Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Chen Sanqiu looked at the fatty, "Secret code?" Damn it, what secret signal? Did I f * cking not know?    


Fatty, Qian Yifan, looked at the stunned Chen Sanqiu. It seemed that, f * ck, Chen Sanqiu didn't know about the secret code at all.    


Thinking of this, Fatty broke out in a cold sweat.    


Damn, I was really stupid just now. Looking at Chen Sanqiu's dumb look, it was clear that Chen Sanqiu was not on the same side as me.    


He was speechless and looked at Chen Sanqiu with the corner of his mouth twitching. He was really dumb just now, and was provoked by Chen Sanqiu's occasional Genuine Qi attack, making his heart tremble.    


This directly exposed his identity.    


Fatty Qian Yi Ye took a step back vigilantly. With gritted teeth, he looked at Chen Sanqiu and said, "Damn, are you purposely trying to trick me?"    


Chen Sanqiu saw the nervous look on Fatty Qian Yiye's face and recalled what he said just now. He was overjoyed. It seemed like he was right. This Fatty Qian Yiye was indeed a spy sent by the Ancient Martial Union.    


Tsk tsk, it seems that the Ancient Martial Alliance isn't all idiots. There are some smart people who even know to send a spy over.    


However, seeing the fatty Qian Yiye's nervous face, Chen Sanqiu hurriedly smiled, revealing a harmless looking face. He amiably said to the fatty, "Fatty, don't be afraid. Don't worry, just look at me and you'll know that I'm a good person."    


The fatty was a thousand times more …    


Chen Sanqiu grinned, revealing his full white teeth. His smile was so sinister.    


What the hell, he's a damn good person.    


A good person my ass, if you were a good person, how could there be any bad people in this world?    


The corner of Fatty Qian Yiping's mouth twitched. He looked at Chen Sanqiu with even more vigilance. He clenched his teeth and looked like he was about to cry.    


Screw it, all of his efforts were for naught!    


His efforts had all been for naught.    


In order to become a spy, he had spent a lot of effort. In order to be able to come here as a security guard, he ate and slept every day, and ate and ate as much as he could. The fat one was like a pig, and it was to prevent the company from investigating his original identity and change his appearance.    


All these years, he had been hiding his identity in order to complete his mission. He didn't expect that after persisting for so long, he was actually broken by Chen Sanqiu.    


Fatty Qian Yi Ye was extremely depressed in his heart.    


Was it because of his loneliness these past few years? Or was it because the life of a fat pig over the years had changed his brain cells?    


He had no way of knowing. The only thing that Fatty Qian Yiping could be sure of was this.    


If this Chen Sanqiu wanted to kill him, he would have run out to inform the leader of the security team without Chen Sanqiu even needing to do anything. He would be killed by the captain as well.    


When he first arrived here, he had wanted to compete for the position of Security Captain. However, after his fight with the Security Captain, Fatty Qian Yifan knew that he really wasn't a match for the Security Captain.    


Now that Chen Sanqiu had revealed his identity, this made Fatty Qian Yi …    


Ye Chen felt very depressed.    


"I am from the Ancient Martial Union." Chen Sanqiu hastily whispered to the fatty, Qian Yifan, in a low voice.    


Fatty Qian Yi Ye was stunned for a moment. He felt a surge of excitement in his heart, but then he frowned and shuddered in his heart, "That's not right, don't try to cheat me. How come I've never seen you in the ancient martial arts alliance? How could I not know someone as young as you who can cultivate Genuine Qi? "    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and scratched his head: "My trip to the Ancient Martial Union was indeed short, but I wonder how long you've been here as a spy?"    


"Two years." The fat Qian Yi Ye said with a serious expression.    


"No matter how strong a genius is, even if it's a genius like Zhen Xiaoyao, he would still not be able to cultivate a Genuine Qi in the short span of two years." Fatty was resolute and decisive as he said to Chen Sanqiu, "You tricked me."    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned. "You are a disciple of the Carefree Sect?"    


Fatty Qian Yiping opened his mouth and nodded. Since that was the case, if Chen Sanqiu knew his identity, what else could he say?    


"Actually, let me tell you the reason." Chen Sanqiu smiled bitterly and said to the fatty Qian Yifan.    


"Go ahead." The fat Qian Yi Ye said with a sneer on his face. He thought to himself, you think you can lie to me?    


Don't look at me fat, but I'm not stupid.    


"Actually, my natural talent is a lot stronger than that Zhen Xiaoyao." Chen Sanqiu said somewhat embarrassedly: "I only trained in ancient martial arts for three months."    




Fatty Qian Yi Ye felt that he was almost angered by Chen Sanqiu's pretentious words to the point of smiling.    


What the hell, what kind of person was Zhen Xiaoyao? He was a rare ancient martial artist genius. According to Wang Zhenyue, the head of the Carefree Sect, he was definitely a genius once in a hundred years.    


This kind of genius took two years to cultivate an ancient martial art.    


Chen Sanqiu?    


Fatty Qian Yiping squinted his eyes and looked Chen Sanqiu up and down. In any case, he couldn't see how Chen Sanqiu could be any stronger than Zhen Xiao Yao.    


On the other hand, his acting skills were indeed much better than Zhen Xiaoyao's.    


"It seems that you won't believe anything I say." Chen Sanqiu said to the fatty, while laughing and crying.    


"En!" Fatty Qian Yiping nodded. It was obvious that he didn't trust Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and said to the fatty, "It doesn't matter, anyway, it's enough that I know you and I are comrade-in-arms. Also, I really don't know what that secret signal is, I came here on my own initiative, not on the decision of the Ancient Martial Alliance."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Fatty Qian Yifan was stunned for a moment.    


If Chen Sanqiu had said something else, Fatty Qian Yiye might have immediately rejected him in disdain. However, what Chen Sanqiu said made Fatty Qian Yiye's heart move.    


There were quite some chivalrous people like him.    


"I want to get to know you, not because I want you to help me with anything. If you were to warn me when I'm in danger because we are all disciples of the Ancient Martial Alliance, I would be very happy." Chen Sanqiu smiled and said to the fatty, "Qian Yifan."    


The fat guy, Chianyi, heard Chen Sanqiu say that    


After saying that, her old face blushed and she couldn't help but clear her throat. She said to Chen Sanqiu, "Then let me give you a piece of advice."    


Chen Sanqiu's face immediately lit up: "Go ahead."    


"This place is dangerous." Fatty Qian Yiping said seriously, "It's extremely dangerous. You must protect yourself well."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


Fuck your sister's advice.    




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