Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



Zhou Xiaoxiao blushed as she saw a sniper rifle inserted into the chrysanthemum. The sniper rifle's barrel touched the ground, and from time to time, she would let out a happy cry and bite her cherry red lips. She then said to the three policemen who walked over while holding the eagles, "Why don't you pull out the sniper rifle?"    


"Too deep." One of the policemen grinned, trying hard not to laugh out loud. "We don't dare to pull it out. If we pull it out along with his intestines, we won't be able to afford it."    


Zhou Xiaoxiao heard the officer's words and looked at Hawkeye with a gaze full of pity.    


How deep was the barrel of the gun that could make a gunner like Hawkeye not have the courage to pull it out? He just laid there and waited for the police to catch him. No one dared to pull out the gun and run away.    


"Did you call the hospital?" Zhou Xiaoxiao asked the three officers.    


"They're fighting. They're almost there." One of the policemen nodded and looked deeply at Chen Sanqiu as the corner of his mouth twitched.    


There was no need to ask any further. Other than Chen Sanqiu, the only other person in the parking lot was Hawkeye. As long as he wasn't a fool, he would know that Chen Sanqiu had done it.    


The way he looked at Chen Sanqiu was filled with reverence.    


He thought to himself, this gunman is so awesome, he can use armor piercing bullets, and he also has a heavy sniper rifle. This means that this gunman is definitely not an ordinary person.    


However, because this gunner was so powerful, he came here to kill Chen Sanqiu. Who would have thought that Chen Sanqiu was even more powerful than him, and finally ended up with a gun barrel stuck in a chrysanthemum.    


Hawkeye was in great pain. He had two arms and two legs, but he was being carried by three policemen. He felt uncomfortable. He could tell that, especially with the giant sniper rifle attached to the chrysanthemum, he would occasionally touch the ground.    


That felt great.    


It's going to be awesome, isn't it? What a great feeling.    


Hawkeye turned around and saw Chen Sanqiu, who was lying on the side.    


His mind kept replaying what had just happened. Hawkeye was very confident that with his sniping skills, he could easily get rid of Chen Sanqiu.    


No matter how fast Chen Sanqiu was, how could he be faster than his armor piercing bullet?    


Moreover, even if he couldn't hit Chen Sanqiu, he could still use the armor piercing bullet to break the gas tank of those cars and detonate the cars beside Chen Sanqiu.    


Even if he didn't do anything, as long as the armor piercing bullet grazed Chen Sanqiu's skin, it would be enough to take away a piece of Chen Sanqiu's flesh.    


Hawkeye was very confident at the time. With his own skill and his own strength, how could he possibly fail when a moving target was moving towards him?    


However, this was the truth. When you thought that you were extremely confident, the heavens would always give you a surprise.    


Just like Hawkeye, the God had given him a big surprise. No, it should be a huge barrel.    


When Hawkeye shot at Chen Sanqiu three times, fifty meters, thirty meters, twenty meters, when Hawkeye shot again, he suddenly found that Chen Sanqiu had already rushed to his side while he was changing bullets.    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned for only a second before he dodged the sniper rifle and kicked himself to the ground.    


Before Hawkeye could regain his senses, he felt a sharp pain in his pants and his mind went blank …    


"Quickly, bring me away. I do not wish to stay here. I do not wish to see this person. Quickly, bring me away." Hawkeye was extremely weak as he said in a heart-wrenching voice: "Please, bring me out. I would rather go out and embarrass myself than to stay here."    


Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at Hawkeye, who was staring at Chen Sanqiu in fear, and could not help but twitch her mouth.    


What had Chen Sanqiu done to this assassin that made an assassin like Hawkeye frightened like a bear?    


"He's not a human at all. Wuu, hurry up and bring me away. He's a monster, a monster." Hawkeye begged the three policemen, "Please, bring me out.    


When the three policemen saw Hawkeye's pained expression and his heartbreaking plea, they couldn't help but feel sorry for him.    


He deserved to die, but if he was stabbed with a huge spear, it would be something he would never forget for the rest of his life.    


It was definitely enough to make this assassin remember for the rest of his life.    


This was simply a matter that made one's heart palpitate even more than killing the other.    


"Cough, cough."    


"Then we'll take him out first."    


"If we stay here any longer, I'm afraid this bro will commit suicide."    


The three policemen smiled bitterly and said to Zhou Xiaoxiao, "Sis Zhou, you'll be staying here with Sis and Sis Sanqiu. The ambulance will be here soon."    


Zhou Xiaoxiao …    


What brother-in-law? What Third Autumn Brother-in-law?    


F * ck.    


Just as Zhou Xiaoxiao was about to get angry, the three policemen ran out of the parking lot with their hawk eyes and a laugh.    


The handgun constantly collided with the ground, causing Hawkeye to let out mesmerizing howls.    


After the three policemen left, Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at the half-dead Chen Sanqiu on the ground with a reddened face. Looking at Chen Sanqiu's pale face, she couldn't help but feel anxious.    


If this continued, Chen Sanqiu would bleed to death before the ambulance could arrive.    


Just when Zhou Xiaoxiao was feeling anxious and wanted to call the hospital and ask when the ambulance would arrive.    


An operation table the size of a fingernail suddenly fell out of Chen Sanqiu's pocket.    


Then he rolled to the side.    


"Master is severely injured. If we don't operate within three minutes, master will die."    


"The emergency procedure on the super operating table begins."    


"Get bigger."    


A 3m long operating table instantly appeared in front of Zhou Xiaoxiao.    


This scared Zhou Xiaoxiao so much that she became stupefied.    


Then, he saw the operating table automatically extend its mechanical arms and grab towards the unconscious Chen Sanqiu on the ground.    


Then, he firmly placed Chen Sanqiu on the operating table.    


One mechanical arm after another began to operate on Chen Sanqiu. A bag of blood appeared out of thin air and started to transfusion for Chen Sanqiu.    


Everything had gone so smoothly. It could be said that a group of top medical staff was performing surgery on Chen Sanqiu.    


Zhou Xiaoxiao …    


"Ah, ghost."    


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