Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



In the darkness of the night, Chen Sanqiu followed the moonlight and quietly climbed out of the cave. He looked up at the cliff and took a deep breath.    


As he ate more, his strength also increased. Previously, when he climbed this cliff, he still needed to use the Genuine Qi and use his own strength to climb it, but now, Chen Sanqiu was able to easily climb up to the top of the mountain using only his own strength. Then, in one breath, he ran to the kitchen of the inner sect disciples at the top of Xiao Yao Sect to carry a large bag of food.    


Grinning, Chen Sanqiu touched his belly above his Dantian and smiled bitterly. Thinking about the inner core of the Taotie, Chen Sanqiu felt bitter in his heart.    


Although the inner core of the Taotie had not changed its appearance, it was merely increasing its appetite. The strength of its body and the density of its muscles had become much stronger than before, so it was not a bad thing for him.    


After all, it had increased his strength.    


However, Chen Sanqiu did not know how the Taotie Core would affect his body in the near future.    


Would he turn his body into the same kind of reptilian animals as the ones mentioned by the super system Bai Xiaobai, and eventually become the Taotie?    


Sighing, Chen Sanqiu didn't know how long this would take, so he didn't care. He decided to first climb to the top of the mountain, find Wang Lin, and rescue him.    


With a leap, Chen Sanqiu's whole body radiated a perfect power. With only the strength of his legs, Chen Sanqiu leaped five meters and with a grab, he was already seven meters above the cave.    


This kind of jumping ability, even Chen Sanqiu felt his heart tremble.    


This was a bit too awesome.    


Exerting force into his hands and legs, Chen Sanqiu quickly climbed up the mountain like a gecko. Soon, Chen Sanqiu quietly appeared on top of the mountain peak and scanned his surroundings. Seeing no activity, Chen Sanqiu quickly rushed into the bamboo forest and quietly rushed towards Wang Linlin's small courtyard.    


The night was dark. Chen Sanqiu was like a leopard cat in a bamboo forest as he quietly arrived at Wang Linlin's courtyard. He saw that there were seven or eight disciples of the Carefree Sect patrolling around outside Wang Linlin's courtyard.    


Seeing this, Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but grin. He hid in the bamboo forest and looked at the seven or eight disciples of the Carefree Sect patrolling outside of Wang Linlin's courtyard. Chen Sanqiu was speechless.    


He never thought that Zhen Xiaoyao would be so worried about Wang Lin, actually sending so many Carefree Sect disciples to guard Wang Lin.    


Chen Sanqiu frowned and silently stared at the few Carefree Sect disciples for a long time.    


There were a total of eight Carefree Sect disciples, four in a group, patrolling back and forth.    


If he wanted to hide and not attract any more Carefree Sect disciples, Chen Sanqiu had to rush out of the bamboo forest as fast as possible, in less than a second after the two groups of Carefree Sect disciples crossed each other's path, then rush past the two groups of Carefree Sect disciples and into Wang Linlin's small courtyard.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and clenched his fists. He felt that he was now …    


The powerful might behind the other party made him swallow a mouthful of saliva.    


"You can try." Chen Sanqiu thought with confidence.    


With his previous strength and agility, Chen Sanqiu's speed was already very fast.    


Now that Chen Sanqiu's strength had become so strong, Chen Sanqiu believed that he had a good chance of doing all of this in less than a second. Moreover, he wouldn't be discovered by the two groups of Carefree Sect disciples.    


Chen Sanqiu's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his eyes became firmer and more confident.    


As the two groups of Carefree Sect disciples were on patrol, the moment the two groups of disciples crossed paths, Chen Sanqiu suddenly widened his eyes and instantly dashed out from his hiding spot.    




A gust of wind blew past.    


The two groups of Carefree Sect disciples that had crossed each other shuddered.    


He suddenly widened his eyes and looked around in panic.    


"What just happened? Did you hear that? There was a gust of wind just now. "    


"Hiss, I heard it too. What is that?"    


"I don't know. Isn't that a bit too fast? What kind of beast is that?" Or is it some damned thing? "    


"Wolf?" Impossible, wolves are not that fast. "    


The eight of them were all panic-stricken as they discussed in whispers what had just happened.    


Although they really wanted to go to Wang Lin's courtyard and see what was going on, the eight of them weren't sure what kind of bird it was.    


Currently, the temper of the young miss Wang Linlin was very big. She was terrifyingly big, and she could easily curse and beat someone.    


If he rashly ran in and checked to see if Miss Wang Linlin was in danger, he might have treated him as a mule.    


"Shh, shut up. Did you all hear what Old Wang from the cafeteria said today?" A disciple said with a pale complexion.    


"What is it?"    


"Yeah, don't hide it."    


"Hurry up and tell me."    


"Old Wang said that the food our inner sect disciples had for tonight has suddenly disappeared. No matter how hard we searched, we couldn't find it. It's too scary." The disciple's face was pale, his eyes filled with panic as he said, "I heard Old Wang said that those hungry ghosts are looking for food."    


"Don't scare me."    


"Could it be that the sound of the wind was a ghost?"    


"Hiss, don't say anymore. It's too freaking scary. I'm not afraid of blood, or swords, or lances, or ghosts."    


The eight people's moods changed, all of them thinking that the sound of the wind was related to ghosts, all of them shivering. The force that they had used to patrol the area had vanished, and all of them stood there, looking around in panic, afraid that the hungry ghost Old Wang had told them to eat them.    


Chen Sanqiu rushed into Wang Lin's courtyard and landed steadily on the ground. He felt a burst of joy in his heart.    


He was getting stronger and stronger, and to Chen Sanqiu, this was definitely a happy thing.    


Just as Chen Sanqiu landed, Wang Lin's room lights dimmed and the door opened with a barely audible sound.    


Wang Linlin walked out of the room. His incomparably beautiful face was filled with surprise and tears as he looked towards Chen Sanqiu.    


Although he didn't say anything, Chen Sanqiu could tell from Wang Linlin's expression …    


Wang Linlin's shock and joy.    


"You're still alive." Wang Linlin opened his mouth, but no sound came out.    


However, Chen Sanqiu could read it well.    


Chen Sanqiu smiled and gently leaped. He landed beside Wang Linlin with incomparable dexterity. He reached out his hand to hug Wang Linlin, and entered Wang Linlin's room.    


Wang Linlin's head was buried in Chen Sanqiu's chest. As he listened to Chen Sanqiu's powerful heartbeat, he raised his head and quietly looked. Under the moonlight, Chen Sanqiu's face looked so resolute and handsome.    


"Plop, plop."    


This caused Wang Linlin's small heart to beat faster and faster, and his small face became hotter and hotter …    




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