Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Although Chen Sanqiu didn't have a good impression of Xiao Yao Sect, he didn't have a good impression of Elder Xia before.    


After all, Elder Xia had chased him for a thousand miles and chased Chen Sanqiu into a dead end. There was no path to heaven and he was almost killed by Elder Xia and his men.    


However, Elder Xia's face was full of excitement. For the sake of the entire Carefree Gate, they were willing to risk their own lives to climb to the top of the mountain to prevent a tragedy that might not happen.    


Honestly speaking, Chen Sanqiu was moved by Elder Xia.    


For such a person who would sacrifice his own life at all costs, even if he were to die, it would not have a good effect on the outcome.    


Elder Xia was still determined to climb out of the cave. Chen Sanqiu was touched by this greatness.    


With a grin, he pulled Elder Xia into the cave and said to him: "Stay here and be honest, I'll go up and take a look."    


The Elder, Elder Xia, and the other Elders saw Chen Sanqiu walk out of the cave with a straight face and crawl to the top of the mountain. They all had looks of admiration on their faces.    


"If Chen Sanqiu is not the enemy of Xiao Yao Sect, then Chen Sanqiu is a good person." The elder sighed and said.    


Elder Xia and the others each nodded their heads in agreement.    


Before they finished chatting, Chen Sanqiu's voice was heard: "I won't allow you to send me the Nice Guy Card. F * * k."    


Elder Xia and the others …    


Chen Sanqiu climbed up to the top of the mountain with a helpless look.    


What did he act like a good person?    


Sis, touching my ass. It is said that the Carefree Sect's Elder that passed on the skill, Elder Xia, and the others were not good people. The Rainbow Attraction Art was taught to him to resist Zhen Xiaoyao, and then he would be swallowed up by the Rainbow Attraction Art.    


If he did not possess the Inexplicable Cultivation Technique, then maybe …    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and scratched his head. Chen Sanqiu decided that he would still go to the cafeteria to take a look, after all, most of the Xiao Yao Sect's disciples were innocent, and if Zhen Xiao Yao were to really reverse the Rainbow Attraction Art and become extremely berserk, turning into a monster that would crazily absorb other people's Genuine Qi, Chen Sanqiu would feel really bad in his heart.    


Quietly, they headed towards the cafeteria. On the way, Chen Sanqiu felt that something wasn't right.    


It was dead silent and devoid of any signs of life.    


When he had gone to the cafeteria, there had been many disciples patrolling the road. But now, there wasn't even a single disciple patrolling the road.    


Taking a deep breath, Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but quicken his steps and sprint in the direction of the cafeteria. Chen Sanqiu rushed all the way to the cafeteria and kicked the door open.    


Seeing that there was no one inside, Chen Sanqiu frowned and rushed outside.    


Just as he rushed out of the cafeteria, a figure ran over in panic and bumped into Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu looked down and saw that this person was wearing the clothes of the Xiao Yao Sect. He was obviously a disciple of the Xiao Yao Sect, but when he saw the terrified look on the Xiao Yao Sect disciple's face, he immediately asked, "What happened?"    


"Chen Sanqiu, Chen San    


"That great devil Qiu has ascended the mountain. Who knows how that great devil Chen Sanqiu managed to learn our Carefree Sect's forbidden technique, Rainbow Attraction Technique. He is currently engaged in a massacre." He cried and said: "Run, that big devil Chen Sanqiu has gone mad, killing anyone he sees. Wow, I saw my senior brother being sucked into the hands of that big devil Chen Sanqiu, ah."    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment and cursed in his heart. This son of a b * tch, Zhen Xiao Yao, who was crazily absorbing Carefree Sect's disciples, actually still had consciousness. He called himself Chen Sanqiu.    


F * ck.    


Chen Sanqiu cursed: "Are you f * cking blind? I am Chen Sanqiu, and that great devil is Zhen Xiaoyao."    


As he finished speaking, Chen Sanqiu kicked the terrified Xiao Yao Sect disciple into the dining hall and immediately rushed towards Wang Linlin's courtyard.    


Right now, Chen Sanqiu was most worried about Wang Lin's safety. Zhen Xiao Yao was completely controlled by the Rainbow Attraction Technique and was crazily absorbing other people's Genuine Qi. At this time, it was not certain whether or not Zhen Xiao Yao still had Wang Lin in his eyes.    


Chen Sanqiu quickly rushed towards Wang Lin's courtyard. Along the way, he saw many adults being sucked dry by the disciples of Xiao Yao Sect. There were also many panicking and screaming disciples of Xiao Yao Sect. The entire Xiao Yao Sect was like a purgatory.    


When Chen Sanqiu saw this scene, his heart went numb. He used his fastest speed to rush towards Wang Linlin's courtyard.    


When he rushed to Wang Linlin's courtyard, he saw dozens of Carefree Sect disciples and a few Elders anxiously guarding his courtyard.    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu rushing over.    


One of the Elders of Xiao Yao Sect shouted out angrily, "Who are you! Speak your name or you will be killed!"    


Chen Sanqiu shouted angrily: "I don't even know him anymore, I'm Chen Sanqiu!"    


As he said this, Chen Sanqiu leaped over the group of stunned Carefree Sect disciples and entered Wang Lin's courtyard.    


"Who did that person say he was?"    


"He said he's Chen Sanqiu."    


"Damn, why are you still standing there?" Hurry up and go in to protect the young miss. "    


Two Elders of the Carefree Sect immediately led their disciples to rush into Wang Linlin's courtyard, rushing towards his room.    


At this time, Chen Sanqiu had already arrived at Wang Lin's room. When he saw Wang Linlin sitting on a chair with a panicked expression and no wounds on his body, he couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.    


"It's good that you're fine." Chen Sanqiu said emotionally to Wang Lin Lin.    


When Wang Linlin saw Chen Sanqiu rush in, his eyes immediately reddened and he asked, "What exactly happened outside? Why are they saying that you are crazily killing disciples of our Xiao Yao Sect? "    


Chen Sanqiu hurriedly said, "That's not me, it's Zhang Xiaoyao."    


"Zhen Xiaoyao?" Wang Linlin's entire body shivered. He looked at Chen Sanqiu with disbelief as he asked, "You, you're sure?"    


"Of course I'm sure." Chen Sanqiu nodded.    


Hearing the Elders from Xiao Yao Sect coming in, Chen Sanqiu pulled them in …    


Wang Linlin walked out of the room.    


"Chen Sanqiu! Aiyo, I'll go! You bastard, let go of the big Miss or else we'll definitely kill you!" When the Elders of Xiao Yao Sect saw Chen Sanqiu pulling Wang Linlin out of the house, they were so angry that they almost jumped up and down. They had been on guard all this time, but they didn't expect Chen Sanqiu to rush to Wang Linlin's courtyard just like that.    


Chen Sanqiu was speechless, "The one who killed the disciples of Xiao Yao Sect was not me, it was Zhen Xiaoyao."    


"Pei, are you lying to a ghost?" The disciples of the Xiao Yao Sect angrily shouted at Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu …    




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