Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Cloud Locking Lake.    


Chen Sanqiu was sprawled on the recliner, holding a fishing rod and fishing. At the side of the water, there was a merperson lying on the reclining chair. He looked at Chen Sanqiu, who was also bored.    


In the Murlocs' eyes, if Chen Sanqiu wanted to eat any fish while they were here, he could just go and catch them.    


He was a merperson after all, alright?    


Chen Sanqiu was also bored and couldn't go back home.    


Cough cough, it's not impossible.    


Even though Zhao Lingling and the others had left, Qin Mingyue, Wang Xiaofeng, and Zhang Chunyan were still up there.    


When Chen Sanqiu thought about what happened last night, he felt a wave of fear.    


It was fortunate that he could be considered a steel-like person now, serving these three beauties and having the capability to do so.    


When he thought about it again, Zhao Lingling and the others shuddered.    


In addition, she had recovered her delicate memories.    


Ouch, what the hell.    


Chen Sanqiu felt that he could be eaten by these women.    


"Yo, big brother, the higher-ups are already starting to eat. Aunt told me to come down and get you. Why are you so relaxed and elegant? Are you fishing here?" Fang Meng Long walked over with a smile. He was not surprised when he saw the Murlocs. The Murlocs had already dragged him here to chat with the Murlocs last night.    


He greeted the Murlocs and pulled up a small stool. Then, he sat beside Chen Sanqiu and looked at him with a bored expression.    


He let out a sigh, "Big brother, this is a blessing that you don't know about."    


Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched. He turned to Fang Menglong and asked, "Did you come here on purpose to laugh at me?"    


"Of course not." Fang Meng Long quickly waved his hand and said to Chen Sanqiu: "That's not necessary, I was just thinking that my sister isn't an easy person to deal with. When the time comes …"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and rolled his eyes. He said to Fang Menglong: "Nothing happened between your sister and I. God knows."    


"Of course I know that. It's just that my sister seems to have decided that you're not going to marry her. You'll be asking for good fortune then." Fang Menglong grinned at Chen Sanqiu and said, "Looking at your life, I finally understand how great the ancient emperors felt."    


"What's good about it?" Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched and he said to Fang Meng Long with a grin: "What's so great about that? Even my body isn't very good. No wonder the ancient emperors died young. "    


"Then you need to train harder." Fang Meng Long smiled and said to Chen Sanqiu.    


Seeing Chen Sanqiu like this, and thinking of Qin Mingyue, Wang Xiaofeng, and Zhang Chunyan at the top of the mountain, Wang Xiaofeng laughed heartily in his heart.    


These three women were not easy to deal with.    


Chen Sanqiu snorted and stood up. He stopped fishing and turned around to walk up the mountain with Fang Menglong.    


On the way, Fang Menglong kept chatting with Chen Sanqiu about how to improve endurance, combat strength and toughness, which made Chen Sanqiu speechless.    


There was a sudden noise from the foot of the mountain.    


Chen Sanqiu and Fang Menglong were stunned.    


Turning his head to look down the mountain, he saw Li Zhenghua panting heavily. Under the support of Mouse, Black Dog, and Li Goudan, he ran up the mountain.    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned. Didn't Li Zhenghua go to the Heavenly Mountain Sword Sect?    


According to Li Zhenghua's personality, if he didn't cultivate in the Heavenly Mountain Sword Sect to become strong enough, Li Zhenghua would be the only person left.    


I won't come back.    


Could it be that in such a short time, Li Zhenghua succeeded?    


Chen Sanqiu hurried towards Li Zhenghua with a grin.    


Arriving beside Li Zhenghua, Chen Sanqiu asked him, "Why are you back? Could it be that Leng Rushuang gave you a black stick? "    


Li Zhenghua shook his head and smiled bitterly. He looked around at Fang Menglong and the others, then said to Chen Sanqiu, "No, I am doing well in the Heavenly Mountain Sword Sect. It's just that, you are in trouble."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and laughed dryly. He said to Li Zhenghua, "Am I in trouble?"    


Fang Meng Long, Lao Shu, and the others chuckled on the side.    


"Big brother, isn't it normal for you to be in trouble?" Fang Meng Long smiled and said to Chen Sanqiu.    


Mouse, Lee Goudan, and the others also nodded their heads.    


To them, it would be the most abnormal thing if Chen Sanqiu didn't have any more trouble.    


Without Chen Sanqiu, is he still Chen Sanqiu?    


That's not Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, "Do you really want to make trouble for me?"    


"Since trouble has come, we can't just not take it, can we?" Fang Meng Long patted his chest and said arrogantly: "You are of the same mind as me, what are you afraid of? Wasn't it just trouble? Brother Li Zhenghua, tell us what kind of trouble it is. Tell us, we'll easily get rid of this trouble. "    


Li Zhenghua sighed and looked at Fang Menglong with a wry smile, then turned to Chen Sanqiu and said, "This is a big problem, very big and very troublesome."    


Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath. To be able to make Li Zhenghua say such words, it meant that this trouble was not small at all.    


It was a big, big trouble.    


The corner of Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched as he said to Li Zhenghua, "Just say it, we are all brothers."    


Li Zhenghua took a deep breath and nodded. He stared into Chen Sanqiu's eyes and asked, "Sanqiu, did you kill Wang Zhenyue?"    




Hearing Li Zhenghua's question, Chen Sanqiu's entire body shivered, and his legs almost gave out and he fell to the ground.    


With his eyes wide open, he looked at Li Zhenghua in shock and asked, "What did you say? Wang Zhenyue is dead? "    


"Yes, he's dead." Li Zhenghua nodded and said to Chen Sanqiu, "Right now, the Ancient Martial Union is in the midst of a punitive convention to gather the disciples of the other sects to go to the Heavenly Mountain Sword Sect to pounce on you."    


"Oh shit."    


Chen Sanqiu scolded loudly, "What are you trying to do to me? What does Wang Zhenyue's death have to do with me? What the heck does it have to do with me?    


Chen Sanqiu said speechlessly to Li Zhenghua, "I've been staying in Fallen Phoenix Village honestly. What does it have to do with me?"    


Lao Shu and the others hurriedly nodded their heads.    


"We can bear witness to the fact that Sanqiu was indeed staying in Fallen Phoenix Village the entire time." Mouse and the others hurriedly said.    


Li Zhenghua frowned, thought for a moment, and said to Chen Sanqiu, "However, many people from the Free and Unrestrained Sect saw you climb the mountain. Moreover, when you tried to assassinate Wang Zhenyue, Zhen Xiaoyao and Wang Linlin saw you."    


Chen Sanqiu …    




He nearly vomited a mouthful of blood.    


Holy shit, this is going to be a big deal.    


He hadn't gone to the Free and Unrestrained Sects nor had he tried to assassinate Wang Zhenyue.    


However, Zhen Xiaoyao and Wang Lin saw themselves assassinating Wang Zhenyue.    


This matter …    


This was going to be troublesome …    




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