Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Lying on the ground of the factory, the Second Young Master of the Liu family, who was still conscious, looked at Chen Sanqiu, and the corner of his mouth twitched as he saw Chen Sanqiu being sent flying by the clone Taotie's tail. Only after he hit the yard wall did he slowly fall to the ground.    


After it fell to the ground, it spat out a mouthful of blood.    


The Second Young Master of the Liu Clan shuddered.    


A sense of sadness welled up in his heart, and he felt as if his life had turned to ashes.    


What the hell was this?    


He obviously got someone to get rid of Chen Sanqiu, but who would have thought that this group of idiots actually got their hands on a clone Taotie that they didn't recognize. They didn't kill Chen Sanqiu, but they lost their lives first.    


Originally, he wanted to rely on Chen Sanqiu to get rid of the Taotie, but he didn't expect that Chen Sanqiu would be so easy going at the beginning.    


F * ck, his fate is so sad, so sad.    


The second young master of the Liu family tried his best to turn his head towards Chen Sanqiu. Watching the cloned Taotie approach Chen Sanqiu step by step, he wondered where the second young master of the Liu family got his strength from.    


"Chen Sanqiu, stand up, stand up." The Liu family's second young master shouted excitedly at Chen Sanqiu.    




The Taotie immediately stopped and turned back, its blood-red eyes glaring at the Liu Family's Second Young Master.    


Chen Sanqiu heard what the Liu family's second young master said to him and could not help but twitch his mouth. He looked at the Liu family's second young master speechlessly. He saw that the Liu family's second young master was looking at him warmly.    


Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes. What the hell, this Second Young Master of the Liu Family was really f * cking good enough. The person who shouted earlier about wanting to kill him was this guy.    


Now, seeing that the Taotie was going to kill him, he remembered his good points.    


Right now, to the Liu family's second young master, it was like taking advantage of two evils. If the clone Taotie killed him, for the Liu family's second young master, the only outcome would be becoming the clone Taotie's plate.    




The cloned Taotie glared at the Liu Family's Second Young Master fiercely. The Liu Family's Second Young Master, who had a face full of enthusiasm a moment ago, paled in fright. He grinned and quickly laid on the ground trembling, cursing in his heart for not fainting even now.    


Looking at Qi Sisi, who had fainted right from the start, the Liu family's second young master was extremely envious.    


Wuu wuu, he was extremely envious, especially after experiencing Qi Sisi's faint state and the Taotie devouring those few people one by one. The Second Young Master of the Liu Family was simply envious of Qi Sisi.    


Chen Sanqiu spat blood. After seeing the clone Taotie glaring at the Liu family's second young master, he did not choose to kill the Liu family's second young master.    


Furthermore, Chen Sanqiu felt that the gaze of the Taotie had been staring at him the entire time …    


He was looking at the Taotie core on his chest.    


Narrowing his eyes, Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath. He knew that no matter what, there could only be one person who could survive between him and the cloned Taotie.    


Either you die or I die.    


Frowning, Chen Sanqiu slapped the ground, stood up, and coldly said towards the cloned Taotie: "Evil creature, I was playing with you just now, now, I'm playing with you for real."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, the only one who didn't faint was the Second Young Master of the Liu Family. A smile bloomed on his face.    


So that's how it is. Chen Sanqiu didn't mean it at all. Haha, now that Chen Sanqiu is serious, this monster must be killed by Chen Sanqiu.    




The Taotie roared and suddenly charged towards Chen Sanqiu. Its speed was as fast as lightning and it was hard to imagine that such a tall Taotie could have such a powerful speed.    


Chen Sanqiu …    






Before he could regain his senses, he was sent flying by the clone Taotie.    


He somersaulted three times in the air before landing heavily on the ground.    


When the Second Young Master of the Liu Family, who was lying on the ground, saw Chen Sanqiu like this, his face that was blooming with happiness a moment ago instantly turned deathly pale.    


What the heck? Just now, he was bragging, saying that it was just for fun previously, but now he had to be serious.    


F * ck, is this a joke?    


So you're saying that even if you're serious, you're not a match for this monster?    


"Wu wu, I'm looking for mom." The Liu Family's Second Young Master desperately tried to crawl out of the factory.    


"This place is too scary, wuu, I want to go back to the countryside, wuu.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


How awkward, seeing the Second Young Master of the Liu Family desperately trying to crawl away.    


Chen Sanqiu said weakly, "Liu Er, I was just not ready."    


The second young master of the Liu family looked back at Chen Sanqiu in despair and kept trying to climb out. F * ck, you still want to cheat me?    


Now that I have you, Chen Sanqiu, hanging onto this monster, I still have a chance to crawl out alive. If Chen Sanqiu gets killed by this monster, I won't be able to get out even if I wanted to.    


You want to harm me? Take me to die with you?    




What the hell are you, Chen Sanqiu, trying to pull the Second Young Master of the Liu Family down with you?    


Chen Sanqiu watched helplessly as the Liu family's second young master continued to crawl out. He grinned and saw the clone Taotie continue to charge towards him.    


Chen Sanqiu was immediately angered. It was one thing to have successfully hit him twice, but he still wanted to keep bumping into him?    


Do you think I'm a vegetarian?    


Chen Sanqiu immediately roared in anger, the Genuine Qi in his body surged, with a roar, he moved extremely fast, and rushed towards the cloned Taotie.    


"Bang, bang, bang."    


Having been knocked twice just now, Chen Sanqiu had a better understanding of the speed of the Taotie. As a result, his speed had increased to a level similar to that of the cloned Taotie.    




His fists continued to bombard the clone Taotie's body, continuously finding opportunities to attack the clone Taotie's eyes, in an attempt to destroy the clone Taotie's vision system.    


Chen Sanqiu's consecutive attacks did not hit anything, but he suddenly saw an opportunity. On the other side, the cloned Taotie's tail lashed towards him once again.    


Chen Sanqiu clenched his teeth and roared.    


This opportunity was fleeting, Chen Sanqiu decided not to let it go. If he continued to exhaust himself, his physical strength would not be as strong as this cloned Taotie. If he continued, he would be at a disadvantage.    


"Go to hell."    


Chen Sanqiu suddenly stepped on the front claws of the cloned Taotie and charged straight for the eyes of the cloned Taotie without even looking back.    




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