Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu helped Qin Mingyue debug the super mining robot again.    


On the other side, Qin Mingyue was thinking of a lot more about Chen Sanqiu. She had already contacted Beijing and applied for the patent protection of some of the core components of the super mining robot, ensuring that the core components would be protected within twenty years.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't care that much. After finishing the final debugging work for the super mining robot, he found a chair and half lay down to play on his phone.    


Qin Mingyue turned to look at Chen Sanqiu, smiling bitterly.    


A man like Chen Sanqiu had extraordinary knowledge and wisdom. He was able to invent and produce super dust absorbent paint, super batteries, super fertilizer, and was even able to reproduce the river sage fish in the Guanyun Lake. He was definitely a genius.    


Now it's invented to create a super mining robot.    


It could be said that as long as Chen Sanqiu wanted to earn money, it wouldn't be that simple.    


It was just that super battery, even though it was only in the construction stage, if Chen Sanqiu agreed to let other companies invest, he only needed to move his fingers and there would be a large number of super consortia that would invest in the super battery factory, tens of billions, and hundreds of billions of dollars just for free.    


However, Chen Sanqiu insisted on spending money to build a factory in Fallen Phoenix Village, which caused the Falling Phoenix Village Group to have a shortage of funds. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been suppressed so badly by Mad Doctor's group in the shopping mall.    


Now that she saw this super mining robot, her heart was filled with pride.    


With this super mining robot, the Falling Phoenix Village Group could be said to be a powerful booster, strong enough to launch a counterattack against the group of Mad Doctor in the mall.    


After all, in the field of super robots, the Fallen Phoenix Village Corporation, which had the super mining robots, would be a unique existence.    


Especially after asking Chen Sanqiu, he found out that the manufacturing of super mining robots was not that difficult. The most important part was that the core components could be mass-produced with the current technology.    


Moreover, this super mining robot was not like a high-end technological product. It needed to be done in an exquisite manner. It only needed to be strong enough and reliable enough.    


As she thought of this, a grand blueprint appeared in Qin Mingyue's mind. The disgust she felt when she was crazily suppressed by Mad Doctor's business group was finally going to appear.    


By the time Yue Ling'er finished her midfielder performance, the stage lights had dimmed and the entire stadium lights had dimmed.    


The audience was stunned for a moment. With the host's magnetic voice slowly sounding, the lights gradually lit up once again. However, all the lights began to shine towards the entrance of the stage.    


A robot, a human-like robot that relied on its legs to walk slowly walked towards the stage from the entrance of the stage.    


As they walked forward, the staff deliberately set up all sorts of obstacles for the robot. What shocked the audience was that this seemingly clumsy robot was actually able to dodge all of them …    


The door opened. What was even more shocking was that …    


This guy could actually climb the stairs by himself.    


That was shocking.    


This ability to maintain a balance caused everyone to hold their breath.    


This was even more shocking than the robotic dog that had gone crazy on the internet. It was shocking enough to make one's heart tremble.    


Finally, Qin Mingyue got on the stage and gave a brief introduction to this super mining robot. She also announced that this robot, which was invented by the Falling Phoenix Village Group, could now be reserved and used within half a year.    


Everyone was shocked.    


Many of the technology experts were ecstatic.    


The news quickly spread to all the major websites.    


"What the f * ck! The Falling Phoenix Village Group has made another big move! They have even released a new product, the Super Mining Robot, at Yue Ling'er's concert!"    


"This super mining robot is way too awesome, what foreign robot dog, compared to our super mining robot is way too weak, right?"    


"Using such robots to mine? "The heck, just how much money do you have to be able to do such a thing?"    


"Too amazing, I think this must be the masterpiece created by the man hiding behind the Falling Phoenix Village group."    


"Haha, everyone says that the Fallen Phoenix Village Group is doomed. Take a look, as long as the man hiding behind the Falling Phoenix Village Group appears, the Falling Phoenix Village Group can continue to shine."    


The reporters on the technology website...    


Black lines appeared on each of their foreheads. They were so angry that they almost vomited blood.    


As reporters on the technology website, they actually didn't get any information at all.    


On the contrary, it was those reporters from the entertainment websites who had gotten the news at Yue Ling'er's concert who had gotten their hands on it. The reporters from the technology websites were so angry that they wanted to vomit blood.    


He never would have thought that the Falling Phoenix Village Group would release a new product. Damn, this was too out of the ordinary.    


Say, you released such a high-tech robotic product, why didn't you inform me earlier? As a reporter from a technology website, you're in a difficult position on this matter, alright?    


However, since they didn't get the first-hand information, the reporters on these technology websites started to get angry. They started to use their knowledge of the benefits of super mining robots to write their drafts.    


In the end, the super mining robots became so powerful that they could go into the sea, making people feel extremely excited.    


After the concert, everyone was not only moved by Yue Ling'er's beautiful voice, but also shocked by the super mining robot released by Falling Phoenix Village Group.    


This night, for a very long time to come, would be deeply engraved in the hearts of these spectators.    


Yue Ling'er's concert was very successful, and the release of the Falling Phoenix Village Group's new product shocked the entire world.    


Regardless of whether it was the major domestic or foreign websites, they all began reporting the existence of super mining robots, and gave extremely high ratings to them.    


The celebrations for the evening were inevitable. Chen Sanqiu, Yue Ling'er, and Qin Mingyue invited the staff to join them for dinner.    




While eating, Chen Sanqiu suddenly received a call.    


He took a look and saw that it was Qi Sisi who had opened the phone.    


He immediately frowned and looked around, only to find that Qi Sisi was not here.    


He quickly answered the phone. "Sisi, where did you play?"    


"Chen Sanqiu, if you want to save Qi Sisi's life, come to the address I sent you right now. If you can't come within an hour, I'll kill Qi Sisi immediately." A deep and hoarse voice came from the other side.    


Chen Sanqiu's heart shook and he immediately said, "I'll go right now. If you dare to touch even half a hair of Qi Sisi, I won't forgive you."    




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