you've become smarter." Chen Sanqiu said to Fang Menglong with a grin.    


Fang Meng Long proudly raised his head, and said with a complacent look on his face: "I have never been stupid, okay?"    


The dream butterfly also rolled her eyes at Chen Sanqiu, "Of course my brother is not stupid, he's smart. It's just that he wasn't used on the right path before."    


Chen Sanqiu laughed and was a bit excited in his heart.    


Fang Menglong's suggestion was simply too good.    


Super Laser Freezing Cannon...    


The idea of an ox.    




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