Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



When Liu Xiaotian saw Yue Ling'er, Chen Zuyin, and Tan Lianxiang walking through the woods, he was stupefied.    


Looking at Chen Sanqiu's helpless expression, Liu Xiaotian now believed that Chen Sanqiu didn't lie to him. After he came, Chen Sanqiu didn't drag him into the woods, but through the woods to find Chen Zuyin and Lotus.    


Liu Xiaotian felt wronged. Although he misunderstood Chen Sanqiu, what did Chen Sanqiu say when he reached out to grab his chest?    


Woo woo, was he going to eat this loss?    


Thinking of this, Liu Xiaotian burst into tears again.    


This scared Chen Zuyin and Tan Lianxiang so much that they were stunned. Was it still the Tan Lianxiang, or was it his mother?    


Chen Sanqiu was sitting at the side when he saw Liu Xiaotian sitting on the ground. Chen Sanqiu looked unkempt, but when he saw Liu Xiaotian crying, he immediately ran towards Chen Sanqiu.    


He came beside Chen Sanqiu and slapped him hard on his back.    


"Whap." A loud sound rang out.    


Liu Xiaoyang, who was crying out of fear, trembled and Chen Sanqiu nearly fell on the ground from the pain. Tan Lixiang had just wanted to teach Chen Sanqiu a lesson in front of Liu Xiaotian, so Chen Sanqiu was the one she loved the most.    


He didn't expect that his slap would make such a loud noise. He was shocked as well.    


He felt pain in his heart. He didn't expect his attack to be this heavy. Seeing Chen Sanqiu trembling in pain, he really wanted to help Chen Sanqiu, take off Chen Sanqiu's clothes, and see how hard he hit Chen Sanqiu's back with his palm.    


But, in the end, she was still a mother.    


He steeled his heart and slapped Chen Sanqiu on the back again. However, this time, he changed the place and the slap was much weaker than the one before.    


Chen Sanqiu immediately screamed out in pain and ran away in fright.    


If he was beaten up by her like this, he might even be knocked out by her.    


In her heart, she thought that her son was still smart, knowing when to run. However, her face was full of curses as she scolded Chen Sanqiu: "You little bastard, why did you bully Little Tian and make him cry? See if I beat you to death. "    


Although he cursed, he did not pursue him. Instead, he walked over to Liu Xiaotian's side and comforted him: "Xiao Tian, did Chen Sanqiu bully you? See if I beat him to death. "    


When he spoke, he was gnashing his teeth.    


Liu Xiaobie was so frightened that his face turned pale. He thought of Tan Lianxiang slapping him with her palm, causing him to tremble. "Don't beat him to death, sob, it's against the law," he cried out.    


Upon hearing Liu Xiaotian's words, Tan Lianxiang heaved a sigh of relief.    


He thought it was lucky that he reacted fast. As soon as Liu Xiaotian cried, he ran to Chen Sanqiu's side and slapped him hard. If it wasn't for that, Liu Xiaotian might have really hated Chen Sanqiu.    


"That won't do. If that little bastard bullies you like this, I will absolutely not spare him." Tan Lianxiang turned to Liu Xiaotian and said angrily, "What did he do to you? Did I bully you and make you cry? A man is so bored that he's free. What's the point in bullying a woman. I'll definitely not forgive him this time. "    


Liu Xiaotian's face turned red when he heard what she said. He quickly adjusted the clothes at his collar, and his heart started beating rapidly. He had just bitten Chen Sanqiu and infuriated him, so he reached in and grabbed himself.    


Wu wu. Liu Xiaotian's entire body went limp as he thought of the feeling he had just experienced. He couldn't even stand up anymore.    


Although Tan Lianxiang didn't know what was going on, she still understood her son very well. His son wouldn't be able to beat up a woman. He must have flirted with Liu Xiaotian and bullied him until he cried.    


As for exactly how far she was bullying Chu Feng, Qin Lianxiang did not know.    


Inwardly, he sighed at Chen Sanqiu's incompetence. He teased Liu Xiaotian and even made him cry. It was truly embarrassing.    


If Chen Sanqiu knew what Tan Lixiang was thinking right now, he would have been so depressed that he would have bumped into a wall. He was the one who didn't tease Liu Xiaotian, alright?    


If Liu Xiaotian knew what Tan Lianxiang was thinking right now, he would definitely scold her. It was indeed Chen Sanqiu's mother. With a single glance, he could tell that she was his mother.    


If he wasn't his own mother, he definitely wouldn't think this way.    


Let's go back to the house first, it's cool outside, go back and tell me what's going on, I'll help you teach him a lesson, don't worry, I'm not old yet, and your uncle is not old either. Tan Lianxiang said to Liu Xiaotian with a serious expression on her face.    


Liu Xiaotian was speechless.    


Chen Sanqiu's heart trembled as he resentfully got the great Tan Lianxiang to help him up. In his heart, he actually pitied Chen Sanqiu because of what the great Tan Lianxiang said.    


He thought about how Chen Sanqiu was already so old, and how he was even taught a lesson by his mother even though he did such a great job.    


Chen Sanqiu must have been worse off than pigs and dogs when he was young.    


Thinking about Chen Sanqiu's behavior as a beast now, Liu Xiaoyang thought to himself that Chen Sanqiu must have become like this because of the way Qin Lianxiang and Chen Zuyin had scolded him when he was young.    


If Liu Xiaotian knew what Tan Lixiang had said just now, it would only be a formality.    


Ever since Chen Sanqiu was young, he could count the number of times he was hit by Tan Liuxiang with his five fingers. This was the first time he said something so heavy with that slap just now.    


Liu Xiaotian would definitely kneel down and cry bitterly.    


This was definitely his mother and son.    


Chen Zuyin awkwardly brought Yue Ling'er past Liu Xiaotian and Tan Lianxiang and back to the Hall of Herbs. When they arrived at the Hall of Herbs, they immediately went to Chen Sanqiu's room. When they entered the room, they saw Chen Sanqiu gritting his teeth and gritting his teeth as he gave them medicine on his back.    


Chen Zuyin snorted, he walked to Chen Sanqiu's side, took the medicine and helped him apply it. He said to Chen Sanqiu who was gritting his teeth: "It's all your fault, tell me, what did you do to Liu Xiaotian? "How did you make Liu Xiaotian cry like this?"    


Chen Sanqiu raised his hand towards Chen Zuyin and said, "Dad, look at my hand, look at my arm, look, look."    


Chen Zuyin looked down at Chen Sanqiu's hands, wrists, and the teeth marks on his arms. He could not help but suck in a breath of cold air: "This woman, is even more ruthless than your mother."    


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