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Chen Sanqiu looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao who suddenly appeared in his room like a god descending from heaven. He watched Zhou Xiaoxiao screaming and scolding him for being a hooligan. Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a long time before he finally woke up from his drowsiness.    


He immediately realized his current state and blushed, pulling the blanket over himself. He looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao who had suddenly appeared in his room with a panicked expression, "You, what are you trying to do?"    


Seeing that Zhou Xiaoxiao's face was flushed red and her eyes were staring at him, Chen Sanqiu said to Zhou Xiaoxiao with a red face, "I'm really tired now. Even if you want me, I can't satisfy you.    




Chen Sanqiu yawned, stretched, and immediately fell asleep. He was completely unaware of Zhou Xiaoxiao's anger …    


Zhou Xiaoxiao …    


He wanted to cry but had no tears. He looked at Chen Sanqiu, who just turned around and went to sleep. "Wuu, wuu. Sis, I really don't treat bean buns as steamed buns."    


Shameless, shameless. He was definitely a shameless person.    


Disgusting, abnormal …    


Zhou Xiaoxiao tried her best to calm down. She gritted her teeth and looked at Chen Sanqiu, who was sleeping on the bed. What made Zhou Xiaoxiao even more speechless was that Chen Sanqiu, the bastard, fell asleep very quickly and started snoring.    


This truly infuriated Zhou Xiaoxiao.    


Why did Zhou Xiaoxiao come here? Wasn't it because he suddenly thought of the memory loss he had in the underground parking lot of Hedong City Square for twenty minutes? When that Su Tian Ci had been brought over by Hawkeye, he also seemed to have lost his memory. When these two things combined, if Chen Sanqiu had nothing to do with it, no one would believe it.    


What made Zhou Xiaoxiao even angrier was that Chen Sanqiu fell asleep just like that while he was standing there as a living person.    


Furthermore, he was a woman. To be honest, he was a very beautiful woman.    


Facing such a beautiful lady like him, Chen Sanqiu was actually able to calmly turn around and fall asleep.    


This made Zhou Xiaoxiao, the police officer, angry. As a woman, Zhou Xiaoxiao was very angry.    


This feeling of being ignored made Zhou Xiaoxiao burst out in anger. She angrily reached out her hand to twist Chen Sanqiu's ear, and angrily said to Chen Sanqiu, "Bastard, bastard, I'm here, but you still dare to sleep."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


He hurriedly sat up, grimacing in pain. Seeing Zhou Xiaoxiao staring at him angrily, he trembled in fear.    


And then …    


He grabbed Zhou Xiaoxiao and carried her onto the bed. With a lift of the blanket, he lifted Zhou Xiaoxiao into the blanket and sat on her, saying angrily to Zhou Xiaoxiao, "If you dare say another word, I'll fuck you up right now."    


Zhou Xiaoxiao …    


However, seeing Chen Sanqiu's angry look, Zhou Xiaoxiao was also extremely frightened. Her face instantly turned pale, especially since Chen Sanqiu was still naked right now. She felt shy and angry, and closed her eyes, not daring to look at Chen Sanqiu who was riding on her body.    


"If you don't get angry, you really wouldn't know that Prince Ma only has three eyes." Chen Sanqiu grunted angrily and lay down beside Zhou Xiaoxiao. He held Zhou Xiaoxiao's body and pressed his thigh on her.    


Zhou Xiaoxiao was so frightened that she did not dare to move.    


The next day, Zhou Xiaoxiao fell into a deep sleep, feeling as if something was pressing against his buttocks. Impatiently, he reached out his hand to grab something behind him.    


Instantly, his face burned with a burning heat.    


Well, what's the matter with me? Where am I? His mind worked quickly. He immediately thought back to last night when he ran over to Chen Sanqiu's place. He wanted to question Chen Sanqiu, but Chen Sanqiu took off his clothes and went to sleep, carrying him to bed.    


Wuu wuu, I actually fell asleep on Chen Sanqiu's bed.    


Zhou Xiaoxiao's entire body shivered. She was so scared that she quickly turned around and saw Chen Sanqiu smiling at her with a blushing face and an arm pointing to his head.    


Suddenly, Zhou Xiaoxiao trembled. Her entire mind became blank. She felt embarrassed and didn't know what to do. She immediately covered her head with the blanket and didn't dare to look at Chen Sanqiu's eyes.    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled and got off the bed in a hurry. He put on his clothes, took a piss and ran out to exercise.    


Zhou Xiaoxiao …    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu get off the bed, he thought Chen Sanqiu was going to take a bath or something and then shamelessly tease him. He didn't expect Chen Sanqiu to just put on his clothes and take a piss before leaving.    


Zhou Xiaoxiao suddenly felt as if she was still dreaming. He reached out and pinched his own cheek, causing Zhou Xiaoxiao's eyes to turn red from the pain. Only now was she sure that she was not dreaming.    


This was exactly what had happened.    


Chen Sanqiu's mother lay on his bed and slept for the entire night. Chen Sanqiu was not wearing any clothes at all, and yet …    


He didn't even move himself.    


Am I that unattractive to men?    


Zhou Xiaoxiao got up angrily. She clenched her teeth and wanted to leave immediately, but seeing that Chen Sanqiu had left and before she could ask Chen Sanqiu any good questions, she ran to the bathroom to take a bath and changed into Chen Sanqiu's sports suit.    


Then he turned on the TV and waited for Chen Sanqiu to come back.    


Only when Zhou Xiaoxiao was about to faint from hunger from watching TV, Chen Sanqiu came running back. Seeing Zhou Xiaoxiao's hungry look, he could only make breakfast and carry it to Zhou Xiaoxiao. When he turned around, he saw a girl on the TV singing a melodious song, causing his eyes to light up.    


Zhou Xiaoxiao saw Chen Sanqiu staring at the female celebrity on TV with shining eyes, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes. As she drank her millet porridge, she said to Chen Sanqiu in disdain, "You pervert, this is a new female celebrity. "Pfft, he's interested in you?"    


Chen Sanqiu smiled slightly and didn't say anything. He just smiled and pointed to the name of the lyric writer that had appeared while Yue Ling'er was singing.    


Zhou Xiaoxiao took a glance and her heart trembled. The corner of her mouth trembled. "That Chen Sanqiu isn't you, right?"    


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